I hear it all the time on this anti-white board and basically, being European, I couldn't understand this meme.
Until today.
You see, I was pressed for time and tried out some baked chicken and veggies, a highly recommended American recipe video on the Youtube. It tastes like nothing basically. Very, very bland by Euro standards, hell, it was bland even by German standards. So, you, being mostly blacks and browns are right - American "whites"apparently really don't spice their food. But then again, American "whites" aren't really white, but mutted. So where does this aversion to spices come from?
>daily reminder why 24/7/365 shills are paid to shitpost on an amine website
cos by freedom of speech here we discuss things about the mob and post red-pills about them. Like this :
John Wedger, a british pollice whistle blower discovers that the british police run child sex slave industry along with social services. youtube.com/watch?v=amkkK-_o9vA
Tommy Robinson describes how the british police would remove white and black street gangs from the street that were preventing muslim gangs from sex slaving the white school girls youtube.com/watch?v=ao2VlpxGFe4
Michael Adams
You needed a YouTube video to bake chicken and veggies? I'm pretty sure you just suck at cooking dude
oki how do i put this plain chicken is like watermelon. some watermelon isnt sweet and kind of almost seems like a generic vegetable but some is very sweet and is great. plain chicken all you taste is the chicken. some chicken seems to be extra chickeny and otehrs are not. you roll the dice and when you get a plain chicken diner its always because some one didnt give a fuck and just made it but it may taste really good... or not and needs a bunch of salt to compensate
Xavier Davis
It comes from white peoples origins. Being what whites are adversed to heat one can only come to the conclusion that they are also lacking in defense against spices. Its sort of like how a white person can absorb more vitamin d because their it absorbs through their skin quicker, 10 min for a days full dose compared to a dark skinned persons 1 hour. I think the spice thing applies to more pale whites like the irish.
If you are to stupid to know all you need is salt and pepper that's on you. Maybe some garlic power. You are baking the shit. No normal person just throws unspiced food in the oven and thinks it's going to taste great
Thomas Phillips
>I found a shitty recipe on jewtube wow american food sucks I mean, some of it does, but still yikes.