Prime example, "red dead redemption 2". one of the fastest selling game ever. Filled with subtle, sometime even subliminal political propganda...
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Bro Jow Forums is not the place to get subscribers
do you have examples? i just clicked the video and it says its full of spoilers...wont watch it then...planning on buying the game when its cheaper
SJWs don' t play video games.
Trannys don' t play video games.
"Journalists" don' t play video games.
Women don' t play video games.
Jow Forums is always there.
Micah's a rat and Arthur dies of tuberculosis. You finish the game with John Marston.
>Bro Jow Forums is not the place to get subscribers
I didn't upload this video. Look, at my flag.
I thought it was a brilliant exposé of ideological propaganda in video games. Especially in red dead's case. (since it was a very succesful game)
>Arthur dies of tuberculosis
well, that depends
>do you have examples? i just clicked the video and it says its full of spoilers...wont watch it then...planning on buying the game when its cheaper
In a nutshell, the game promotes feminism, white guilt, is not historically accurate. demonizes white men.
It really doesnt though
I'm watching this as we speak. The guy is very intelligent and articulate. I think the game was okay but really pushed hard to promote their SJW agenda. All the Black people and women are strong, clever, and brave and held back by white men. While white guys are stupid and pathetic which is obviously trying to make white guys today feel guilty. I'm so sick of political agendas being pushed in games which are supposed to be a fun escape from reality.
>promotes feminism
Showing the suffrage movement which arthur goes out of his way to not endorse, is not promoting feminism. He drives a cart with them for 1 mission for a character to find his love interest
>not historically accurate
Its a fictional setting but the setting is an accurate portrayal
>demonizes white men
No, it doesn't
Just because theyre not saying nigger every 5 minutes it doesnt mean its propaganda
Nah, the game has plenty of based white male characters, like Arthur, John, Hosea, Brother Dorkins, and that officer that you help escape.
>It really doesnt though
Then you clearly haven't watched the guy's video. He brilliantly takes red dead 2 apart.
Fuck off Red Dead Redemption 2 is good.
Have you even played the game?
Every “Feminist” mission requires you, the man, Aurthor Morgan, perform seemingly supernatural masculine feats to complete them.
Ive played the game through multiple times its not liberal propaganda
you can beat up the eugenics guy in town with no consequences
>drive a cart
>supernatural masculine feat
Sounds right honestly
You can rope up the feminist and drag her down the street too
Didnt' see that coming, that's why Arthur isn't even in the first game.
>Just because theyre not saying nigger every 5 minutes it doesnt mean its propaganda
English is not my native tongue, but even with my limited english, i can tell that you're a disingenuous person. Either that or (if you have honest intentions), you have a very short attention span.
These people are as bad as the SJWs whining about games.
No seriously, thats the main argument that its propaganda, its that there are niggers and women who arent called niggers and women and being completely useless. Its a retarded implication and makes it sound like you didnt play the game and if you did, completely ignored the story
(((video gaming)))
Have you ever seen a woman drive?
but do you get a kidnapping bounty? I put the eugenics guy on the train tacks. I expected the game to give a secret trophy for it.
>Have you even played the game?
Yes but didn't platinumed it. Don't get me wrong, i'm not here shitting on red dead 2 for the sake of it. And i'd be a hypocrite to say that i didn't enjoyed it. I did.
That being said..the game is filled with SJW propaganda. It's everywhere. it's subtle...sometimes blatantly obvious, but subtle more often than not
>Expecting anything else in 2019
Cyberpunk will be littered with it aswell. Kinda sad watching people think it wont
>b-b-but why are there niggers
>w-w-why isnt this one female character a limp wrist useless whore like the other 4
An hour long video? Does he mention the Freemasonic logo in the game?
Exactly, what a bunch of losers, seriously.
American Krogan's channel is gold. I don't know much about the guy himself, but his channel is a must watch for us. Watch his video on Jordan Peterson.
The guy's American. OP is French. Are you an actually retarded nigger? He doesn't need to shill his channel, his content is good enough to get him subs.
>These people are as bad as the SJWs whining about games.
Only we have facts on our side
So you're a dumb somali who speaks about stuff he knows nothing about? Give the frenchman back his computer ffs.
Is it true that no matter what happens during the KKK area, they always light themselves on fire if you don't end up killing them? Thats just lazy scripting on Rockstars part honestly
I think if you just knock anyone like it out it leaves you alone but if you manipulate the body (other than just carrying it i think) it getd the cops. I stomped out the old suffrugate and knocked over a nigress on my escape
>we have facts on our side
W e w
In Rugrats: Search for Reptar on the PS1, when you play hide and seek, if you hide inside the bin in the kitchen and Chuckie is the seeker, he will find you eventually and when he does he'll reach in to grab you, he'll remove your nappy and scream "FOUND YOU, YOU CAPITALIST PIG. TO THE GULAG WITH YOU. BERNIE 2020".
>liberal propaganda
>creates one of the most three-dimensional and relatable white protagonists in video game history
Sure, it probably wouldn't have been realistic for Arthur to pall around with minorities, but Charles is cool and Lenny doesn't get plot armor, so I don't really have a problem with it.
I've played through the game and can say that it is. You are so acclimated to it that if it isn't punching you in the mouth obvious you can't see it.
I bet you didn't even play the game or can't even enjoy it without thinking that everything has to put politics on it.
You know I think I’m gonna buy a pack of yugioh cards
>>b-b-but why are there niggers
>>w-w-why isnt this one female character a limp wrist useless whore like the other 4
Once again, Caricaturing your opponent's position instead of countering with arguments.
Checked and red pill ed
Yes. Also promotes communism if you talk to the right NPCs. (Look around Valentine and Rhodes.)
Cock if you read the notes scattered about the game it is full of SJW propaganda. That combined the moments shoved in your face adds up to this game being a definite leftist tool, fuck it
>trying to use rules of debate on a rice farming board in a thread about whining about videogames
Please kys
Hit the nail on the head. Always call out arguments made in bad faith.
>muh strawman aint no strawman
Of course there are some white characters that are portrayed positively, nothing is ever 100%. But the general vibe is that white men are a blight. Besides Arthur Morgan is not based because he is the ultimate SJW idea of an 'ally' because he constantly fights for the opressed minorities and has a personal ethical code that pushes him to hate the Klan, hate the old slaver guy, and love the feminists in the game. He's more akin to a basedboy than badass outlaw sadly.
not even going to watch the video
the game literally has a mission where you drive suffragettes to the voting place so they can argue for the right to vote and you get to shoot the inbred misogynist cletuses who want to stop them
There's literally nothing sjw in any of those notes, theyre love notes left by dead people you mong
>I'm watching this as we speak. The guy is very intelligent and articulate. I think the game was okay but really pushed hard to promote their SJW agenda
For sure.
didn't notice this in my playthrough, what is it? what is the significance of it?
Horseback riding simulator was/is boring. If that counts as feminists propaganda than they made it.
I'm not even white, but the instant i hear "sjw" or "anti-white" propaganda, it immediately a no buy from me, right now im fucking tired of western games i'm currently lean toward japanese games, regreted buying uncharted 4, overwatch and GTA 5, thank goodness i didn't buy RDR2.
Did you see the compass and square in this pic?
Your father should've never stopped fucking you.
This is the most reddit response possible. Fucking queer.
Who lvl 200+ here
there were levels?
No idea. Asked once on here, they said “we make everything user”.
>playing MGS 2 as a child
>that part of the game where you keep getting weird codec calls
>Raiden, despite making up only 13 percent of the population, did you know that blacks also make up over 50, yes thats right, 50 PERCENT of the crime
>On September 11th, 2001, Israeli spies were arrested but eventually released
>game screen cuts to some old world war 2 imagery
>WOODEN DOORS Raiden, I mean seriously?
>turn the game off at that point because I was too creeped out
How did Kojima get away with that?
>t. non-white consumerist drone
Online you git
I was talking more about Arthur's general outlook. Overall he's a fantastic character, and it's not like anybody's going to call out Rockstar for having him shit on slavery and the Klan. I do agree that they probably should have made him more politically neutral, but it doesn't make me like him less.
>Nah, the game has plenty of based white male characters, like Arthur, John, Hosea, Brother Dorkins, and that officer that you help escape.
Ignorance is bliss. Comments like yours prove that some of us have been brainwashed to a point of no return.
Did you get the drunk soldier stranger? The one that goes on a drunken tirade about how evil he is for helping round up savages?
The game isn't obnoxious in your face with the anti-white sermons, but they're definitely there.
Sorry, meant I have no idea of its significance. I do know that it is the logo of Freemasons, the compass and square with a G in the middle between two pillars. Behind the scales are ginger and spanish fly, typical rockstar sex jokes.
Yeah bro, got him, we're totes teh coolest in da skooooool
Try debating like an adult you pussywhipped niggerfaggot.
Angelo Bronte has the best theme song in the whole game in my opinion.
But due to how much I browse Jow Forums, I am not sure if the game is mocking white or brown people, by making the only Italian a slimy mafia boss.
Your is a pathetic country, even your mother is probably involved in the porn industry. You have no culture, what an useless countries of whores and betas.
*tips fedora*
Yes, because people in that era were calling blacks 'darkies' right, dear Chapo pal? Can you tell me why there wasn't a single black suffragette in the game while the diversity is clearly important for the faggy studio that made it?
>debating over a game
That's what losers that have nothing better to do, well, do.
You know that actually happened right? There is the general consensus that the whole thing was "not cool".
>Please kys
More of the same. Move on then...Go back on reddit.
Is there a reason you and so many others ignore the Freemasonic logo in the pic I posted?
This should be on /v/
Sorry the cucked mods deleted the last one
Im a woman *spits* look how non conforming i am *spits* I just killed an army of men *spits*
Did you read that garbage, she apparently chews tobacco and spits more than any dude in the game.
Then theres mission names
>Fatherhood for idiots
Mission involves you getting attacked and defending yourself with the son
>third time lucky
Is you on the third try of winning your woman, being rejected. A play on usually winning the woman and how gamers cant expect that anymore because independent woman
That sounds like nothing but added up with everything else its clear what they were trying to push
Youre saying that someone showing regret for rounding up people and destroying their home is liberal propaganda, as in "its liberal propaganda because its not overtly racist"
Kek at the seething Libya colony. How does it feel to be Ottoman dumping ground for centuries?
>has to make up stuff in order to make insults
This is why you are not true Slavs, you are low energy faggots and whores.
There's a popular book series called "X for idiots". John is called an idiot many times in the game.
Have you ever heard of third times the charm?
Yeah hellywoo is shuving al sorts of this shit.
Just watched a star is boring...and the had cross dressers, trannies, and all that shit.
And dont even want to talk about how fucked up they made the degenerate Frddy Murcury in the new has,become s sad...sad world anons.
>So you're a dumb somali who speaks about stuff he knows nothing about? Give the frenchman back his computer ffs.
In other words i HAD to platnium the game to know what i'm talking about ? Is that what you're insinuating ?
Sadie had a reason to be portrayed how she did, there were 5 other women in the game portrayed feminine as shit
That's what people who make money sitting around because they didn't fuck around and snort drugs when they were younger do.
You see how the above is a bad argument? You aren't social proofing yourself to anyone here for likes, which is why I am sure your faggot ass came from reddit.
Consider su-i-sa-i-do desu~
>Exactly, what a bunch of losers, seriously.
No counter arguments.
creepy. I think this is in the lab of the tesla coil scientist dude, but what he would have to do with teh FM is a mystery. Redpill me on these guys user, to me they just look like a drinking club/guy hangout/place to shake hands and rub shoulders with some very influencial people. Are the FM ebil?
If you played even 5 minutes instead of regurgitating the same points that have been in the last 100 threads you'd understand you're a fuckwad. But that'll never happen because you're a dumbass.
I think leftists don't even consider that some non-whites can get sick of them injecting their anti-white politics in to everything
t. Iranian
You must not browse /v/.
>Did you see the compass and square in this pic?
On the right side of the picture ? nop..But now that you mention it.. Fuckin hell;..Unbelievable.
No one can stop the force of the thrusting katana-like dick of the based nip. The jew fears the samurai.
kek, playing online in 2019. are you a cuck m8?
>m-muh reddit, stop liking this kike game!
There is no need to argue, there are better things to argue to about.