Operation honk honk

On the day he is risen.
A man in clown suit
Will open fire. Your Congregation will fall


Attached: D1992657-4360-4D21-A318-0B0E8538A5BC.png (740x733, 845K)

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Well, here it is. He even worked Q into his trip.
Fuck you OP.

Help this retard out. Why do we care about op digits?

It is a mass murder post.
It is why the Fag colored clown meme was created.
Also they tie Q into it in the trip code.
So here is the post for the murders.

Fuck you OP.
Fuk you. Fuck you. Fuck you.

Attached: mossad-soy2.gif (2089x800, 764K)

Attached: Attention-Mossad.jpg (1002x773, 593K)

Attached: attention 2.png (980x941, 265K)

Why are the Jews afraid of these 2s?