Assange looked out window from embassy

Attached: Assange spotted.png (800x450, 716K)

Other urls found in this thread:

He ordered a pizza.

I thought he was dead.

that isn't a shop?
I heard that he has been in "effective solitary" over the weekend they lock him in a room trying to break him
hang in there Julian... even though I don't 100% trust you, you are still the white wizard

final redpill: he ordered all of those pizzas. he is being starved out

How long until shit actually happens?


What do you think his neckbeard nest looks like?

Attached: 5P8bpDV.jpg (638x479, 93K)

I think he's a time traveler. Maybe one of those white aliens.

Attached: Assange.jpg (3000x2069, 1.98M)

So does this instantly shut down the 'He's been dead for years' crowd or are they all going to start latching on to body-double theories

nah he just smells like it.
Bastard doesn't shower often and the Embassy is about to kick him out after the latest round of wikileaks shit involving Ecuador

Holograms never die.

Attached: dak.jpg (680x643, 48K)

> a photoshop posted on Jow Forums debunks that hes dead

>zero timestamp

lul fuck off reddit

Someone should turn this into the new HWNDU.
Start holding signs and redpilling people.

Any anons around london up for some laughs?

Attached: Dr Wouter Basson.png (409x324, 318K)

The "he's been dead for years" crowd is the JIDF shil.s

Fuck off. Assange is a real person that needs help.

The reason HWNDU was trolled so hard was because shai lebeouf was a psychopath and he also felt the need to RESIST our president before he even did anything

I've got news for you user

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who givess a shit they're faggots and nobody has believed them or their skitzo posting. His own mother advocates for him online and talks to him all the time, if he was dead she'd be screaming about it

who the fuck is that guy walking around outside

>talks to him all the time
Impossible. Nice try shill

Attached: ja2.png (990x612, 300K)

He died October 16, 2016

But he can receive visitors and talk to the press now.

Wheres your source


Attached: 73849.webm (320x320, 841K)

it's clearly assange's ghost


second floor, above the "free assange" sign



>Hang in there
The cunt deserves to be hanged

While the crowd/police is distracted with redpills, he could make his escape.

police are monitoring the entire building 24/7.
>no they're not
it's already reported that police are renting the apartment across from the building.

he's not getting out of there without help from the embassy

Very edgy for a memeflaggot

He and Ruth Ginsberg are taking eternal dirt naps.

They should just let him dig a tunnel.

Wonder what he does in there all day

she was spotted sunday april 1st

Attached: Untitled1.png (1534x1330, 3M)

Lawd have mercy image how many kids are slaughtered to feed that beast

trap porn and vats of lube

Wonder what he does in there all day
They should just let him dig a tunnel.

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april 1st was a monday tho

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Help a brainlet out. Why are the Brits going to arrest him, allegedly? Weren't the rape charges dropped/hit statute of limitations?

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Attached: 802210834.webm (320x240, 552K)

You deserve to bed fed to a pool of fucking piranhas you subhuman pedokike fucking scum

would have been funny if someone shopped a Honk clown head on him.

Jumping bail.

They also think gang stalking is real and it's happening to them so I doubt it.

this got me.

Yes, unfortunately

Wait, so he is NOT dead?

>Are you free?

Attached: o-ARE-YOU-BEING-SERVED-570.jpg (570x403, 31K)

Yeah, it's WL, that stirred the shit further on

No, but he's not at all well.

I bet he would rather be dead

What's happening?
Is it that fat paki harrasing that tramp?

Assange is Trump's uncle. And he's the reason Trump won the election. "If you got em, release em." But he's doing his part in his base in London.

>please believe the LARP
btw, where is the cat?
Oh right you forgot about that too

Attached: PGP encryption and decryption .png (1589x1656, 76K)

I need someone to measure an inside leg. Mr Humphreys?

You're really shit at this cianiggers, the dumbest fucks to ever exist and no matter what names you call people who accuse you of lying doesn't change the fact you're not an "intelligence" agency but just a collection of fucking losers

Attached: Enough is enough.png (678x2060, 166K)

who says they haven't?

Didn't Assange have a dead mans switch document trove? Whatever happened with that?

Strange things happened
I've got the original 92gb, but no key ( he's alive then)
Later SHA didn't match original seeded one, somebody receipted, but that turned out to be easily available material on WL...

We're gonna get you, you bastard. Just step outside

>biting the hand that feeds you

Why so salty Mohammad?

>doesn't shower often and the Embassy is about to kick him out after the latest round of wikileaks shit involving Ecuador
Yeh, but Ecuadorian leaks have been done without any of he's involvement, in accordance to instructions of Ecuador.
WL and JA are two different entities

Who cuts his hair?



Theres not a single brit user who wants to be on this livestream? Could be worthy of lols

Heading there now in full clown costume.
>inb4 you won't do shit nigga


Fuck you.

Your family deserves to be hanged.

What is dead may never die.

Every single person looks jewish there

Is that all of them South Americans are such short fat gnomes, as the one just left Embassy on the right?


.....But glows brighter and greener

until someone hangs norf fc memes its not autism

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The haircut person.

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Punished Assage: a whistleblower denied his pizzas

He's an aussie

Attached: aus-brenton.jpg (831x501, 68K)

The ultimate aussie shitpost from beyond the grave


his mom does, like everyone else on this board

Fucking losers blocking the sign. If I lived in London I'd be quoting the synagogue of satan through a megaphone

Under our ((((justice)))) system, you'd end up locked up for noise pollution

Who were the two going in with suitcases? Interviewers? Make up? Hidden pizza?


LOL flowbee that's oldschool

"Free an ass"

Assuming this could completely destroy the deep state would it not be worth the 1 in 10 trillion chance of bruteforcing it?