Jow Forums BTFO
Jow Forums BTFO
I thought leftist cucks would want population decline to combat climate change?
>let's ice catch and release 650000 beamers into the us
Whoa miga!
The new game is bring the entire third world to us and raise them to our standards of living.
No, they didn't think this one through either.
Yes, but the population overall is increasing.
Furthermore, the US is just about right for population to land ratio.
Europe and Asia are overpopulated.
aussie here knows what its like being fucking full
America is full, as in their prisons are full, they dont need more criminals, they already have enough niggers.
>have to use fucking counties to force their propaganda arguments
The 3000 square feet right next to my house just suffered 100% population decline, we need to import a million niggers and spics to make up for this.
>Shitty strawman
Moving people from other parts of the world to America doesn't change Earth's population.
Kys shill
Then just import the non-criminals
Trump's a moron but so are you and the author of that article.
Those counties are actually suffering a problem worse than Japan, they're terminally depopulating because of a total lack of economic opportunity.
Nobody is considering settling there. Especially not an immigrant.
Bringing them to our living standards and the consumption that goes with it does change a lot. There's no strawman there.
Save the world, kill yourself.
Ban all import of longterm foreigners to EVERY country for 10 years.
Quantum computing robots will take every low skilled job.
By importing low iq, non native language speakers to your countries you are creating a black and grey market criminal class that will violently revolt in 10 years when they are no longer needed.
Multiple 1st world countries will have terroristic wars within their own borders against illegals and new citizens if nothing is done to stop the influx.
If you want to stop this, elect no females and no gays and no single men to your countries' leaders and parliaments. Elect no one that wants to be a mommy for the world.
Only elect straight men with large families.
>Meanwhile on state broadcasters homepage
>"How to make a meal worm taco"
I'd say we're fucking full. Globohomos fuck off.
Wherever there's people, markets will emerge. If you want economic activity, you need people.
The US is importing non criminals, legal immigrants, which your president has said he has no problem with. But opening the gates for everyone would invite people of the worst kind. I know so, Alex Jones told me
Then it sounds like we need more people to catalyze technological innovations that'll reduce 1st world waste.
>Arguing for replacement by shitskins
>linking to The Weak
Go fuck yourself, faggot.
>If you want economic activity, you need people
We have enough "make 'money' out of thin air by giving loans to niggers who will never pay them back", thank you very much.
Who the fuck suggested taking in illegal immigrants?
Read it.
No, we just need to get rid of faggots like you, then deport the third world back to where it came from and not send a single gram of aid ever again.
I'm tired of feeding niggers who do nothing but breed past their carrying capacity then be expected to have them come here, not work and shit out fuckloads of kids past their carrying capacity only this time my taxes pick up the tab.
It takes the taxes of 2 average ethnic Norwegian to pay for every fucking non-western immigrant in this country. They're not fucking producing anything but new generations of welfare clients.
I'm right
This WILL happen. You must read and act accordingly.
Who will pay.
Most important post in this bater thread.
Why must we have infinite population growth to supposedly substain the economy?
Liberals, man
Stopped reading at "Quantum Computer".
They can't even store, let alone retrieve data in a "quantum computer" for any measurable amount of time.
You know, the basis for every fucking computer. The ability to store and retrieve values from registers.
>Wherever there's people, markets will emerge
You can't force the people to stay there. This isn't China.
They are migrating out for good reasons.
Kids take 20 years to grow up. Paco can come over next week.
This is the only way to defeat (((them)))
"no human bean is illegal"
>CO2 per capita in US: 16.2 tonnes
>CO2 per capita in Mexico: 4.05 tonnes
If you move 1 million beaners to the US, you increase the CO2 output by 12 million tons. And Mexico has a higher output than most other countries we get immigrants from
But I thought Japan was overpopulated.
human flour when?
Why are you giving loans to people with bad credit? Besides, businessmen like Trump and wall Street whores default on far greater loans all the time. No one seems to give a shit about that.
And those reasons are...?
The migrants arent going to go/stay in declining counties.
Maybe just enough to bring inner city 3rd world tier evil crimes to every sleepy town in the country.
>4 in 10
What about the other 6?
>were full
>we need pajeets to do college level employee positions for us, cause americans wont accept minimum wage, says I and my businessman bodies.
>jews say we need to reduce our western population growth for the sake of the planet and our environment and all that good stuff
>jews also say we need to take in every single beaner, every single nigger and every single pajeet because our population replacement levels aren't adequate and we need more bodies for our corporate kike overlords
gee it's almost like there was a malicious agenda behind all that environmentalism cultural engineering...
>impeach Hillary
Post industrial societies do not need population growth. The only reason it's valuable is because it brings in more cattle for the debt train pyramid-scheme that is judeocapitalism.
Fuck off, we're not just full, our nigger, spic and Jew quota is over capacity.
Because I'm not, but fractional reserve banking is set up so that they can conjure "money" out of thin air and they're not picking up the bill if Mustafa defaults.
And nice attempt at shifting goalposts. Better luck next time.
What exactly is the jobless rate among those non-nordic people? Unless it's incredibly high, those people are contributing to the economy. The same argument has been used against immigrants for centuries.
Well I'm not sure why you're getting mad at immigrants. Sounds like you should be upset with your financial institutions.
It is going to be pajeets, pajeets are large kinda English speaking population. They cannot super power so the will over flood India in labour resources, which are prime for american businesses which will fuck the american people for a penny.
At worst the other guys are picking crops,and you janitors. The pajeets will take high, and medium skill jobs.
Extremely fucking high.
So fucking high that the *AVERAGE* non-western immigrant costs 2 ethnic Norwegian tax payers to pay for.
They contribute negatively to the economy ON THE AVERAGE.
I'm not sure why anyone didn't fucking leave you in the forest as a toddler to be honest
Those areas are experiencing population decline because people are fleeing democrat run shit holes. There’s a mass exodus from Califagnia to Texas and Jew York to Florida right now, hence why (((democrats))) desperately need more brown slaves.
That's good. More free space. Cheaper real estate.
Oh I'd also like to add that many of the "success" stories about integrated non-western immigrants who "contribute" to the economy turn out to barely speak the language and work for the government at the fucking gibs office, handing out gibs for their countrymen.
But hey, more shekels in circulation! Yay economy!
>population decline!
>limited fucking resources on the planet
the only people wanting more people are Jews/Globalists/banking fucks because they can get people to get credit and drain them
just as a comparison -
my 3 uncles, grandfather, grandmother, father in-law, and 2 cousins are dead
i have 3 kids, my sister has 5, my brother has 6, my first son and daughter each have a kid, my sister's oldest 3 have kids totaling 4, and my brother's oldest has a kid. 3/4 have their own households, a few living with parents
there is no fucking decline happening
every single house on this block has now become 3 generations living in them due to everyone getting suckered by credit, and this is what these pieces of shit who claim population declines want
>feeding third world trash for no good reason
Choke on a dick you fucking commie trash.
Source for that stat? And does it factor in how their cheap labor affects the goods you consume? Or how their spending affects the economy?
Official numbers released late last year by the government.
And there is no "cheap labour" in Norway unless you're looking at Baltic rent-a-slav services who have actual slave contracts with their employees in their homeland where they take the majority of the mandated pay and give them maybe 30% of wages.
It happens all the time. But it sometimes takes a generation for those gains to manifest.
What if people are leaving 4 counties to go to the other 6?
It's been ongoing since the 60s. Ironically, the ones who came in the 60s were the most integrated and successful.
The ones who came later on? Not so much. Remember, Norway was dirt fucking poor until the late 70s and the populace didn't see any of the results of this newfound wealth until well into the mid 80s.
It's a downward spiral and it's never getting better. We're at the breaking point.
>population decline
>country so full you risk getting pushed into the ocean at any moment
Since when have shitskins innovated anything? I hope faggots like you get cancer and die slowly.
>de-industrialized economic-wastelands are de-populating as people move to urban areas
>see! loads of space
>The ones who came in the 60s were the most integrated and successful
This is objectively not true. There was plenty of anti-immigrant rhetoric in the 60's specifically aimed at Eastern Europeans and Italians.
Yeah i don't know how they managed to connect population decline with nig imports so efficiently.
The first thing you'd have in mind is to how incentivise people to have more offspring, not introducing foreing contaminants.
What the fuck would you know about Norway you globohomo cunt? Go get raped and killed by a pack of your pet niggers.
What the fuck would you know about life and immigration policy in the 1960s?
>The Week
A magazine by, of, and for middle managers who like to be seen as busy.
>muh groaf
Literally cancer
>another fucking incel needing daddy state to make women wet his dick
Guess those companies will have to pay more to attract talent. What a tragedy.
>4/10 counties losing population
That's called internal/domestic migration.
The remaining 6/10 are gaining pop.
God I hate the fake news.
Tell me this OP?
What is the point of fighting population decline in a society?
Most people would say it is to avoid an aging population and continue to have working people pay for tax, welfare etc.
Is your solution to replace the white people with non-productive people who drain social services and never paid in to the system?
You know if people didn't have to work half their whole life just to save a deposit and get a house they would be having more children.
Maybe if we didn't have parasitic coons, spics and ragheads constantly draining our society reproduction would be higher.
Wrong, they're like a rats with a large food supply, they'll breed ad infinitum until the food is exhausted
The first world gives them all the resources and subsidies they need to keep breeding
Exactly. Apparently, these cunts have never heard of homeostasis. But that's not really the point, now is it?
You might actually be retarded.
Racial Replacement of the white population. America sucks now
This is more a problem with a grossly inflated real estate prices than population
>there has been a (((decline))) in productivity
>we need more immigrants goys.
Oh apart from living through a good bit of it and seeing it turn from the odd paki family per 10k into a massive social issue? Oh nothing, really.
You're some underage b& cunt from the US who brings up anecdotes from long before you were alive to talk about the situation I'm explaining on the other side of the globe, in a society of the kind that makes your limp little dick leak through its cage.
Incentivise reproduction then....
Oh wait.
Illegal-beaner detention centers are full you full blown cocksucker. Why is it the “smart power” party needs everything explained to them like they’re five?
Its not a strawman if its the observable result.
Stop. You're embarrassing yourself.
>The EIC, funded largely by tech investors and entrepreneurs, suggests creating a new kind of "heartland visa" for skilled immigrants willing to settle down and help revitalize struggling communities that agree to welcome them. But "regardless of what one thinks about using immigration policy to try to arrest demographic decline," Irwin writes, "demography may be the most powerful economic force of them all, and for much of the United States, the trend lines, for now, are pointing in the wrong direction." That direction is not toward "FULL!"
Destroy the economy in 2008 and all businesses move to cities. Young people are forced to leave their families to move to these cities for work. Attempt to replace these people with immigration when they didn’t want to leave in the first place. I’m reaching new levels of disgust I didn’t think were possible.
They dont want women having kids.
They believe in overpopulation so getting women to have 1-2 kids is a huge plus.
Also Educated independent women stop having kids regardless of incentives or support. Look at Europe
The only way to get women to have children is to keep them poor and uneducated.
Thus the only way to have population growth in westernised countries is population from countries where women are uneducated and poor.
Fuck off, we’re full
Id rather listen to our President who is getting information from all of our intelligence agencies than some random blog report.
We’ve need population decline for decades now. That’s only a problem for the elites.
Of course, having more niggers means literal decline.
Now hurry up, feed niggers and mutts with your resources, so Jews can get rich enough to buy white prostitutes. It's a great economic growth, you sell everything, get nothing, some niggers survive for some time and Jews can be rich. Amazing free market. Ooga Booga hallelujah!!
Stop trying to come up with rationalizations for why it's a good thing to force white Americans to pay for their own demographic displacement and political disenfranchisement, you evil little kike. It's just a raw political power move on the left's part.
It is but more people equals more money for the elites. Plus, they want the commoners to pay for all of the entitlements while they get tax loopholes.
"White people aren't breeding at a fast enough rate to support the welfare state due to the artificial social and economic pressures we've invented and imposed on them for the expressed purpose of driving down their birthrate!"
"Better import 200,000,000 mud orc shitbloods!"
Look at this amazing holy land, see god's creation? So diverse. If you import niggers and more subhuman Jews you can become just like this, transform everything into desert and maybe if you are lucky you can even find black shit under the nothing of sand, then fuel the cars to import even more niggers, to speed up even more your destruction for apocalypse, so Jews can enter heaven of abundance after they destroyed all god's creation. Wow amazing logic, most be true. God just wants to reward people destroying god, we are reaching peak Judean-Christian capitalistic intelligence.
Wow look at this economic growth, wow, amazing, we need more doctors = more economic growth, we need to send them more of our resource = more economic growth, we need more police = more economic growth, we need more debt = more economic growth, wow capitalists are genius, so smart like when they bash their heads into Israeli wall, if you take an ant, a Jew is smarter, that means 200 IQ per Jew, measured by Jew system of dumb subhumans.
libcucks yet again prove that they don't know the meaning of the term. Protip, numbskull libcucks, it means "WE DON'T WANT YOU HERE", so FUCK OFF, WE'RE FULL
The bush is burning in desert, that means we have something, it's burning growth, economic growth, also god. Now lets create money from sand and buy everything on planet, it's well deserved, amazing growth, we bought it, numbers were create.