How do you measure and compare the races? Territory, inventions, war history, aesthetics and IQ. Britain tops them all. Seethe, Jow Forums. Seethe.
The British are the master race
Look at my flag and think about what you said. Look at how big Britain is now and how big it used to be and then read your post again. Is brexit happening? No.
Kys you crooked tooth fat fuck
For god's sake mate, the capital is full of shitskins, the government's run by jews and thousands of white girls have been raped and murdered.
And you're trying to antagnoise the continentals and Americans?
For fuck's sake just shut up.
What you think Europe had it fair share of rapeugees? The only reason we know about the case in England is because the public spoke out. And as for america. Its been breed with niggers the moment they kicked out the British.
The jews have stolen every single one of their “accomplishments.” They’re brothers to niggers.
We had a good run but it's over
>The country is being flooded with shitskins and turned into a ruined liberal nightmarish alternate reality where even the royal family is getting mutted while the people just watch in a perverted enjoyment how their ancestors' heritage is being destroyed by low-IQ subhumans effectively betraying countless generations who lived, worked, fought and died for England, but it doesn't matter because we wuz empire a long time ago
Oi mate you got a loicense for that national pride?