Tfw an extreme solar flare is the only thing that can save humanity from degeneracy

>tfw an extreme solar flare is the only thing that can save humanity from degeneracy
>it would be a hard reset on civilisation
>99 percent of people would die
>from the ashes, a noble and strong race of humans would emerge
>the only memory of today would be in the form of oral legends of the before time

how do you think it would play out?

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in 5-6 thousand years it would be cell phones and butt fucking trannies again probably

Some niggers who dont deserve it would survive, nothing of value would ever arise again. Niggers and ruins.

>from the ashes, a noble and strong race of humans would emerge
Or the entire human race would become extinct. Or only weak mongrels would survive.

>the only memory of today would be in the form of oral legends of the before time
I can't see the entire human race just forgetting the past few hundred years of technological and scientific discoveries. After an apocalyptic event, assuming there are human survivors, the machine would begin again.

There would be so much starvation, war and chaos that anyone who could band together and survive would be the peak of humanity.

What if you are wrong and friends the Ashes a place like Brazil is all that's left to rebuild the planet.
I don't think you have thought this through. Rethink your ideas after you aren't high anymore.

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>>>>I can't see the entire human race just forgetting the past few hundred years of technological and scientific discoveries. After an apocalyptic event, assuming there are human survivors, the machine would begin again.

>global population drops to the thousands
>nothing to write with, no technology, literal cave men living
>written language would be lost over generations
>only oral memories and knowledge remains

>nothing to write with, no technology, literal cave men living

You mean no electronic technology. A solar flare isn't going to eliminate paper, pens, pencils, and books. It also isn't going to suddenly cause every physical structure to spontaneously collapse. So no "literal cave men living" either.

First world nations more dependent on technology are more likely to suffer mass deaths under this model. Do you really want technologically primitive regions like Africa as the only human survivors?

>no manufacturing
>most of the planet starves so no workers
>almost every nuclear reactor on earth has a meltdown
>everyone is strictly focused on food
>every modern instrument will degrade or become unusable after 100 years of this

everything you associate with modern living would be gone

africa's population is the most dependent on the modern world would be the first to starve. Pre 1800s it was the most sparsely populated place on earth.

They are jews, their retarded minds never change.

magnetic pole reversal october 2046. massive crust shift, tsunamies, earthquakes, 100-300 mph surface winds. currently believed sun's recurrent micronova/megaflare 12068 year cycle coincides with reversals. next major coronal mass ejection on cycle expected ~10000 days. earth's, sun's, and magellenic cloud's protections afforded planet against cosmic fuckery weakening drastically. this is how mars lost its atmosphere. 27 years, boys. last one ended previous ice age in a few days (great flood(s)). survival underground, temperature of crust protects from surface chill, cave niggers did it last time. elites building under antarctica because continent will be verdant after pole reversal. us and russia particularly already crisscrossed with underground bases and we're not invited.

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>almost every nuclear reactor on earth has a meltdown
Many nuclear reactors have emergency shutdown procedures in the case of an environmental disaster, but assuming this is true wouldn't this only lead to human extinction, rather than a noble race emerging from the ashes? Most of the world's nuclear reactors are located in first world countries like the US, France and Russia. We've already seen the destruction a single meltdown can cause in Chernobyl and Fukushima. Multiply that by 448.

>every modern instrument will degrade or become unusable after 100 years of this

Assuming that nobody continues to reproduce, maintain or repair them during that time.

>what is surge protection

Where do you think "out of Africa" came from? This isn't the first time this has happened.

>believing in a meme
Solar flares in the context you describe are not real. Keep waiting for the sky to fall user.

Neander thals survived deep in the mountains in the neander valley.
My guess its save there.

at least 9gags meme-rock will survive

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>tfw an extreme solar flare is the only thing that can save humanity from degeneracy
I literally spend every day thinking about this, I want to happen already so badly but there are much bigger things happening in the universe then my desires, so I'm gonna have to wait until enough of humanity raises their conscientiousness, as are many of you

do not worry user, there is a cataclysm every 10000-20000 years caused by earths core. Whole earth gets fucked up in less than day. We are completely powerless against it. There were already more advanced human civilizations than we are 3 cataclysms ago. This is what world elites are hiding. btw. last cataclysm was 6000yrs ago so we still have some time


>we still have some time
But i want to see the apocalypse happen during my lifetime

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percent of people would die because ummm I THINK SO!

Pretty much only old people, people on life support or assisted living, and homeless who rely on society to feed them trash would die out.

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that combined with the collapse of the earth's magnetic field and we're going to be fucked so hard

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We would be left with Abos, not some elite group

>muh nuke reactors. Muh fukushima and russian stalkerreactor
Sory to inform you, but if nuke reactors goes full meltdown there is plenty of humans to survive. Even if they go full dirty bomb.

user is right. Modern tools vould break. Have fun fixing basic metal plow once it rusts and you have no way to dig metal yourself or go to collapsed cities to get metal for any reason.