Today a new right-wing coalition for the European parliament was announced. At the announcement in Milan were Matteo Salvini (Lega, Italy), Jörg Meuthen (AfD, Germany), Olli Kotro (The Finns Party, Finland) and Anders Vistisen (Dansk Folkeparti, Denmark).

>Link to the livestream:

Attached: Salvini-Sovranisti-Afd-1300.jpg (1300x530, 117K)

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What happened to the Italo-Polish Axis? YOU WE'RE SUPPOSED TO DEFEAT THE GERMANS, NOT JOIN THEM.

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>le germans are the enemies maymay

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Kill Merkel

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You elected Angela Kasner, a kike. You repeated this kike in repeatedly. You're the reason Italy is flooded with immigrants.

for fucks sake again they're splitting the euro conservatives/reformers/nationalists into another splinter wing

we have 4 or 5 now

Found a shill.

Yeah, and you elected King Nigger, the reason why Egypt, Libya and Syria got destabilized. So shut up.

>Egypt, Libya, and Syria is why we're taking in Turks and Somalians

has history taught you nothing?

You poisoned europe with your EU obsession. So desperate to make up for ww2 you didn't even realise it was another jewish trick and now you're the bad guy all over again.
Just nuke yourselves, you do nothing but damage others

That Italy always makes alliances and switches sides?

It's over

>You're the reason Italy is flooded with immigrants
No, the reason is cause we empowered our women, cause the USA forced us, like they did to Japan.
And now we are dying.
Persoanlly, i think that afd stands with Poland too, so don't sweat it.

>No, the reason is cause we empowered our women
Nah fuck off with that pseudo american incel shit. This is clearly not our issue, most Italian women voted Lega and Meloni represents one of the most right wing parties. I bet you are not Italian. You piece of shit.

Stop being so butthurt, Noigel.

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Why no polish, hungarian and austrian presence? maybe they will join later? salvini confirmed for new duce when?

Yeah, they said that in the next weeks other parties will join.


we need a German genocide

>we empowered our women
You have to go back Mohammed.

Yea man, im not italian.
Also Italy is fine, and the Boomers will have their pensions.
Also, it's not like if we don't import african slaves we won't have enoug young people to tax cause our women didn't have enough kids.
Also, companies won't flee to China soon.

Attached: Italy.png (1200x800, 9K)

In the Salvini group there will be also France's RN and Austria's FPO.

The other main conservative (that is, SANE) group in the europarliament is Meloni's one, which is headed by Poland.

Orban is still in the EPP.

>Yea man, im not italian.
There, fuck off. You are just another target for the immigrant hunt.

what happened with the 80-84

It's probably just another socialist party that wants just less than the EU-desired immigration levels.



That's the ww2 gen, i think.

No, muslim genocide will be the best.

they skipped the measles vaccination

>muh wimminz are the only problem!!!
è da questa parte

>using google translate
You are not fooling anyone.

No you idiot, EFDD and ENF are going away.
Now there will be 2 right EU parties, ECR and this one

europe is a concrete application of the english thought that has been poisining Europe since the XVIIIth century
and inb4 you talk about the french revolution, it was the result of english inspired thinkers such as Voltaire, Montesquieu or Rousseau not to mention the people governing France at the time.


Actually this means the EFDD is dissolving, and the right-wing parties absorbed by ENF

Fucking cucks are here in Italy too. As if radical chics weren't enough.

We are all in this mess because of you.
We pretend mass migration is a good thing because our societies feel guilty because of you! Because you picked a fight with the russians you couldn't win we now have a bunch of rainbow faggots who love communism because it spread. Because of you
We have all the jews wanting to fuck over Europe as much as they can going beyond their usual tactics of just extorting money then moving on. Because of you!
You fucked up again and again and you keep doing it and you need to just nuke yourselves.
You are a cancer that won't die.


E la board dei finocchi è qua:
vai dai tuoi e dievrtiti.

>krauts, macaronis and spurdos getting together again

Oh boy.

shouldn't have waged a war against germany then

>”betrayed by democracies”
Salvini gets it

we will be joining in soon :3

Tua madre è una puttana.

You faggots started it we just didn't want them to have a navy

Not VOX?

Attached: sr10xewk55b11.jpg (400x400, 21K)

my body is ready

Vox will have to join us when they realize N-VA (pro-Catalonia) will remain in the ECR

You need to win in your local elections first

t.witheknight faggot

they should talk with AfS in Sweden, but they are a small party and perhaps too ethnonationalist. Oh, well at least I can hope

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you didn't want them to have a navy because of your autistic hegemonic obsession, you were perfectly fine with fighting them also

he is right though

Based. Is UKIP likely to join if we vote in May?

This is now a bong-free thread. All bongs pls go.

Which region are you from?

Il problema è che voi ritardati manco capite perchè sta andando giu tutto.
Ma ehi: continuate a fare i cucks, vediamo come andrà a finire.
La cosa divertente è che quando saremo veramente alla fame, e sotto i comunisti o fascisti e il nome piu comune per i figli sarà Mohamed ( come in inghilterra ), voi non capirete che è tutto collegato, e continuerete a essere cornuti ritardati.
Bravi furbi.
E' per ritardati come voi che siamo fottuti, e ci mertiiamo di essere cancellati.

Ma dove cavolo vivete che avete tanti problemi con le donne? A Bologna?
Io non ho mai visto una femminista dal vivo.

Sorry niggas, thanks for the whitepill, i'm used to fracturing and right wing eating itself

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AfS won't get any MEPs, would be kinda pointless

colpa del consumo eccessivo di soia. Se vai al supermercato oramai si vedono più burger della valsoia che burger veri
Le uniche persone cho ho incontrato nella mia vita che odiano le donne sono perlappunto froci e altre donne.
Davvero credi che siano le donne alla radice del problema? La stragrande maggioranza delle donne sono conformiste: il problema parte da noi.
Le donne votano per ciò in cui i mariti e i fidanzati credono, prova a parlare di politica con qualsiasi donna e te ne renderai conto

Ma vaffanculo sfigato di merda. Tu sei un altro corrotto dalla cultura americana. Sei un pericolo come i radical chic tu. Tornatene nella tua caverna.

Either speak English, or gib back Tyrol

this is an english board, not fucking Jow Forums

>Il problema è che voi ritardati manco capite perchè sta andando giu tutto.
Spiegami allora quale è il motivo per cui tutto sta andando giù. Le donne?
Fammi il piacere dai

If the BREXIT Farage cuck party gets the MEPs, then no, if the based UKIP gets them, then yes

They'll probably get in.

It looks like this is just going to be a group for all of the nationalist parties. ENF+EFDD.

The far right parties have had issues sticking together and keeping a group, hopefully they can generate some stability with this move and start pumping out professional politicians and a consistent, realistic platform.

Remember, just about every successful revolution did well because they had people on the inside/friends in high places who were willing to bring them in. You must continue to play regular politics.

Mai poi proprio in Italia non mi aspettavo questi individui. Che tristezza.

Joins us? Where is the Austrian party?

tu pensi al momento e non alla lunga, come i negri.
se non capisci perché dare potere alle donne è sbagliato vuol dire che sei un cucko o un ritardato

in the north


We are already allied to Salvini, at least since 2009

Ma vai a cagare subumano di merda.

Kotleba? Ukip? Brexit party? Pis? Fn?

What about SD and Estonia?

Where exactly?

Go back to kissing Israel's ugly circumcised cock

la gente come te va rimosse se vogliamo salvare il nostro paese, sei accecato

won't tell and it doesn't matter

E tu mi sembri vagamente ebraico, cerchi di dividere la popolazione per genere

10:45 they said they are in talks with parties not in attendance yet. They said there are differences but it sounds like they extended an invitation to talk with several parties to find common ground with the intent of decentralizing Brussels.

Ma dove cazzo vivi? Io sono a milano e avrò visto 3 femministe in tutta la mia vita

Kotleba no, too extreme (they call gypsies subhuman pigs), but SNS and SR likely

UKIP yes

Brexit party NO, Farage says he will never associate with continental populists

PiS, NO, they have their own group

FN / RN are already allied with Salvini

SD, 50 % chances at this point, they always try to follow DF

EKRE (Estonia), will likely join, they try to follow PS

>won't tell
Found the Alboroach.

>(((won't tell)))

>brexit party
Not after Farage his whining about UKIP being ''obsessed with islam''

too late

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lel, unlikely

we will have mass global starvation way before that happens

>Aspettati tasse molto piu alte in futuro, o tagli immensi a sanità o al publico se non prendiamo i neri

Ha, ho capito, sei una zecca rossa e vivi di mafia.

i am not albanian, stupid faggot

>Ancora una volta questo vuol dire che troppi itlaiani sono cornuti senza palle che non sanno gestire le donne.
Allora siamo d'accordo che il problema non sono le donne, ma i sinistrati.
>che io so daccordo, megglio non prendere neri e tornare al privato per pensioni, scuole e sanità
Quello che si crearà, almeno per la sanità che conosco bene siccome ci lavoro, sarà un sistema ibrido, con una "caisse sociale" alla francese, una specie di assicurazione per il settore pubblico che ti da la priorità in visite non di urgenza, esami del sangue, etc.
E visto il come è messo il sistema pubblico non credo sia neanche un male
Probabilmente (((Tel Aviv)))

i want to restore male and female balance in our society, man and women aren't equal

You had mass imigration of niggers before we even got turkslaves, you and your inbreed island are nothing but slaves to the bignoses and you enjoyed every second of it because muh navy muh fish and muh tea

their fertility rate is too high

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>You had mass imigration of niggers before we even got turkslaves, you and your inbreed island are nothing but slaves to the bignoses and you enjoyed every second of it because muh navy muh fish and muh tea

also remember that we got turks because of american pressure to get Turkey to defend Israel, not because we actually needded them (they are more likely to be unemployed after all)


i have never seen any, that's why we have to act now before it is too late.
i don't hate women, but they have a different role in society

>The European Alliance for Peoples and Nations
I was hoping for a more catchy name, but you take what you can get.

Also to prevent them from going commie, because they decided to have a population explosion without any industry to soak it up. Would have lost them half the med and the whole ME xcept israel without one bullet flying

It was the USA that forced the Germans to take in large numbers of Turkish """workers""". It is the USA that the German chancellor is forced to go to immediately upon being elected. It is the USA that actively pushes gay pride parades and diversity programs in Europe through their embassies. It is the USA that does everything they can for Israel and destroys great nations at the behest of them and leaves entire regions in ruins. It is the USA that is behind all of this.
>But wait? That's not fair right?
Correct. It's your kike controlled establishment that does this. It's the same for Germany. So is Germany at fault that they were conquered and forced all of this on? No. You're just myopic.

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