Gay hipster or war hero chad?

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Two mutts.

a human bean or a rat?


Stalin was real war hero. He saved jews sorry asses from nazis and created Israel.

Which one do we shoot first?

This stalin was only based person in ww2 shitler was a faggy soiboi

That’s not even Stalin.

>Stalin was real war hero. He saved jews sorry asses from nazis and created Israel.
ummmm.. My father's uncle died while fighting in the red army against Hitler. Stalin didn't gave a shit about him or the rest of the soldiers. The Russian people saved us and not the Gruzini sob

Young Hitler.

Mega pussy. What did he do in the army?
Who is it then?

Fought in a war.
Too bad he turned out to be an underachiever and we're stuck with you cunts for the foreseeable future.

>Fought in a war.
Didn't hear much of any of his actions in war. Probably just another soldier. Netanyahu served in Israel's top elite unit.

>Israel's top elite unit.
Irgun? Stern Gang? Any of the other terrorist groups?
Just fuck off, non-country.

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>Israel's top elite unit.
Didn't even need a diaper.

Underrated, looool. 8/8

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Our boy looking dapper.

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It is. He looks exceptionally handsome in that photo, but there are others from better angles that show his true form. He was also the first master of photoshop, removing many of his scarring and abnormalities from his face like an airbrushed model. This is why Soviets had paintings of Stalin, and not actual photographs of him

>Stalin didn't gave a shit about him or the rest of the soldiers.
How should a marshal give a shit about his soldiers? Cry theatrically on everyone's grave?

>The Russian people saved us and not the Gruzini sob
Yeah, sure. Officer corps, planning, supply, strategic industrialisation is all nonsence. War is just a crowd of people smashing at each other on their own accord.

Looks like a skinny rat

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I don't care for communism, but Stalin for sure. He demands my respect. He ruled a portion of the world as large as that of the Golden Horde at its peak. Without Stalin, the filthiness of Trotsky and those other global multiculti sodomites who wanted true communism. I would classify Stalin as an empirical bolshevik, not a communist.
> and that's a good thing

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Young Stalin, although with those dewy eyes he looks the more likely to have undergone the ftm inversion

>War is just a crowd of people smashing at each other on their own accord
Pretty accurately describes how the red army fought WWII

lmao what a faggot untermensch


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with a daily army ration of 6 ounces of meat you would too and you would complain about it if the animal was killed painfully to complain with your baby dick sucking preferences.

There was as much difference between Stalin and Trotsky as between Octavian August and Mark Anthony. They were different, but their strategy was more or less the same, the only issue between them was an issue of power.

plot twist: they're both gay kikes

This is too much of a dumb statement even for rethorics sake.

Posting superior choice

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Stalin was a veteran. He fought in russian civil war.
But Hitler was ultimate chad. Fought in WW1, then proceeded to engage in street wars with commies and kikes during the interwar period.

Somebody doesn't understand woman. Whos taller?

Netanyahu is 1.84 m

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there you go

>war hero
Citation needed. What war was he ever involved with? None of your puny little one-sided border disputes count as actual wars. For example, the so-called six day war was not an actual war. Wars don’t last for only six days and ironically is was only a one day exercise anyways.

for a guy that hated Jews he looks really jewish

And Stalin was like 5 feet tall.

Looks exactly the same, minus hair. Probably the same height too.

wait are you talking about young netanyahu or 2019 netanyahu? he seems really short on videos and photos


Which makes Stalin even better

Thank you, I just googled it. Didn't realize Stalin was that shirt

>kikes and commies arguing over what lowlife was more based
What a shitty thread.

>he doesn't know about superabsorbent polymer diaper core
>he thinks he will make it

Ata lo mekir at forchan?
Titalem miprovocatziot shel meshuamamim

Ahh, the great one.

I look Jewish and I hate kikes down to the very essence of my being.

They both look they would have fucked each other in the butt and mouth

ITT: faggots post pics of world leaders in their youth while salivating, then using the drool as masturbation lubrication.

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