Leftists in Brazil are obsessed with Apple products. They are the most expensive ones here

Leftists in Brazil are obsessed with Apple products. They are the most expensive ones here.

Is this a global thing? If yes, why leftists love Apple?

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Yes, same thing everywhere.
I think it's because they designed their UI's to cater to stupid people.

Apple is the best. You only buy a PC if you cannot afford a Mac

Exensive technology is trendy and for status, nothing else. Rural and more humble peoples laugh as the morons buying this garbage.

You maggot

I'm rural and I have an ipad, airpods and apple watch. I like their ecosystem - super easy and convenient

Are you a leftist? So why don't you support free market?

I am a Motion Designer in Sao Paulo and the entire production studio uses Macs with Cinema 4d and After FX. It just works way better than PCs for our pipeline.


Yes. They are over priced digital status symbols. Thus, bug people love them.

because marketing, they are lefties, influentiable and manipulated scum, simple.

I am the only Right Wing on the entire studio

The whole "Mac for media" meme has been shit for twenty years, user.
How many of the render farms are run on Apples, do you think?

It's almost as if people choose Mac or PC because it suits their specific needs.

We pay to render online

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That doesn't answer the question.
What hardware/software do you think the render farms use?
Protip: It's not fucking Apple.

It's the Mac OS X, Windows is trash and Apple's hardware is just the same as other vendors.

>what are trend slaves
the vast majority of normies buy apple shit in the same mindless way they hold liberal views. They don't bother actually forming their own views or ideas because that's hard. It's much easier to just follow the herd and circle the wagons whenever an outsider calls you a retarded faggot.

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Apple was decent when Steve jobs was alive. Their stuff was expensive, but it was made to last. Now that time cook is in control it seems they have cut corners and their products don’t last as long.

>airpods. apple watch. ecosystem

Jobs was a hack. Wozniak was the only good part of Apple.

>windows is trash
When are you normie scum ever leveraging the operating system interface more than some "app" that runs on top of it?

>implying designed obsolescence wasn't jobs idea

Because its gay and overrated, also hipster ideology.

Leftists love conformity and social signalling.

same here

usually the lefties here come from wealthy families and they have zero contact with the real raw reality

their ego big and their wallet even deeper

That’s with most things, but I am not defending Apple, just noticed how their older computers and phones held up longer then the ones they push today.

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It's probably Linux. GPU render farms have been Linux since the 90s.

Ding ding ding

it is because modern leftists are the bourgeoisie

It's a NPC thing worldwide.