This shit is getting out of hand...
Jew-Agenda Commercials
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It’ll only get worse.
>2019 still willingly getting brainwashed
You know some slimey jew got off to this
I think it's hilarious.
Wtf is that hair lmao
Niggers really going to think their gettin prime Aryan pussycat after buying their new smartphone. Based capitalism
Black user here.
The opposite is being pushed to the black community. WmBF.
Why cant the US balkanize and the respective ethno nationalist groups (separated by free libertarian lands) deal with the REAL problem?
This why white birthrates drop. Not because of niggers but a white man looks at a white woman and is certain shes fucked a nigger. White woman are the most vile degenerate females on Earth
>The opposite is being pushed to the black community. WmBF.
stupid niggers
it's the same thing
but instead of pushing the black buck trope
its pushing the pussified white s.o.y boy trope (again to be dominated by some nigger bitch)
The thing is that everyone is tired of this, including blacks. I work construction with a bunch of black people and they're more annoyed than whites it seems.
All you see is biracial or gay couples constantly. I wouldn't mind seeing it every once in a while, but let it reflect the actual population at large rather than the small minority over and over and over again. If the amount of black and white couples in the world is "X" percent, then only "X" percent of the commercials should reflect that. Same goes for gays and other minorities.
I just don't understand. Wouldn't they be catering to more people more consistently if their commercials reflected actual society?
I wish someone would produce and run rogue commercials.
something like a commercial for jdate where it shows a black guy dating some kinky hair'd kike cunt with a fat ass.
went to the theater years ago with wife to see "dear white people" for a lark. the only blacks in the place(out of 8 people) walked out midway threw a faggot makeout scene.
>still buying a Samsung
>not buying the open-source phone Librem 5
WHAT ? an ads with a black guy and blond blue eyes girls with a kind of loving/connection message in it ?
what a surprise,never seen that in my whole fucking life!!!!!
>for a lark
you got jewed for fun. god damn i love this country.
>Librem 5
Preorder special pricing ($649)
ive been "redpilled" for years before. it was super gay oriented. that surprised me. it was more talking down to blacks about faggots
Regardless, it's racemixing you cuck.
Phones aren't cheap, zoomer.
>walked out midway
sensible despite their mental handicap
please. they could have just stuffed their code into cheap pos hardware. this is bullshit
Yeah...I know...tell me about it wife gets mad at the way I point out all this during a movie or show....but she gets it and thats what matters.
Yeah first time for everything.....
Because everyone keeps buying stuff.
Stop buying products that feature such shit in mass and see how quickly it all changes.
As always Companies don't care wether you're White or Black or Yellow all they care about is you spending Money with them, parading the majorities viewpoint around to virtue signal and like Movies is pushing an agenda and to normalize it.
atleast there were some based companies.
>things that are black exist
>nu/pol/ starts screeching
Because commercials are completely irrelevant to sales but tv drones absorb them as propaganda
ive got your meme famalam
Yes, but is it worth it?
lol no. if your that big of a sperg(i am) just dont carry it around and leave in a box at home. only faggot do internet on the phone anyways. whats to gain?
I just seen a jeep wrangler ad on jewtube.
And ffs they had a black guy driving it through desert then it flashes for like half a second showing a white girl getting in with 2 other black guys.
I couldn't fucking believe it. This meme is real its not even a joke anymore.
Wish i could find it to post.
fuck off retard
OMG you’re right! I do need lessons in morality from a corporation that uses slave labor.
I bet black dudes would laugh at this too
Anyone got the graphic of all company ownership and how it maps back to a few parent companies?
reminder: getting triggered by a commercial is what tumblr is for.
t. seething incel.
This was literally what i was thinking.
I said to myself.
Oh finally a white person thing! There's no way they's try to insert some race mixing propaga.....fuck!
Whats weird about it was the scene with the white girl smiling while hopping in with the nigs was so fkn fast. Like a split second.
It's legit subliminal advertising.
agree, this is an old but effective trick. just like that creepy video of the national anthem that has a frame every so often with shit like "submit to the govt"
What is not normal about a white woman willingly riding with a vehicle full of muscular, well hung black men?
I notice a lot of race-mixing crap everywhere on television. I'm even seeing it on "The Simpsons" now that the show is dying.
Best bet, just get rid of your cable tv, and keep your shekels away from the perverted white-haters that will only use them to promote the end of your race.
Why feed Jews the money they need to continue slamming you?
You’re a smelly nigger. If you really think they push WMBF close to as much as BMWF then you really are a stinky black nigger
>incels create conspiracy theories blaming "media" for their inability to attract a mate.
Happy Hanukah!
Bump with propaganda
This can be found in Google photos app
Feminists are going to love it - lol
Jew, EVERYONE is noticing it, you'd have to be blind not to see it, so denying it is a worthless waste of time.
They're being way too obvious about it.
Oh, and Jews need to be exterminated.
Well if you can't find a white woman to mate with you, it is you who are exterminated.
came here to post this
Yet you paid jews to destroy your society and indoctrinate your woman further. Real redpilled.
Thats a proven hoax.
jews print the money. They dont need yours trust me. Nothing short of violent war and genocide will stop them.
Already done, had three kids.
It was a privilege to help beat down the Jewish agenda.
How to get Garden Eel hair
Even Jews have to distribute that money based on the limitations of the economic machine. They need excuses as to how they happen to have it, and where it came from, otherwise the entire scam collapses.
Boycott them. Boycott the media, and boycott every company that pushes this shit.
wait until you see your grandkids! (If you have any)
nothing gets me harder
than the pure white genes of a white whore
im sure THAT one is, but how many squeak by with barely a notice.
Oh shut the fuck up, you dumb bitch. Money is money regardless of it being printed or not. Whites still need money, you absolute bellend.
>muh war
Already have one.
A redhead. the product of a redhead and a blonde.
I'll see more. And none of them will be brown.
When to economy collapses, a lot of brown people all over the world will be starving.
I won't bother to help.
Every time one of you idiots gets upset about an ad like this and posts it somewhere, that's free advertising for them. They don't give a shit about racemixing, they just want to trigger you so you do their work for them for free.
That's why you boycott them.
And you don't need to see it here. If you're white, and you see any company pushing this agenda, just stop doing business with them.
And get rid of your television, to help starve the Jew.
It's very simple, and it needs to spread.
I am more concerned about that haircut.
>How is this going to help us sell burgers?
Lmao his hair makes him look like an anime thug from a hentai. Literally clown hair. Lolol
>oy vey what do you mean a conspiracy?
>hehe just you wait goy your family will get blacked soon enough
except that's hardly going to happen, is it. For every neckbeard who actually goes through with boycotting, you have ten people who approve of it because its woke. Don't over estimate the impact of believers in your dumb as fuck far right ideology. If all of you went through with a boycott people might notice, but you don't have the willpower for that.
I'm sure the number of Samsung phones being sold just skyrocketed after OP posted this. They are just reaffirming leftist political views because it's popular to do so at the moment. Silicon Valley is one of the most kiked industries out there this shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.
Lmao and the backlash from that was universal. Ill still never buy another gikette product or Nigger Nike product afain.
>One year supply
I'd go through that sugar within a few months with my tea
You think your going to have tea time when Armageddon is upon us? Holy fuck
You are so full of shit. If you really had ever kissed a girl, you wouldn't be so triggered.
Why do (((they))) always use the most unattractive niggers possible?
His hair looks like the chryssalid whale hive in XCOM.
boycot, divest, and sanction everything jewish or face the consequences
what actual shilling looks like
you can always tell by the over-description
It only takes about 10 percent of customers to leave, and it damages the company severely.
and I already boycott these companies, myself. How is it impossible that others will also do this? And I got rid of cable tv long ago, and don't bother with movies, at all.
It can spread, if everyone publicly supports the idea.
We can wreck companies, destroy the lives of CEO's, etc.
Not doing something is far easier than doing something, and in this case, all you're doing is saving money.
Isn't it easy to find who the director is who directed this commercial? Can we make a running wiki of all the people involved in this, so we can boycott them thoroughly and raise awareness?
The same way They use bugs as Some sort of delicacy for the goyim
"HAHA Looks how the beauty of white Women is Fucking such Ugly creature"
We need an autist to go round looking at every commercial with race-mixing and compile a list.
as long as they own the federal reserve bank its just going to get worse
Not triggered at all.
You're the one swearing and over-reacting.
I'm just suggesting a course of action, you're flipping out simply because I suggested it.
Why does what I buy or don't buy piss you off?
Dick's insufferable female CEO would like a woke word or three with you shill
>you dont have the willpower for that
eat a bag of uncirced penoids, kike. your hypnotism doesnt work here
One year supply, and a one way ticket to irritable bowel syndrome and coronary heart disease
>you can tell by the over description.
Exactly. Pretty pathetic actually.
got this gem in my work email this morning
they are literally laughing at us while dismissing how we settled and built this country
You need to work on your coping skills.
stop watching jew made porn, goys
You're the one coping here.
I really don't care. I've done my job, others must do theirs.
Let’s crowdfund it and run our own. Pol makes the content, pol funds the ads
It’s political tension being used, among other things. A) it grabs attention, B) it distracts and divides black and white men against each other and the men against the women because women cant understand “what the big deal is user it’s just an advertisement”. Women are much more vulnerable to brainwashing because they are so wired to worship the status quo.