I understand the honkler clown meme now

Sup niggers. I just took a hit of weed, and now it all makes sense. Are you read? Honkler is designed to normalize the series of radical changes that are all taking place at once in leftist governments all across the globe. We are laughing at this goofy clown meme while the world is LITERALLY UNIRONCIALLY turning to shit all at once, as we do nothing.

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Other urls found in this thread:


JOke is on us. HONK HONK

Can't save something that doesn't want to save itself.


Here you go, op

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I thought it was to jebait the press by associating clowns with the alt-right.

It was there plan all along user. THAT'S why it's in the cards. It's not a coincidence. They KNEW that pepe would take off. They KNEW everything in those cards would happen, because they engineered it. They engineer every meme that goes popular on Jow Forums, and they have the hit pieces ready. They orchestrate everything, and we fall into every single trap, every single time.

Accelerationism is all we have left. We need as many people to wake up as fast as possible now, before it gets crazy. Holy shit

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kek. I just bought a 1 gram jooiiiiinnnn man. Dude weed n shit n joe rogen n joey diaz holy fuck pull that up jaime maaaan

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Wrong. you don't understand shit. Stop trying to deconstruct Honk posting. Dude weed can't into anything

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Hey ya'll
I enjoy chronic
How this has to do with honk honk idk
But I hope ya'll honk honk

Maybe I'm just trying to steal some honkler memes. HONK HONK

>tfw 30yo honker

wow, deep shit man...

No really, your post is shit and so is your brain for smoking weed and then lecturing others about their apathy and nihilism. You could say that about any meme that amuses people, "because in reality memes are pointless and the world continues to change". Are memes pointless though? Better snort DMT or whatever it is you shitheads do to figure that one out.

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First hit I've smoke in two weeks. It's a literal shaman revelation braaaaaahhhhh. hang 10 braaaaaaaaaaah

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I remember being nu

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alright maybe you aren't a dummy as we all have our vices, but my point still stands brah.

But do you remember being JEW?! HA! You wouldn't have to have a memory better than a goldfish user.......BECAUSE YOU ARE ALWAYS A JEW.

Fucking roasted bro

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So you don't think there is anything to this ?? I'll bet you are an athiest

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Hey kid.... want some HONK

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Is there anything a normie like me can do help this "acceleration". I'm a big Ted K. fan and I really want to be alive when everything falls apart and I can claim a good chunk of land as my own.


Which one of you absolute autists made this?

Radicalize as many people to /ourside/ as fast as possible. Sharpen your anti-leftist propoganda to your absolute peak. The most important part is that you stand up against raging liberals, but pick your spots. The more arguing there is between sides, the more happenings that will happen. And as more happenings happen....things will accelerate.


Well user, have you considered that maybe HONK HONK HONK

What CAN we do? Everyone's waiting for somebody else to rise up, nobody wants to make the first move.

We can pray user



I like honkler

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What can we do though?

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I make that face every day user. Usually when my uber eats is pulling up. I have no shame.

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Someone post the yellow crab one please

Mostly the west isn't worth saving though. I don't know how to accept this. Then this clown came and honked a horn in my face and now it all makes sense. Tfw the world really is as fucked up as you first thought

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What else can we do but laugh? The clown meme is about staying optimistic even when you live in a world as crazy as ours.

Hey you nigger I posted this last night and it was the first I'd seen it. Thanks for spreading awareness I guess but fuck you

what the fuck

>Jow Forums kvetching about why Jow Forums isnt doing activism irl
what kind of timeline did i slip into today?

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Honkpill is a step above the blackpill
With the blackpill you're just depressed, with the honkpill you can laugh and perhaps that laughter makes you stronger.

How many times do I have to tell you idiots to look into the shriners.

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>What else can we do but laugh?
Oh gee I dunno what could we do.. What singular action is the sole thing which all kikes fear... What could we do to take actionable steps towards ending white genocide...
I mean, I do have this gun, and we have all the major players' addresses, but that's crazy talk. We should just laugh at our demise because it's easier that way. I don't mind that the meme is obviously fake as fuck and lefty sites are writing about it in the same way they wrote about the also-totally-organic "gritty" bullshit, because laughing at our misery is much nicer than a pesky ol' rising will to fight.
It's like all I see on tv is "muh ISIS", and "muh terrorism", and I just wanna grill!!! Gotta think about our mental health, user. So much fight in a person's heart is harmful, just ask your parents.

>half vegan
Thats silly. Not a bad clown act... definitely a shit posting Jow Forums using clitch.

Creepy fuckers

You don't understand it at all. Honkler doesn't normalize anything, it points out that things aren't normal, that things are terrible, but we cant do anything about it, so we laugh instead. Protests are worthless, and have been for a long time, any real attempts at mobilization are squashed and propagandized. Nothing short of violence will change anything and no one wants to do it alone, because it wouldn't change anything if we did it alone. So instead we laugh at the fire, it's all we can do. May as well find some enjoyment in our inevitable doom.
Honk Honk

This is our way of dealing with it. *Honk Honk*

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this is why ywn win you faggot fucking kike


the sadness in his eyes kek. did he get paid in the end?

>nothing short of violence
>but laughing is all we can do
user I think you're a real person who got duped by an obviously fake and obviously gay meme. It's ok. It was designed just for you and this is their best synthetic meme yet. BUT, you know the answer, and you said it yourself: violence. Nothing short of armed revolt will turn this ship around, and even though it's much more comfy to just laugh and throw our hands up, the rising spirit of revolution does not abide such cowardice.

He didn't do it for the money.

oh ok. based

Proof that people who smoke weed are degenerates

This, the clown meme brings the fake world back down to reality. Rather than engage with some convoluted mental gymnastics propaganda, the clown meme plants a bullshit flag and moves on

Honk Honk

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Those guys straight up look evil as fuck

This is the kind of response that I was looking for guys. Yes I'm stoned and retarded, and just posted the first thing that came to my mind about the honkler meme. Clearly some anons here can see where I'm coming from. I sound like an edge lord saying that we need to actually do something.....but, don't we? At some point....eventually......right?

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This honk honk, this is exactly the honk we need to honk.

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I don't know what's taking so long, how bad do things have to get before we can't take it anymore?

The clown is counter to everything that is the spirit of revolution. It is a meme of resignation and defeat.
Did you know, when a person is being tortured, there is a point after which the torturer knows he can extract no more useful information. You may have heard that the threat of violence is the torturers best tool, and that once he begins to cut or burn, his chances begin to decrease. Once a man begins to accept what is happening to him, and he loses all hope, he will laugh uncontrollably, and no matter how much additional pain the torturer tries to inflict, he will simply continue to laugh until he is dead.
This fucking obviously kiked clown meme is an invitation to ourselves invite death, and they are trying to get us to go in this direction because we are unlike any other torture victim, not restrained in any real way, enduring the cuts and prods because we believe they are right and just, and at any time we could realize that there are no chains holding us.
We must commit suicide as a race, because we are too strong to kill. You are willingly heading towards that death because it's easier.

>oy vey the goyim aren't buying the clown meme better pose as a stoner who smoked weed and only then began to see "connections" and then have my kike friends reply "what a fucking faggot stoner of course you only now just started thinking this way you're a faggot stoner", so that I can say "yeah I was dumb whatever was I thinking oh well was probably the dude weed lmao won't be making that mistake again I'm a honkler for lyfe!"
And you don't even realize why all good men the world over are preparing to genocide you


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The game was fixed from the start. We are just pawns. Honk honk!

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My friends brought up a salient point recently. They are not Chan types. I have ranted about immigration so much that now shifting the hate to Muslims seems like "just more hate" to them. How do we get around this? Latinos are a pox in the US but two steps down the road the Muslims reck the Latinos. Is the end end result islam overtaking everything? Why would jews be pushing for that?

I thought it was an attempt to turn the rainbow into a white supremacy symbol.

fuck off you fucking kike
the amount of noise and spam is absolutely off the charts lately


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Good post. Jokes ain't got me down, but a lot of us have jobs and families... Something big enough so that those groups didn't feel threatened in supporting. Right now though feds are busting heads on right winger groups otherwise rwds would be in full swing. Look at RAM.

*Something Big enough has to happen to signal to the more restrained among us that we can assemble without the interference of .gov

Get fucked, kikeball. The honkler is a jidf purim meme, forced and shilled. Now go eat some cum like a good jewling.

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Right-wing reactionaries are the root of all the world's problems. Right now you're just doing the same thing reactionaries always too, you start becoming psychotic and eventually start killing innocents, then we have to put you down like the rabid dogs that you are.

I don't know what you are bitching about. I agree with this sounds like you are just picking a fight with me, trying to steal the show and grab some attention for yourself. It's a shame that you think calling someone a kike over and over again is an argument. I'd say your IQ is about 110. Not bad, but still not good enough to even take a wiff of my sweaty ballsack....I've read more books in a year than you have in your entire life kid. You are welcome that you got to witness one of my epic honk threads.....take your meds kiddo.

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Are you guys made in a factory or something? You all sound the same. It's almost like......nah, I'm the shill for saying that we should do something. I guess that's honk world for you. HONK HONK.

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Wrong. You were doing nothing before this clown world meme and now you are forced to take notice whether you like it or not.

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>can't cure a sickness because the sickness doesn't want to cure itself


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Yep it’s clown world and I want off this ride

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the world has been going to shit for well over a decade. you didnt notice because you're a zoomer that just got out of highschool.

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Wanna know what's weird user? First time I've smoked in 2 weeks, and it's making me want to stay up stupid late. I'm about to hit up 4:20 am lel. Blaze it niggers.

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>as we do nothing
we laugh

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it represents the ''clown world'' that we currently live in, ie that things have gotten so bizarre and absurd they are like a bad pantomime from a clown, its also a way of making light of these absurdities with humor instead of despair

honkler makes me feel like Jow Forums returning back to the good old days when trolling just for the sake of trolling was what we did here

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>Based WASP
What a shit take. Weren't you complaining earlier about how good you were at music but nobody really cared? I think you have a case of unwarranted self-importance. You're making garbage threads and complaining about how you're wasting your potential and that nobody sees it. You need to actually try to do something hard with your life. Stop wasting your weed thinking about paranoid shit you suspect is going on in the background.

Ooooooo you showed me man. Real winner here guys. I learned my lesson.

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>.I've read more books in a year than you have in your entire life kid.
You still don't think very clearly about things though. Write more.

He just keeps pointing out my flaws. It's literally over for me anons. This glow nigger memorizes everything I've ever said. REEEEEEEeeeeee

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Well done figuring out the obvious. It's pure artificial shit pushed by the kikes.
>wew, the world sure is going CUHRAZY, no point doing anything about it, just sit back and watch the fire rise ; - )
The world isn't going crazy.

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>one of my
>take your meds
reminder that "I was just following orders" gets you the rope just as well as any card carrying kike

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How the fuck can you read hundreds of books a year but come to the conclusion that the honkler meme is a psyop? You must not be coming on here much or thinking about how this place works much. Give a qrd on the evidence you've seen that it's a psyop.

This guy is literally copy pasting shit. This is a real shill or just some guy who isn't very creative and just says the same shit over and over. He posted in thread pictured.

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>over for me anons
>appealing to a group
>hey let's shame dogpile this guy he's not /oneofus/ huh guys?
>like this is reddit
You guys playbook is so simplistic; it's basically "shame shame shame shame shame exclusion exclusion exclusion but not if you believe like me goyim". Once you see it it's almost laughable. Makes sense why it works so well, though.
But it's still so god fucking damned cringe to watch a million shills flood Jow Forums at once, thinking that they can put the goyim back to sleep using the tactics that once seen have led many anons here.
It's like group 1 decides to leave group 2 because group 2 tended to lie and cheat, but group 2 cannot accept that anybody has seen their true nature, so they say "hey you know what I bet would work is if we just did the exact same things that caused them to leave but we pretend to be them heheh can't fail".
Like how the fuck do you manage to fail so many times but keep thinking "this trick is sure to fool them". I get that your life literally depends on you keeping us from uniting, but it's just embarrassing to watch.

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Well user, I'm interested in your pursuit of me, and I respect you for that. Perhaps you should create a name fag for yourself, and build a reputation around Jow Forums so we can duke it out once and for all.

I hope you realize that I've senses your combative nature from your very first response to me. I feel your power level, it is somewhat impressive, unfortunately....it's not going to last. Namefags come and go around here. I've watched them rise and fall, even worked with some. I'm a different kind of name fag kid, I don't think you want to do this with me. Nothing personal kid......
>ring jumps behind you

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Honkler meme is a psyop you fucking retard