Carrying sexual energy to Moloch

Pineal gland is stimulated by continuous repetition of the heavy bass beats involved in techno music.
It drives sexual arousement.
Heavy basses are strictly bound to chthonic entities,demons.
This huge low energy fields are carried through pyramid like stages and casted to put into effect a conjuring ritual.
Moloch in the case of the Ultra Music Festival.

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Since the monkey of God is unable to create anything the orgiastic ritual is a parody of the host consecration.
The sacrifice is human, instead of Divine.
During black masses sperm and menstrual blood are mixed and assumed by attenders.

Attached: holy-eucharist.jpg (696x522, 41K)

not even close normie

Rock and pop music are used too.
It's less effective since the bass beats presence is lower and the sexual energy inferior, but it is used nonetheless.
Nothing is wasted.
By mass attending to these kind of events, they are liberating demons,destroying barriers, people attending is at great risk.

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>During black masses sperm and menstrual blood are mixed and assumed by attenders.

It is funny when idiots that clearly have never attended such a black mass try to talk about it.

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But, which is the final purpose?
It's the global worship of Satan.
Everything else is just a tool to reach that end, from wars to the money supply control, the end goal is you, your person, to bow the knee to Satan, or be killed.
What They got by helping the monkey of God?
Possession gives advantages that can be used to spoil the people around them and take advantages.
Foretelling,full knowledge of past events(blackmailing), languages knowledge, hypnotic persuasion.
One thing they can't avoid is Death, they can manage to live extra longer but in the end they all will die.
The idea of transhumansim, to transfers consciousness in a digital envrionment it's aimed to avoid death.
They are looking for the Triumph of Chrono(Saturn Cult)over the eternity of God.

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Great post user. Don't let anyone dissuade you by calling you schizophrenic or something. You are absolutely right on this one.

>scripting for post numbers
>posting bullshit
Moloch is dead and his death fart is finally disappating. You have lost.

>scripting for post numbers
I got'em quite often indeed,
Funny stuff!

Cult of chrono,saturn.

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People have been scripting for decades now. You’re just a faggot who is wrong about everything.

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who knows.

It's done.

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>hurr durr loud music is demonic
Get bent if you think everyone at a concert has hard ons ready to fuck the nearest hole. If loud bass brought in demons, then orchestras would have been demonic rituals as well. Hell, drums alone would be "demonic" if you hit them hard enough. Either post sources or kys schizo.

You're wrong.
Classical music has logos and elevates the human spirit.

>who knows
Everyone, now.

>what are baritone instruments capable of rattling skulls by how deep and loud they are
Not saying that they doby elevate spirit, but saying that bass heavy is "demonic" is just plain wrong and paranoia

Don't *

What about metal?

It's the use they made of that energy that is important.
Metal,rock,pop,techno etc...until they are not using to conjure,to carry it,to drain you and worse exposing you, enjoy it!
Even massive concerts can be safe.
Energy will be gathered though.

>until they are not using
If you see geometry pointing in a direction,even lights patterns, a fixed stage, the artist (the parody of the priest) officiating , you are being used,exposed.

It seems like (provided this is legit of course) bad people can summon things by rituals so why shouldn't we do it for good instead of abstaining completely from the supernatural?

Quality of the energy.
You can use that energy too to obtain certain favors but you are asking to the same entities.
You,we should not abstain from supernatural but the only correct way is the prayer.
It's humilty and personal sacrifice.
It's a very small, almost infinitesimal limit between you wanting to bring good and justice into this world and forgetting God's ways and act like them.

satan is cooler anyway

God bless, user.

OP isnt wrong.

Remember nikola tesla; energy, frequencies, vibrations. They have the power to manipulate the mind and body.

ALL music can be used to alter the emotional, spiritual, and psychological state of an individual. High frequencies are good, low frequencies can also be good but when used with a malicious intent they can become strongly negative.
Just listen to lady gaga and you can hear the demonic influences. frequencies combined with words, it can be a dangerous mix of science and magic.

Get fucked, kike

Itt Kikes calling kikes kikes while kikeing each other


Ah, now it makes sense why the 5G symbol is a hexagon instead of a pentagon.
This is all so obvious yet no one can see it.

Attached: 5G Hexagon.jpg (2748x1526, 305K)

go on..


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less makey threads more takey meds

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It is even more transparent in the transformational festival scene: Burning Man etc.

I have to add to this because you are 100% right.
Our world is ruled by a demiruge and his demons, you actually encounter them when you Astral project, ego dissolve through meditating or psychedelics. You can also "cheat" and go into hyperspace using dmt and meet them. This is extremely dangerous, they are masters at illusion. They are Satan the trickster, they are the Hindu Maya, the demiruge. They use us cosmically as food, without us even knowing they are feeding them on us and keep us trapped in the endless cycle of birth and death to keep feeding.

What is the goal of the jews/world leaders/illuminati whatever? To turn us goyim into cattle, this is the physical counterpart to the cosmic one. The jews are trying to trade away not only their own souls but everyone else's too, for some infinite power on this plane of ILLUSION. How sad.
Chist was sent from the The Source (true God) to show a path out of the grand illusion.

If you ever encounter these beings you'll know them because they will ask allegiance of you in return for power. They will tell you exactly what to do or say in life to succeed and it woks, in top of enhanced mental abilities and whatever else they give you should you go all the way. Make no mistake, you are fully giving them your soul eternally when you do this.

don't allow it in your neighborhoods. you've been warned.

>video link related... 1984

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Seems as tho libertarianism leads to idolatry and outright satanism

Next time i'll add what i'll find.
Thanks for the tip.

If you are attracted to that shity music or festivals your already lost, when you live proper these things naturally disgust you and you avoid em to go and sit in nature and read a book.

Do you really believe it can be stopped?

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I have Moloch in my headspace and he thinks you're such a fucking dweeb for even saying this.

Especially when these dirty fucks are being busted all across the world to the point of bayonets levied by lawfully operating greymen

yes. start passing laws. push politicians. if all else fails, plan b. I don't want it to come to that, but it's blatantly obvious this system is not designed for our health, or even our entertainment. it's designed to track us and kill us. they don't want to talk about have weak the infrastructure actually is at the end of the day. do you know how long it takes them to repair a single fiber optic line? or whether they can stop a diy spark gap generator? all of my HDMI screen cut out when the fucking air conditioning kicks on and off 60 ft away. Not promoting anarchy or anything, but these are on the table if tyranny decides to rear its ugly head. i just want people safe.


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I guess I'm out of hope. I read that whole thing and I just don't see it being useful because I don't expect the average person to be able to appreciate it. I don't expect the government to appreciate it, (or to oppose 5G despite all of its flaws/threats to life because $$$$).

Info on 5G harm (the link in the info graphic I posted above):

Attached: 1549229743307.jpg (1080x761, 109K)

I'm,(was?) totally blue pilled about 5G.
Ehm...seems bad.

sorry spaghetti, 5g is pesto-cide. They would rather stick a microwave feed horn wave guide within 5 foot of your face than replace cable lines, or even even use multi frequency bands on cable/phone lines...

thanks for link. will document and use for infographs later. i still don't understand why they want to even use 5g in the first place short of it being to kill people, because the current infrastructure is only relatively fucked because of 100MB webpages and streaming services. Remember 1998 when you just downloaded that music or video ONCE and then you had it on your harddrive so you never need to download it again? RIAA and MPAA are a fucking (((joke.))) Not to mention digital on/off's on a carrier wave is like having your mitochondrial DNA struck by a brick over and over. It's not the same as continuous wave that modulated like AM/FM.

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432 vs 440 hz

I guess what I don't get is why those developing/pushing 5G would want it because it's going to fuck them up from the inside out as well. As pointed out in Israel isn't rolling it out and that makes sense, but all the Crypto-Zionists outside of the holy land are gonna get fucked along with the rest of us, so why are they doing this? It's absolutely bonkers.

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Go on.

break out the solfegio tones nigga, gregorian is broken

it coud very well be that if they have a device(phone) on them that the towers wouldn't project negativity or "the kill signal." This would be two fold, masses gathering at rallies for their favorite candidate would feel "uplifted and unopressed" in the presence of their candidate, a one if a lifetime experience, and keeping the installed puppet alive who is playing their game.

well spoken. Reminder that the true God gives you power over demons, and that they have taken an oath and must submit and serve man. The problem is, they will do everything they can to trick you before hand or make you think they don't exist. There are many excellent grimoires/ancient texts on this subject. They must submit if you hold them to their oath.

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All things must piggy-back on another. We are to the Demiruge what chickens and cows are to us. They appear to you in many forms, the first being a guide of some kind. If you choose to interact with them instead of ignoring or telling them to fuck off do so at your own risk, the risk is everything though. This isn't playing with fire this is dancing on a nuclear warhead smacking it with a shovel like apes.
If you do encounter them and get in trouble, unironically invoke christ as your lord and savior. Invoking christ basically BTFOs any hyperspace niggers trying to harm you.

I'll write about my personal experience being a retarded kid years ago. I took 600ug of LSD and smoked a bit of weed and this sent me into hyperspace. My memory is hazy, but I died for what felt like an eternity, during this I was freaking out and woke the house up, my parents obviously freaking out too trying to figure out what was wrong. Anyways, this experience is a hell ride until my mom prays over me with a rosary. I see this being that looks like a Buddha, he just sits and smiles radiating pure love. The belevolent beings don't try to ask you to do stuff or interact with you too much usually. The evil ones often try to mimic the benevolent. Always ask for their name and who their creator is, if they offer you anything TURN IT DOWN.
At one point before I saw the Buddha type being, I was on a sorta cosmic operating table then blacked out shortly. Idk what this was but my hunch is, fucking around in hyperspace without the proper meditation techniques, training, and spiritual fortitude will fuck your shit up.
I got off extremely lucky in the end, don't be dumb like me and dive in should you try it. Don't even use the psychs at first just try with meditation first. Drugs are a shortcut, but it's like trying to pilot a rocket ship without having trained. The mediation is like building your own rocket slowly, learning how It works as you build.