Is Stephen Miller a crypto-nazi?

Is Stephen Miller a crypto-nazi?

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Why is everything that you don't agree with Nazi now? Mental illness?

No, he's a space cowboy. He's a gangster of love.

>He's maurice the pompatus of ZOG

Isn't he Jewish? How can he be a Nazi?


History is a strange and complicated thing.

There were jewish members of the SS

>A German Blood Certificate (German: Deutschblütigkeitserklärung)[1] was a document provided by Hitler to Mischlinge (those with partial Jewish heritage), declaring them deutschblütig (of German blood)

If he was he would already killed Trump and Kushner for being kikes

You talkin about Maurice?

Nazism became Zionism

it was a nice cover for the Lucy controlled op ring and Taviststock jew crew to larp their way through the controlled burn of Europe for kikedom again

false zionism became bolshevism got its ass kicked then became "nazism" to controll burn the real opposition in another (((war)))...hence wooden doors and no mass round ups

Cryptoturk actually.

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>How can he be a Nazi?
Honorary Aryan just like Hitler's driver/bodyguard was.

He is the reincarnation of Joseph Goebbels, this time as a jew for punishment of his failure to Hitler.

Whether they like it or not a lot of jews have intermixed with whitetoids and will always be seen as white by the brown masses of the world.

If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times. Every Jew has to go the camps, but we're saving Miller a spot atop the guard tower. We're share some coffee, play cards, devise a scoring system for shooting jews on the ground below us, it'll be fucking grand.

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>for a 10 second joke video
Jewtube lmao

(((They))) hate him

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looks like maddox

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He acted immature as an 8 year old. EMBEACH


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*big think*

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>Even my Rabbi doesn't like him

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oh shit you're right because really Soviets/Russia and Israel are super connected while Germany and Israel have more of a victim-abuser relationship, respectively

No but you would think he was with all the hatred (((they))) are throwing towards him.

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most hard right jews are.
up until you say "gas the jews" then the fun and games playing nazi stop.
Look Lads, Alt-right, nasoc, AB, whatever you call yourself the truth is the JEWS OWN YOU and you all are useful idiots.
Just keep voting for these tarts that appeal to your idio-wedge politics.

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No he is based and maga pilled. Truly /ourjew

Hitler was a Rothschild

He's a Honkler

Dude Mossad hired the top Nazi of War, I can't remember his name but it was Sozenski or something... Israel are the New Nazi regime, their the Rothschild henchmen. Zionism is Nazism.

The Travisscott jew crew

I love this man. Who would think the only person that’s still /ourguy/ in the Trump administration is a Jew?

Either he is or he's simply a Jew who doesn't like all the other Jews trying to kill their host nation.

he doesn't know the big secret.

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Stop posting this dyel flabbybellied faggot in every thread

are whitoids de-evolving? what is that thing?

what would make you think that?

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He's a borders Israeli.

Based mother fuker!

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Jews were the source of German power and influence after the 30 years war. They lived symbiotically; the real destroyer of Germany was Prussia. Germany was great while it was a confederacy of 30 princely states united under Habsburg hegemony (the H.R.E.). Once Germany was united under Prussian hegemony (Deutschland) the other states got dominated by the Prussian Autocrat, now called the Kaiser of Germany. Prussia's century-old chip on their shoulder that they had ever since they were beaten and subjugated by Napoleon Bonaparte would eventually lead Germany to ruin in World War I.