>Police arrest Adelaide man over anti-Muslim social media 'joke'
>An Adelaide man has been arrested after posting a disturbing photo on social media, which appeared to threaten violence towards a local mosque.
>“On the way to my local mosque to introduce these f**** to my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen,” he wrote, accompanied by a photo of him holding what appears to be a large automatic rifle.
>In the wake of the Christchurch massacre, South Australian police were not taking any chances and within two hours, they had swooped on the suspect’s home.
>7NEWS cameras were there as officers raided his western suburbs home late on Sunday night, marching him into a police car.
>Man claims 'joke'
>The man has told 7NEWS the post, which was shared in a private Facebook group, was simply a "joke", and says the gun is a plastic toy.
>He was detained under the Mental Health Act, but has been released from hospital while investigations continue.
>It comes just weeks after another Adelaide man faced court over a social media tirade appearing to praise the Christchurch massacre.
>Chad Vinzelberg was arrested following a tip-off from 7NEWS, after he posted comments allegedly supporting the attack in New Zealand that killed 50 people and left dozens more injured.
>"So happy to see this happen," Vinzelberg wrote on Facebook.
>"Thank you for the video bud, absolute champion."
>SA Police warns that comments made online can have real-world consequences and anything concerning or suspicious should be reported to the National Security Hotline on 1800 1234 00, or in an emergency, to triple 0