>Be me >muslimfag >war >12 yo when damily decides to pack and leave >lands in france >fucking hate this cunt country >retarded language >retarded way of living >disgusting food >live in a shithole village in normandy >litteraly have no friends (despite being white) >High school sucks >tries to integrate society >succeed to a certain extent >still considered as a fag because french are fucking racist >have a shit life with abusive family >constantly telling me I am a faliure >cry every night because I want to go back to home country
This went on for 5 years, till I left for college
>decide to do engineering because I have no goal in life >hard af, barely succeed first year >parents constatly fucking up my life >second year >grades falling at terminal velocity >parents getting even more abusive >decide to finish my degree and join army in my country >tell my parents >get pissed with me >tell me to fuck off
Yesterday they called my to tell my Im on my own from now on. Im still fucking crying every night because I want to go back home. College is a normie swamp and I hate going. I will be drowning in debts soon capitalist France fucking sucks and I dont want to be poor. What went wrong, Jow Forums?
It all went wrong when your whore mother spread her legs.
Hudson Wright
>the good swede Thank you.
Jack Lopez
KYS nigger
Isaiah Torres
Youre the first ID on this site without vowels or numbers, consider yourself blessed young shitskin man
Brayden Hall
> no vowels > first letter is U
Evan Lewis
A beautiful treasure awaits you after you kill yourself..promise friend.
William Nguyen
>What went wrong?
Being forced to go to a place with lots of French people. Look at my flag and you'll know how much I know your pain. They're basically Jews at half power.
Why would you join the French army? Your parents sound like bad parents but I agree with them for being pissed about that. Just be a diligent muslim, apologize to your parents, and do what you're expected to do, if your parents keep being unreasonable then accept there's nothing you can do about it and just try to make the best of things, be grateful you have it easy living in a rich country like France, in Syria (was there even a war back then 10 years ago, when you would be 12?) people struggle through much harder situations.
I am syrian too (from aleppo). I meant joining the syrian army not kike slave french army brother. I tried apologizing like a good muslim of course but father said he was angry over me for the rest of his life. I hope getting back there and start a new peaceful life
Xavier Hill
Also its becoming harder since I cant handle things on my own without a decent degree, I feel lost and I ask allah for help every night
Colton Perez
hey man.. i understand.. listen; for what it's worth i've been there and i have some advice for you better than all these other anons; what you need to do is check those digits, and blow your fucking brains out because you're a massive fucking faggot
I found your problem - start studying instead of praying.
Caleb Garcia
>What went wrong, Jow Forums? You were born a sub human. Go back to your shit hole of a nation then, you ungrateful faggot.
Sebastian Moore
Fuck europe man I dont understand immigrants coming here are 90% afghani or african. Only 10-20% are syrian and half those ran away from military duty because they're fucking pussies. Fuck immigrants if I had a choice I would never become one and soon i wont be anymore god willing
Grayson Ramirez
I actually do both
Christopher Price
the whole point is that you mistook europe, which is the europeans' land, for the asylum of all humanity. you are not welcome here because you are not supposed to be welcome, not beacuse french are "racist". it has always been like this, from japan to sentineleses, to ancient greece, where people like you were called "metics" , which is a beautiful word that marks the diffence between "dwelling" and "inhabiting".
Josiah Taylor
join isis so we can help the russians strike you faggot
desu i dont really care as long as you stay in france. i hate the french and their shithole country with all my heart, and their pain doesnt move me in the slightest. complete the engineering course if you can, then return to Syria and use your skills to help your nation recover. just dont come here and we’ll be golden, aight?
Grayson Morgan
>muh bad stuff happened in my homeland and it gives me the right to invade your homelands. Fuck off. Your beef is with Western governments. Stop coming into our societies and fucking things up. Nobody fucking likes you non-whites around.
Justin Hill
why are you such a fucking crybaby
Cameron Wood
Politics aside, you should seriously consider what you're planning on doing. You've been living in France since you were 12, you'll find the way of life in Syria, even in the richer areas like Aleppo, to be much harder. Do you have family to stay with in Syria? You're in a European university which have much cheaper tuition than, say, America, I think you're making things out to be worse than they are. Even if you dropped out or didn't find good jobs after getting your degree, you could always find a low-skill job to make money from.
Chase Ross
Well, here is your problem. You're a Syrian shit skin, go back to your shit hole and kys. Or die fighting other shit skins, no one cares.
John Morgan
Keep flipping burgers fatty
Levi Davis
I wish you luck. Actually I have nothing against Syrians and if you want fight for Assad I support you. But if you ask people here for honest opinion this is stupid decision, better stay in Franc and graduate. You will be more help for your country if come back after war and use your skills to rebuild.
Carter Ross
I already graduated with a degree because I am capable of abstract reasoning, unlike you. You can't even make it in an infantilizing country like France with GIB ME DATS. You aren't a human, you are a parasite who can't do anything.
Wyatt Russell
I would happily die in a young age in syria rather than living an empty life in your homo-slave shithole. Return worshipping kike retarded homo
Robert Green
I will go on for the degree then return home either to fight for assad or rebuild if no more fighting is left-god willing. Of course Im for assad since day 1
Angel Morgan
>what went wrong? Globalism and the western financial empire Learn about it, educate western muslims. Help them realize the west is not for them. Work with rightwing europeans to bring down the cathedral(see Moldbug)
Angel Hill
I didnt come to your society and Im never coming to kike slave smerica. Calm your titties paco
Ian Rogers
What don't you just come over here in Africa, there's no wars and no infidels here. Life is going well!
Jaxson Reyes
Akhi I was told that life is even harder in morocco or algeria
Jace Harris
Why don't you join the Hezbollah ?
Hudson Gutierrez
Go back to your filthy country, you whiny bitch. No wonder the Middle East sucks. All the men are good for nothing ingrates with very low IQ.
Isaiah Martinez
>What went wrong, Jow Forums? You're on a continent you're not supposed to be.
Juan Smith
Hezbo is slave of iran and Im not. I hate iran (despite being hardcore pro-assad). Joining SAA is the best deal
Brandon James
But, are you a christian ? In my city, we have a very strong community of assyrian christians. If we are a muslim, I definitely understand why it's hard to assimilate. Well, desu, you will have to be the slave of somebody.
Asher Green
lol at least my country isnt and will never be a dlave for the kikes, autistic fatty. We will stop coming to europe when congress decides to stop fucking up our countries.
Carter Butler
Ahem... *Clears throat* And FUCK SANDNIGGERS
Grayson Morris
No brother I am muslim (non extremist sunni). Being slave of bashar is hundred times better than being slave of iran
Connor Morgan
All of the West is a single civilization, dumbfuck. Moreover, I am literally a French-American. You did invade my society.
Get the fuck out.
Ayden Brown
>you did invade my society
You did invade >iraq >libya >syria >lebanon
I will fuck off when you do paco
Anthony Reed
Stop using the word slave. It's not appropriate. I mean, why Bashar ? I'm in engineer school too, and I think my skills can be appreciated worldwide. Why in Syria ? Alaouites aren't sunni friends. Why not Emirates ? Turkey ? Qatar ? I don't get it.
William Stewart
>No brother I am muslim (non extremist sunni). Being slave of bashar is hundred times better than being slave of iran
Go join and fight the headchoppers and take back Idlibistan.
Allah souria bashar!
Jayden Anderson
Go work as a laborer in your home country, if you can. Maybe get into IT, or plumbing? Do what feels right, user.
Bless you for having a desire to separate yourself from white society at some point.
Bentley Collins
1. I'm not Hispanic.
2. Military intervention is no excuse to invade civilian populations because your family is too worthless to stand and fight for your homeland.
Henry Bailey
So save up money and go back home...
Stop feeling sorry for yourself and set a goal, in this moving back to your home country, and then lay out steps on how you are going to achieve it.
Stop being a fag
Liam Hall
Western civilization is dead. As well as chinese civilization. Today, they are both revolutionnary civilizations. Well, all sunni aren't extremists, all americans aren't neocons.
John Diaz
Good, fuck off back to whence you came you ungrateful snake.
You have to go back And you will, by yourself or in a body bag
Bentley Campbell
>Western civilization is dead. As well as chinese civilization. Today, they are both revolutionnary civilizations. See? This is why you need to go back. You're ignorant of the history of the civilizations in which you invade and are blind to them around you because of your pea-brained and barbaric political ideas.
You won't do shit, faggot. Despite your whining, like all ungrateful shitskins you'll stay in your white country because deep down you know it's better to be at the bottom of a white society than actually have to live in a backwards Muslim shithole with your shitskin brothers.
Zachary Flores
Based johan
Adam Williams
It is appropriate since hezbo fighters admit it an are proud of it.
I will head back to syria since the country needs our efforts. If we dont retrun and fight/rebuild the who will? Having a decent life away from homeland calling for us doesnt qualify as happiness
Asher Cook
What do you think about Hitler ?
Samuel Price
God willing user. I can hear homeland call indeed
Ian Gutierrez
>mudshit >I am white >French are racist Lol nigger
Brayden Hall
I'm not muslim pal. I'm catholic. If I'm saying this, it's because today christians who do attend the mass make 5% of the West. And a lot of them are socialists, even the Pope ! I recommend you to read - or listen - E.M.J. Or Romano Amerio "Iota Unum".
Haha, dumbass sandnigger too useless to function in a civilised society and having savage animal parents
Leo Reyes
I like being an immigrant, I prefer America over my home country any day. You barley have friends, you might have avpd, look into it.
Hudson Long
being too poor and stupid to live as a Westerner isn't our problem, go whine on some other forum you fag
Julian Martin
So why not move to america instead of shitting up here
John Barnes
>Move back to mother country >owing debts to frogs ? ? ? ?
Unless your Uni goes the fully monty and strips your degree, who fucking cares about leeches demanding blood?
Asher Edwards
Muslims like jews are a scourge on every western country they live in
Adrian Thompson
Your parents. They're stupid bad parents. If you can join the foreign legion. You'll get somewhat rich if you manage to finish it without dying.
Isaac Cox
As I said. Join the foreign legion and you may get to fuck up people like the fucker over there.
Logan Johnson
Hezbollahis aren't Iran's slaves. They are god's slavs, shia's slaves. And shia isn't Iran. Every country needs your effort. A lot of muslim countries need engineers, because their universities are shit, and can't make engineers out of students. If you're a sunni, don't go in Syria, I'd advise you Egypt, Morocco, Sudan, Algeria... War isn't over in Syria because the jews want the war. If you're not a fighter, hands off !
Jacob Torres
Seriously user, the best thing you can do is go back to your country and join the army. I feel sympathy for you because this was forced upon you. Going back to your country you will find a simpler life that will seem much more natural to you. Do it and you will never look back
Jordan Wilson
I support that as well. You could help regain your your territory from Israel.
Charles White
Fuck america lol. I didnt come here by choice
Easton Anderson
Lot of hate in this thread. OP didn't choose to become an invader, his parents did and if he wants to go back he's literally the immigrant that pol constantly wishes for but here you are just being morons. Hating someone for their race is stupid, hating someone for invading your country is at least rational.
Joseph Sanchez
So you complain about us being unhappy that you invade us and call us racist, but at the same time complain that the americans invade you.
Parker Thompson
Only way for you to get right is the foreign legion.
Jayden Garcia
Wont my parents be in turmoil, user? Allah said a good muslim never decieves his parents
Landon Bennett
Best of luck OP, seriously don't take advice from the 4d Basket-Weaving forum. If you decide to return to your homeland and fight for based Assad I'll be rooting for you.
t. Blonde haired blue eyed white man
Ethan Young
Non of us agree with what happened, and still happens in middle east. But it is some of our fault for not trying to stop it, so were not that Innocent either, ignorance isn't an excuse.