Serbia is turning TRASH DESU
Frens it's time to devote your life to the way of samurai
How do I ever breed kids into country that I see is doomed by consumerist jewish menace and complete destruction of cultural values
Is the only way to go east and breed based hapa Orthodox Christian warriors of light?
Finest tall well built high iq whites breeding east asians only hope????
Bait or not, reminder to kill yourself
Have you seen Eurasians? It's not very smart, attractive, or tall.
You mean finns? they look good to me
When was Serbia ever not trash? Roman times? Probably even then
When it was legit kingdom my hapa fren
Sure thing my swarthy fren
hapa here.
You are wrong. Your country is always worth saving, as is your nation and race. I have allegiance to both (not neither), but I imagine it's much easier to pursue the goals of one nation instead of multiple.
That being said if you want to make of me, go on ahead. We're really successful in today's climate. I love being 98 asvab, uncut 8" cocked, and wealthy from my own labor. But I'd gladly give part of that up to have been a National Socialist in Germany or just an Anglo/Aryan mix in this country who fought with Rockwell and Malcolm X for their races' right to thrive in peaceful, separate, coexistence, or just purely Japanese today in Japan or South Korean in Korea, or any of my Scandinavian heritage. I'm mutted the fuck out, and it's sometimes not fun when I think of what a nation has to mean to me, versus what it can mean for you.
For your kids' sake, I hope you maintain your family.
I said hapa
not La creatura de America
He seems to be 50/50 hapa. Same thing anyhow.
>You mean finns? they look good to me
No Eurasia.
Dude I'm just hapa. 75% White (East and West Europe is legit 50/50 split), and 25% Asian (flip whose family comes from Japan and was salsa'd by spain). I look way more white than a lot of white people, and the only reason people know if I'm asian is if I tell them, most of them think I'm Mediterranean (my ex wife wanted us to do med diet because of the way I look).
Don't even get me started on fucking goblins, they're fucking nasty. But you missed my point, you miscegenation-fetishist freak; race mixing is bad, coming from your ideal blend.
Retarded meme.
You just go on and be a good goy, your country isn't exactly a shining example of Europe anyways. Whats the big deal if you want to make bug mutts?
maybe if this was 1705
fuck him
>The US was around in 1705
Holy Pinoy
My point exactly, only pure american is the one that was born in Europe
go back /g fren
Now that I think about it, just don't breed.
I don't need you tainting my hapa genepool, we already need a place to go and your hellspawn would destroy any argument for my people's existence. Same goes for Serbs, your parents made a mistake.
Also why don't you look to the Siberian tatars that mixed with Russians to get a good look at what happens when miscegenation with mongoloids happens on a larger scale?
I don't think I've ever met a single Russian man that said they look beautiful, much less one that says they're more beautiful than a 100% slavic woman.
I feel for you poor creatures
Worst thing about Americans is that such nation does not exist, you have no culture your religion your race , you have nothing
do not worry, my superior mix will be raised as Orthodox Christian
>the only pure American is the one that was born in Europe
>their descendants in America that maintained their race are automatically creaturas
>You fetishize hapas
>because a hapa exists directly because of America, and because he's American, he's automatically a mexican goblin
Don't breed, don't post, don't speak. You make both my race and your half of my race look bad.
I make truth come to surface?
must hurt jew in your gene pool
First off we have Russia to go to, and are gladly welcomed by either race's religion and nation (when we don't look like freaks that were made out of subhumans like you).
Second, America literally exists, and we're objectively better than you. In GDP, military strength, freedom and even genetics (when it comes to you, individually you in particular, you're at best on par with one of our goblins).
Remove Serb, I hope Kosovo and Montenegro conquer you and make a real nation out of you.
>Being American makes me Jewish
You make Serbs look bad.
>we're objectively better than you. In GDP, military strength, freedom and even genetics
El mutto classica
nice HH get. too bad it was an empty post.
According to the Jewish Agency, for the year 2017 Israel is home to 6.5 million Jews (49.3% of the world's Jewish population), while the United States contained 5.3 million (40.2%).
just fuck off kike
Have you ever been to Asia? Its the biggest shithole on this planet. The only likeable thing in Asia is the weather, beaches and nature.
Woman are extremly disgusting. Pimped by their family. And only looking for westerners for their monies.
Only uggly betamales who Lost all their hope on finding someone goes there to find a suitable whore to drag home for company. Most of them will steal everything of value and then go back home while the soiboy are at work.
This fucking meme needs to die.
ok thanks for tip ahmed ill have this on mind!
The problem is white men, not white women.
White women behave just fine with based alpha Asian men.
I never said man are not the problem
Even tho you're subhuman with no real nation your brain still functions well
im surprised
It's one thing to call me a goblin. I'll just hate you.
Calling me a (((chosen nosen)))? That's just evil. At least be polite and call me one of their fools or slaves, don't put me down to their level.
If anything your thread is just shit and you're a nigger. That doesn't make me a shill for calling you a nigger, nigger.
>wants to reverse Jewish destruction of culture by race mixing
Yeah ok. Go breed some gook, no white girl will let you breed her but that pure waifu will never turn you down
>tfw soon I will be getting my qt 3.14 nip gf
Feels good man
tor or pluto?
A man of culture I see. Sadly not too many Asians around here, and I'm too much of a poorfag to move abroad.
yes good ok
incels cant cope
cute af
lmao go ahead and dilute your genepool serb, all you're doing is making more asians, ontop of your roach blood, your kids will have asiatic genes lmao
literal laughing stock of the balkans, to think that you clowns will take over kosovo again :DDDDDD
more meme and mutt flags pls
Op is a retarded faggot. Lots of Serbs think alike and don't mind mixing with subhumans like gypsies
noone breeds with cigans but they yank cock off to niggers
absolute disgusting
So leave the Serb women to the Croats before you leave.
They deserve the trash.