All of these destroy nations.
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King of IsraEL
Son of EL!
Thanks, I almost forgot.
And together with Jewsus Crust cultists they even gangstalk people:
Don't you fucking retards get that true Christianity is the only thing that will save us? And here you go shilling along with the jews that Christ is bad and Christianity is nothing but bad even though its been obviously subverted and corrupted.
the freemasons unironically didn't do anything wrong
they were an important social institution that helped define american culture in the early 19th-century
all this insanity is born out of paranoid anti-masonic politics in the 1830's
they built them. You are the destroyers
Brazilian troll.
Based and Christpilled
Don't you feel angry that the moon and star symbol used by Turkics long ago was stolen by the Arabs and made the logo of Islam?
>the freemasons unironically didn't do anything wrong
they are useful idiots for the jews. masonry should be outlawed
A middle eastern religion, belongs in the middle east.
Only those in the top ranks in Masonry are responsible. They just use the idiots that join and get bored and leave after 2 months being in their "cool kids club"
Pissed off joo.
christianity is for the west, as the greeks saw it as the best religion
but it wasn't true communism
Well we redeemed our symbol once again. All Muslims are associated with Turks and Kebab nowadays. Besides, you can't be mad at some creature for doing what it does best
>Christianity is the only thing that will save us?
Thank you very much.
Pretty sure the one in the Middle founded the country
Gee who could be behind...
that was when masonry was deist and not judaism for non jews
So what changed and when? Do you have before/after pics?
The romanized greeks you mean, the ancient Greeks of old following their gods were long dead by the time cuckstianity arrived.
Spoiler: he is clueless. It was always about rebuilding Israel Jesus fucking Christ how much more obvious could it get the name is FREE masons. They, of their own will, not dictated by juice, are rebuilding Israel and the temple. It’s Kabbalah you dopes. They can’t do it themselves they need dumb goys to do it for them.
>the name is FREE masons
>It was always about rebuilding Israel
But freestone masons are from England.
I’m not talking about the guilds that were around before it became infiltrated by Kabbalah you autist. Freemasonry was infiltrated centuries ago.
How do you infiltrate an open and decetralised group?
And you were talking about the name in a way which doesn't logically follow.
the constitution and declaration are based on jesus christ and the bible, how was the founding all about rebuilding the temple when israel had not even been established yet?
The name is a happy coincidence. If you read up on Kabbalah it will be obvious. They aren’t talking about “freestone” masonry when they call themselves the “free and accepted masons” holy shit. Everything is symbolic dude, don’t you know this about them? Read about them.
>They aren’t talking about “freestone” masonry when they call themselves the “free and accepted masons”
It's up for debate about the free part. Being either from freestone, or from freedom to travel. It's an older part than the "& accepted", since that refers to speculative members.
>Everything is symbolic
A lot is. But that doesn't always mean what you want it to mean.
By talking an aspect of the decentralized group and infiltrating it. Not super difficult to do if you have the money. The secret hand shakes and the odd nature of a masonry club is what made it so beautiful. It was a good cover.
Religious freedom was used as a foot in the door. I suspect the original goal was to set up a new Israel here in one of the states (the test for this was possibly the Mormon religion) but it soon changed into recapturing the original holy land in the late 19th century.
Humanity is far older then some ancient canaanite cult leader, you can worship YHWH. I will not.
>By talking an aspect of the decentralized group and infiltrating it.
That's not an answer. What you've described is what the illuminati tried in Bavaria, but obviously had no lasting impact, and effected no change elsewhere, because there was no way to.
Read up on Kabbalah. The whole goal is to bring about prophecy but without trying to force it directly which is a sin for them. Do you think these people obsess over Solomon’s temple for fun? To “build good character”...lel. It’s not even a secret it’s literally out in the open. They are a Kabbalist group that always was meant to rebuild Israel (somewhere) and Solomon’s temple. If you think it’s anything other than this you have duped yourself.
Jehova is the beginning and the end
Pagancuck gods were created by men whom worshipped rocks and wood.
>look guys I found a jew
>Read up on Kabbalah
I'm familiar with it. It's similar to Sufism. As in, it's a way to study, not an end goal itself.
>Do you think these people obsess over Solomon’s temple for fun?
No, I don't think there's any obsessing. It's all just a framing device for study. Just because you're a Qabbalist doesn't mean everyone else is. That's a common fallacy (thinking everyone is like you).
I want to see the day when the masses wake up and realize it's all nonsense.
I want a scientifically driven society of individuals with good intentions.
is that so much to ask for?
Religion will continue to die. We need a new way.
the Illuminati tried to do to the Freemasons what the Freemasons did to the guilds. They got found out and had to temporarily abort. I would argue they weaseled into academia though through various fraternities mostly in the US but that’s another issue. And the masons had a better advantage that they were slow and methodical and were one of the first to do something like this and not causing chaos. So yeah it can be done and was done. It’s literally unarguable. What are you even arguing? That kabbalistic freemasonry didn’t nest itself into stone masonry guilds? Everyone knows this happened it’s not even controversial.
You're right
Not supporting the precursor of Judaism is jewish? Fucking leaf
I'd sooner believe in thoth/hermes
Idiots. You don't understand the history of Rosicrucianism, which harkens to an elitist and aristocratic tradition similar to that found in the Holy Orders of Europe.
We see what fedora tipping has brought us
it's not going to get pretty.
We were a homogenous Race when we were Christian. Christianity has been our religion for 2,000 years.
freemasonry is Kabbalah. It’s obvious af. Sorry. You are wrong.
Believe in the one true God your ancestors believed in.
>Don't you fucking retards get that true Christianity is the only thing that will save us?
We need a nice meme for dumb christcuck mutts like you.
>the Illuminati tried to do to the Freemasons what the Freemasons did to the guilds.
The illuminati tried to use and abuse it. Speculative Masonry just wanted to carry on the traditions of the guilds rather than having them die.
> It’s literally unarguable
Nothing is unarguable.
> That kabbalistic freemasonry didn’t nest itself into stone masonry guilds?
That's both wrong and backwards. The guilds transformed into what we have now. It's a continuation. They weren't themselves changed, but saved. And there's still no Qabbalah, unless you personally are applying it. That's how Qabbalah works. You can do the same with I Ching.
>freemasonry is Kabbalah
What do you think either thing is? Like separately.
What is that middle symbol
If any religion is to be taken seriously, it needs to be able to answer all of these questions.
My ancestors would've believed in other gods far longer then when they were forcibly converted by another "peaceful" abrahamic religion
>they were forcibly converted
So you're a coon?
You must either be a Freemason or someone brainwashed by them. It’s Kabbalah, not “carrying on traditions of stone masons” damn. And I will decide what I view as unarguable. If you tell me water is not wet I will say you are wrong and it’s unarguable. Sorry. I don’t have time for nonesense. Also you are totally wrong about Kabbalah. There are some Jews who are even against this. They protest Zionism. Read the Zohar fool.
Freemasonry you fucking kike
It's your creation
Freemasonry made United States
It's not a viable model any more. Zoomers only practice religion unironically for only social or ritualistic reasons, or some want a "personal relationship" with Jesus and feel helpless. These latter ones aren't the people we need.
That pic fails to answer what evil is. It's very self centred.
>It’s Kabbalah,
Sounds like you don't actually know what Qabbalah is. Where did you study it?
>not “carrying on traditions of stone masons”
Obviously not a perfect facsimilie, but that the sacred aspects of their geometrical studies can be emulated by a liberal study of the Trivium and Quadrivium. The actual core aspects of Speculative Masonry.
>And I will decide what I view as unarguable.
That's fine for you, but remember it doesn't mean you're right.
>If you tell me water is not wet I will say you are wrong
That's also up for debate apparently. The notion is that water itself isn't wet, but it makes other things wet by contact. I'm not sure i subscribe to that belief, but it (pun intended) does hold water.
>Read the Zohar fool.
I have. You have to to understand Qabbalah. What parts do you have issue with?
>the constitution and declaration are based on jesus christ and the bible
006 is retarded.
>Obviously not a perfect facsimilie, but that the sacred aspects of their geometrical studies can be emulated by a liberal study of the Trivium and Quadrivium. The actual core aspects of Speculative Masonry
The Pythagorean doctrine that would later evolve into Platonism was the root of Trivium and Quadrivium. Qabbalah is an attempt from Medieval Jewish mystics to adapt Pythagoreanism/Platonism into a Jewish system.
I would argue that this core aspect of Platonism in Masonry makes it closer to that than the Qabbalah, in every aspect. It is the Republic in Biblical allegory, with the purpose of developing philosopher kings.
Kabbalah is Jewish magic. I don't research it in great detail because it’s for fucking retards. I do know one thing absolutely and it’s that freemasonry is an incarnation of Kabbalah with the intention of creating the state of Israel and rebuilding the temple. I actually think it is you who is caught up in the weeds of the nonsense of Kabbalah and can’t see what it is as a whole. And when it comes to this sort of stuff nothing is what it claims to be. You have to just look plainly at what is happening and use your brain. If you “study” Kabbalah you are probably not learning anything. Like someone who studies political science doesn’t grasp what’s actually happening behind the scenes with wealthy investors and foreign interests. You just need a glance at what is happening to know the country is controlled by Israel. Same with freemasonry and Kabbalah. Jesus Christ the symbol is basically a Star of David you dope. If you don’t get it there’s something wrong with your brain.
Masonry hasn't and doesn't always have its square and compass in exactly that fashion, and the very angles incorporated into their depiction entirely ruins any association with a hexagram.
This is just one aspect of how you know nothing about what you are discussing, you admitted the other ones.
Imagine not believing this
>I would argue that this core aspect of Platonism in Masonry makes it closer to that than the Qabbalah
I can see that. But personally think the T&Q evolved early on well past just Platonism.
>I don't research it in great detail because it’s for fucking retards
What does that have to do with it? Either you've researched it and understand it, or you haven't.
>I do know one thing absolutely and it’s that freemasonry is an incarnation of Kabbalah with the intention of creating the state of Israel and rebuilding the temple
Despite not having researched it and not being able to offer any proof, and that actually being against the aims of speculative Masonry?
> Like someone who studies political science doesn’t grasp what’s actually happening behind the scenes with wealthy investors and foreign interests.
But then they wouldn't be studying polsci... Again, just because you're a poor student doesn't mean everyone else is. You keep committing this fallacy.
> You just need a glance at what is happening
Also bad investigative skills. Nothing should ever be taken at face value.
>the symbol is basically a Star of David
How? It's a 90 degree angle meeting a 50 degree angle, and both are open. The double triangle is indeed used, but elsewhere. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
Lol what a pile of crap. You sound like a brainwashed Freemason retard. You are like a Christian who thinks he’s really cool because he’s schooling someone on some obscure detail nobody gives a shit about but is in total denial of what’s right in front of his face. This shit is Kabbalah. you are in a cult and are being used. Cope.
Have you ever considered that Freemasonry have been overrun by Christian Zionists and it’s not Masonry itself that’s Zionist?
masonry was born out of protestantism
You don’t need a degree in theology to see plainly what the Catholic Church is and had been. You don’t need a degree in Islamic studies to see what they are. It’s obvious. And you aren’t coming at it from a place of ignorance to just see it for what it is, in fact the people obsessing over the details of the cult they worship are the ones who are blind. If you think this is ignorance, it’s not. If some dork wrote a 10,000 page book about the Flying Spaghetti Monster do you need to research it and get a degree in it to see it for what it is? No. I’m so sorry. You are the one who is ignorant here.
I'm basically along the lines of a Platonist and a lover of American history so Freemasonry just happened to be a good fit for me.
The Sons of Liberty was started by and largely composed of Freemasons.
You throwing tantrums like an angry sperg doesn't change the facts. I've educated you already on this topic, stop spewing things that are wrong you fucking retard.
Meant to add this one.
>You don’t need a degree in theology to see plainly what the Catholic Church is and had been. You don’t need a degree in Islamic studies to see what they are
So you're saying to trust the media and believe only that face value which has been sold to you? Gotcha. Very American of you.
>You are the one who is ignorant here.
For suggesting study of topics instead of basing opinions on... nothing.
>You throwing tantrums like an angry sperg doesn't change the facts. I've educated you already on this topic, stop spewing things that are wrong you fucking retard.
This is why secret societies exist to begin with
Where's the cross at?
Omg a Platonist? What a brainlet!
I don't think you even understand what that means.
The media? I didn’t get my info from media at all. I’ve been researching freemasonry for over fifteen years. I’ve read many books on subject. I just don’t study the details of religious nonsense too deeply, it’s clearly for imbeciles. I look at things for what they are not what people tell me they are. If someone shows me a square and says it’s a circle I don’t agree because they say so I see it for what it is. I don’t care if they’ve written some autistic hairsplitting bullshit that 100,000 pages long. I know what I am looking at. The same is true of religions and cults. You see what they have done and you seduce what it is...what it REALLY is. Not what it’s cult members are blabbering about or what it’s reams of nonsense say it is.
me bottom left
>I’ve been researching freemasonry for over fifteen years.
It's amazing how little you actually know then. Would you call it a result of a learning disability or mental retardation?
>when they were forcibly converted by another "peaceful" abrahamic religion
Europe was conquered by peace
Fixed for you.
I was a platonist 20 years ago. I’m TWENTY years ahead of you intellectually. Let that sink in.
It's amazing how Jews persisted to thrive through the middle ages in Europe as some of the wealthiest people while pagans ceased existing altogether. I wonder why that would be.
You might be 50 years still lurking Jow Forums but the quality of your posts comes off as underage.
What don’t I know about freemasonry that you do? Please enlighten me with your cult indoctrination. Lol. Fuck off with this laughable nonsense. You think you are clever but you are an imbecile.
>I didn’t get my info from media at all
I don't mean like Fox news. Just that media which is "common knowledge", like popular books on a topic, rather than source or canon material.
> I’ve been researching freemasonry for over fifteen years
Well that must be sad for you to have come to such unusual conclusions so far.
>I just don’t study the details of religious nonsense too deeply, it’s clearly for imbeciles
Lol. Even if it were, how does that excuse your wilful ignorance? Just because Scientologists are crazy, doesn't mean their beliefs shouldn't be examined to better understand them, and thus how one might deal with them.
>If someone shows me a square and says it’s a circle I don’t agree because they say so I see it for what it is
You wouldn't stop to ask why they're saying that? Or double checking since your interpretation might be the false one (especially since you're clearly very prone to it). Very brash. More American pigheadedness.
>It's amazing how Jews persisted to thrive through the middle ages in Europe as some of the wealthiest people
no, jews did not become wealthy before the modern age
What do you consider “canon” materials for learning what freemasonry is? The Freemasons? Lol!!!!!!!!!!! Try again.
They were already incredibly wealthy through a slave trade that spanned from Europe to the Islamic world, where Europeans were enslaved by Christians, sold to Jews, and transported for sale to Muslims.
Beside this, Jews were notorious for finding themselves in the courts of Kings and being the only ones allowed to practice usury.
Rituals, minutes, by-laws, and constitutions. The materials which actually make up the group, and it's own recordings.
Do you prefer random unsourced opinions for your hugbox?
talk about revisionism
Wrong. You do not need to study the writings of a cult to know what they are. As I said before if the Flying Spaghetti Monster cult wrote 100,000 pages worth of material, reading all that material and even memorizing it would not bring you even ONE INCH closer to knowing what it is. Analyzing who is funding it and what it has/is and plans to accomplish will tell you almost everything you have to know about it. The rest is slop for the mindless morons.
It's only revisionism if you're in full fledged denial and cannot cope.
>You do not need to study the writings of a cult to know what they are
That is factually incorrect, and quite absurd. Just look at your understanding of Masonry. You haven't studied it, and thus have no real understanding of it. Just because you've looked at the cover, doesn't mean you've read the book.
>Analyzing who is funding it and what it has/is and plans to accomplish
That's one part of it, yes. But that's still part of the study which you spurn, dear child. Do your homework.
Something composed of people with completely differing beliefs cannot be constituted as a "cult." I know you are just shitposting and pretending to be as retarded as possible but its worth saying.