What ethnicity is this actually?

What ethnicity is this actually?

Attached: obnoxiouscunt.jpg (720x730, 99K)

castizo with mongrel mutt mix

some sort of pale Levantine creature. I wanna dick it.

> muh dik

If she's pure then my guess is Persian/Indo-Aryan. If not she's a mix of white and maybe Asian, Arab, or Amerindian.

Korean with lazy eye

Turkish BVLL’s fucktoy

Attached: D408D700-814D-484C-BEA7-8A827FEBFA14.jpg (1080x993, 107K)

a dude.

Stop posting (((Hassan))) he got ass-raped in a debate, and you're butthurt he got ass-raped by a fucking Zoomer.

Attached: 1232412341232423421341232.png (383x371, 269K)

non white

Filthy gook gets btfo by based nip

Most likely latina.

god i want him to radicalize me

Imagine shilling for this barely sentient deer-in-the-headlights looking faggot. Unreal.

The attractive kind?

thott ethnically

doesn't matter because it's pale and cute.

u = weak

Slavic asian my best guess.


looks like castizo from southern spain or southern portugal (slight arab mix)

you are all pathetic chimps

definitely not asian, not even filipino, can tell from experience

Would blast my seed deep in her womb all the same dont fucking care.

how does one go about fixing eyelid droop?

She looks like this Bitch from belieze named Tessa I fucked awhile back

She looks like a moroccan roastie I dicked down a few years ago. Mideast girls will be extremely careful and secretive with you, but they will all gladly savor a mouthful of your spunk


reduce your foreskin intake

The seed does not go into the womb. Get of the computer kid, this is a 18+ board.

Ugly white girl plastered in makeup



Resembles my ex gf who is not my wife. Half Korean half Kulak

Whore. Make up is a whores game

babby's first miscegenation hit-it-or-not
