Incel general

why dont you have a gf user?
if you do how long have you been together?
do you want to marry her?

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>why dont you have a gf user?
I wouldn't know.

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are you trying to get a gf?

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>I wouldn't know.

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I never claimed to be smart.

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Really, I detest the idea of having to convince somebody of my own worth. My whole psychology from youth is kind of built around the idea that I don't need to impress anybody... and going around putting on an act to convince some woman of my value is just such a betrayal of that idea. I can't bring myself to do it.

Either it's going to happen or it isn't.

that's perfectly good reasoning actually

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I wouldn't want to curse someone into being born into this corrupt and wicked society. I know they will be forced to mix with foreigners by the tranny teachers at school. No way! It's Planet of the Apes tier now, and only going to get worse.

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it is all so tiring

It is this whole culture where everyone is supposed to be fine the way they are, no one needs to improve themselves and you deserve everything that you want just for being you. When that person who literally believes that grows up and starts to desire a mate (another person) he runs into problems, especially if he is undesirable, ugly, deformed, etc.

>why dont you have a gf user
Because 95% girls are already taken.
>do you want to marry her?
No, because since then she would be able to rob me by divorce.

>Douse a Jewish daycare in gasoline and light it on fire with hundreds of Jewish children inside
Good advice OP

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The fact that he has to explain what an incel is makes it even more Jewish.

Go divide and conquer somewere else kike

I've always been considered disgusting by females and black people. There's a certain % of girls that are into me though - but not around here in the rural south

Memeflag have more respect than a mutt.

>here in the rural south
>t. redneck

>why dont you have a gf user?
Got one
>if you do how long have you been together?
>do you want to marry her?
No. The laws are shit.
It's bad enough that i will be probably ensalved by a commie regime or the religion of Muhammud, i won't get under a fucking women only to get fucked there too.
And this, btw, it's all cause of retarded commie propaganda.
So, thanks i guess?

I grew up with girls despising me, even if I didnt do anything.

I’ve learned from experience that it’s best to just not say or do anything when I fall for a woman. If I leave them alone, they leave me alone.

Not even fat, smelly or whatever. Just a quiet, 5’8” kid.

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Yeah, 3 years. Got her when she was 18 and I was 25, getting married and having 12 kids.

What? If you have to convince something you are worth something there is seriously wrong. Sounds like you are trying to convince a girl to have sex with you which is really rapey my man. All you need to do is have a good time that ends with sex on the first date. Stop being such a rapist.

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>i will be probably ensalved by a commie regime or the religion of Muhammud, i won't get under a fucking women only to get fucked there too.
WTF are you talking about?
>it's all cause of retarded commie propaganda.
So, thanks i guess?
Literally wut?

Go back to r9k

you caught me, but i just want a thread where the focus isnt where i am but the subject.
also i am not a jew but an arab living under the israeli thumb

>WTF are you talking about?
>Literally wut?
Lurk moar.

Explain pls.

>to have sex with you
It's worse than that. I don't even care about the sex, i just want to turn her into a baby making machine and rewire her brain to serve my patriarchal intentions.

it gets better


>you have to be funny
>you have to keep the conversation
>you have to be charming
>you have to pay
>she has to.........exist

pretty degrading to me desu

user clearly you don’t understand women.

Everything is sex to them and you reprogram them with your cock.

If you have a small cock it will just never work.

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Because I don't know where or how to approach women and I'm deathly afraid to.

pipe down limey nobody here needs your advice

I know

But the feeling that you disgust them no matter what stays with you forever. If a good looking grill is nice to me I always assume she is just being polite and has zero interest in me.

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Lurk more fag, and take your shitty incel threads with you

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I have 3 white children with my beautiful wife and I am going to teach them to love themselves and their culture. How you like that?


>It is this whole culture where everyone is supposed to be fine the way they are, no one needs to improve themselves and you deserve everything that you want just for being you.

I think of it differently though. I've always had a certain disgust for the opinions of groups. I naturally and instinctively reject any baseless authority or mob mentality bullshit. It's a hangup i've had for as long as I can remember.


u can go to SE Asia and women will throw themselves at you, ditto for some spots in central america or maybe even puerto rico. just don't make any mutt children

This is probably why i'm here on Jow Forums and not living it up as a soon-to-be divorced bisexual faggot with black stepkids

The carribean my friend

silly swede

we live in a society

This desu I want to raise strong white family but I also want to serve the superior primal bbc


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But I’m attracted to white girls, who have the same traditions, values and system as me.

I guess I’m just going to keep improving myself and moving forward. Then hope at some point that it works out and I meet someone.

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>you have to be funny
Literally just means creating conversation points you can both laugh about
>you have to keep the conversation
Literally just means asking about her or her opinion on shit
>you have to be charming
Literally just means calling her beautiful with eye contact and not being weird
>you have to pay
Woah 50 dollars max ( two hours work ) for your end of the week date so hard
>she has to.........exist
Every single girl between 18 and 30 is on tinder
Woah so hard user. XDdffdfffffdddd

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i got a bf so i dont need a gf user sorry

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why are you moving the goalpost?
the point isnt the difficulty
the point is that it isnt an effort from both parties but only from one.

tinder is the worst example you could've brought

holy fuckin cringe


It only gets worse from here.

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You're either not very attractive or/and interesting. You don't need to act in a certain way to impress women, assuming you are attractive and have your own thing going on, they will naturally be interested.

>Every single girl between 18 and 30 is on tinder
Except they aren't. Any girl on tinder is instantly a thot not worth knowing.

user you work for everything in life.
Compared to anything else females are actually really easy. Courting a female is so much more enjoyable than having a job or studying for uni, or working out. What is your point.

Also everyone who is single and age 18-30 is on tinder. Get rid of your stupid preconceived notions and learn how to sell yourself.

Easiest way for anyone to have women interested.
>lift weights
>have a hobby or interests you're passionate about
>have a positive outlook on life
That is all 99% of men need to dramatically increase interest from women. The best part is that you don't need to do those things for women. Lifting, having interests, and enjoying your time alive benefit you regardless of anything else. At that point women will come to you.

the point
is i try
she doesnt.

God it sucks having a high pitched voice

how high pitched are you?

I choose to be single, women are shit. They're not responsible enough. I've got my children already, ex was too dumb to stay off of drugs.

I've been with a lot of women and was only ever with one who was ever responsible and intelligent, I let get away.

I'm through with women as far as relationship go. My life has improved a lot since I started taking care of myself and my kids and ignoring women.