The French Revolution

>The French Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

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Other urls found in this thread:'_Revolt

bumpity bump

>prophetic film

absolutely based entry user, one of my first real redpills. Read this book when I was 18 and it made me distrust democracy just enough that I am basically some kind of NRX fag now. Nice contribution.

Sure. Same with Jew-funded Cromwell.

too bad that it was a shit film though, saved only by its humor and peak Denise Richards.

care to explain user?

White and based.

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Didn't kill enough aristocrats and priests desu

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Based. Europe has always been strongest when guided by Christian empires.

cheers user, also that's an interesting image you dropped, not seen it before. Will take a gander.


what's the matter Estonia-bro? salty cos you don't get to be a part of the best monarchy, Imperial Tsarist Russia

Simply wrong. It only did not go far enough.

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Tbh it was no different than the Russian Revolution. Middle-class scumbags leeching off of uneducated peasants to create the shithole oligarchies we now live in.

Naah, salty that I didn't get to participate in its destruction desu

Attached: romanovpepe.jpg (2048x1218, 308K)

>from a fake country
>has no sense of tradition, time, honour or identity
what a surprise

absolutely this

no, you're just jealous you don't get Lizzy as your grandma

I think monarchies are very interesting, preferably a better system would be a constitutional monarchy with more power to the monarch with an ability to dissolve parliament. People would be voted on their occupation by people with that occupation. For example, people who are doctors will vote for a minister of health that is a doctor and so on, establishing a fine meritocracy.

The monarch will not be voted on and neither will the Prime minister who will be decided by the monarch, the a Prime minister will pretty much act as a vice-President, taking power for a short time in the result of a crisis.

*the prime minister

Interesting concept about doctors voting doctors. That is similar to the fascist idea of corporates. That reminds me of Ben carson actually. I find it strange how americans often fall into the natural groove of meritocracy. They all praised Carson when he ran for president this time and said that a man of his learning and skill must be naturally equipped for running a nation, but they will shrink away from the evils of appointing a president and still want them elected.

As is the ordinary person who cannot know what it's like to be a brain surgeon should be fit to decided which surgeon they get for their operation.

Nice thought about appointed Prime ministers though, that is an interesting mix, but Bongland is now cucked with its current "constitutional monarchy" and if it was a choice between this and pre-Cromwell England, I think I would choose the latter.

Guess who ended a 3 and a half century long Jewish exile in England?

You'd be a serf if it wasn't for the revolution

French monarchy may still be a thing if they hadn't blown so much money supporting the American revolution. Thanks Jacques!

There is nothing to discuss, this is just objective fact. Every human ion this entire planet who disagrees with OP, to the fucking man, is deluded and refuses to face reality.

what a faggot. desu English (((education))) about Cromwell is very short and skims over the wholce civil war affair. No wonder, they want him to seem like our version of Voltaire or something.

>equating technological progress that has liberated peasants from the Earth to democracy
wew lad, got any evidence that poverty and Middle Ages lifestyle was directly connected to Monarchy/pre-enlightenment values?

San Marino is the worlds oldest extant Republic (301 A.D.) did they have iPhones by the time England got to be an industrial power?


thanks user. care to furnish us with some of your reasons? I'd genuinely love to hear more as I hav eonly just started to come to this conclusion and have a long way to go before I can effectively argue it.

Democracy will destroy the west! King louis gave people power through parliament and they fought him in the subsequent power struggle.

Based user. Love that guys politics. I don't know much about his theology as I wasnt raised religious. I see you have a catholic flag however, user. Are you a catholic? If so, do you think that church is a better one for Europe? How does it compare to Protestant monarchies?

Nah. I'm not catholic. Pro protestant monarchist. Only has a templar flag cos of the memes

Its pretty simple really. If you ask people to rationalize their justification for democracy and industrialism and the like, it always HAS to come down to abstract concepts. The more adventurous thinkers will try to explain how these abstract concepts help people in somewhat less abstract ways, but will always wind up falling short.
It’s all just a matter of pragmatism. Rational people should subscribe to ideologies that detail practical ways of achieving the welfare of the people. If all you can promise is “muh freedoms” and “muh rights,” meanwhile people are starving, or killing each other, then you should just be disregarded out of hand.

Literally mob rule mirdered and stole the property of the aristocracy that protected them and gave them an empire and all the wealth they had.

Now that wealth has run out after being squandered by the third, fourth, and fifers republic, and the mob is confused and angry.

They should hang La Republic En Marche, repeal loi 1905 and invite the church and first estate back to France to save it from the ruin they brought upon themselves.

Also, post the screen cap of the poor bourbon boy thé sick /his/ Republicans murdered

The whore who birthed Marxism, youre right.

at one point atheists got in on the action. the whole revolution was such cluster fuck & just concluded with Napoleon declaring himself emperor. pretty funny shit. Everyone involved was a faggot

Based and Diderot pilled.

1789-1793 :d) Liberals from enlighting spirit dealing with aristocrats and the king in order to have parlementary monarchy as england
1793-1794 : The terror, Far-left anti-liberals from Rousseauist movement ,trying to dominate the country with abusing oppresion and fighting other countries
1794-1799 : Liberals come back and face to counter-revolutionary inside,far-left (montagnards) and other countries
1799: Napoleon comes and calm down everything.

what was that group called that he right wing used to beat up the left wingers? they were like a bunch of dandy fancy lads

Serfdom was de facto abolished in France by Louis X and also in England a long time ago. The Revolutionary proclamation was mostly for propaganda purposes.

There's no ground zero in history.
You could go back to protestantism...
Or even to 451...

It destroyed Spain aka destroyed America and Europe

Based burger. To be quite honest, I think the whole push for "rights" has been the single biggest misstep in recent history. Not because certain rights aren't important. English common law protected speech since 600AD. But the moment the French revolution made the man himself the single unit if society, it meant any man could enumerate his own rights thereafter. And they do. The "right" for grannies to get reassignment surgery in the NHS, for example. The "right" to not be offended. It will be at the decay of our society, mark my words.

Also true

Absolutely based, nothing to add to either. So glad to see my trans Atlantic brothers down with this too.

in general I think that's true

We have to blame it for the "Left/Right" duality plaguing our thinking so I guess I can't disagree with OP.

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French revolution was a response to the failure of the monarchial system in a world of educated and free people.

The French revolution was a transition of power from Whites to Jews. The moment when Jews started to gain the upper hand over white nations.

>Funded by Rothschild
>Led by Freemasons
>End of governance by white European monarchs and the white artistocratic caste
>Introduction of secular (((liberal democracy)))
>Introduction of "equality" and egalitarian ideology
>Jews become full citizens of France and infiltrate universities, the professions etc
>Declaration of the Rights of Man is a precursor to (((human rights))) as the authorative moral code, replacing Christian teachings

451, a church schism am I right?
True there is no ground zero, but there are watershed events and the enlightenment and revolution was one of them.

Source for this? I am woefully scant on my own history, let alone frances.

How did it destroy Spain? I don't know much about your fine nation's history user.

This. I think I this dichotomy is like the HIV of the mind. It is an impossible to remove virus. An absolute blight that is used as (((leverage))) to pit the goyim against one another.

You are falling into a dire paradox. You might say there was no real literacy, education, rights to or access to opportunities for peasants before the revolution (this is the picture most paint) and then once they were given the chance, they all of a sudden voted in liberal leaders and knew what was best for them. But for this they would have had to be an I formed electorate beforehand. For that, you would have to have had a standard of living and level of education that would have made pre-revolutionary life rather good. Either the revolutionary elites forged the society they wanted or monarchy was not tyrannical, either way democracy did nothing.

Manorialism was long dead by the time of the revolution. The only thing really left was a lot of petty fees and privileges nobles had, like paying a tax to use a mill, or corvée obligations. Much of the old nobility was impoverished at this point so a lot of them used their remaining feudal sources of income to get by.

I forget when manorialism withered away in England, but it disintegrated around the same time and was even more thorough whereas France at the revolution had this rather decrepit quasi-feudal, but increasingly quasi-modern system that was riddled with contradictions.

True. It was one huge mistake.

The French "republic" is a travesty, it's not French, in fact it's openly anti-France. We need to abolish this leftist bullshit right now.

OK, so it looks like England's dissolution of serfdom began With Richard II's response to the Great Peasant Revolt, and Elizabeth I ended the remaining vestiges.'_Revolt

Our king thought the french were good guys, so we allied them and let them pass to Portugal but when they're army was in Spain travelling to Portugal they invaded us, sell our Louisiana to USA and set Jose Bonaparte as king of Spain, making the american territories unhappy begining the independece of our old territories. Funny because if they didn't attack us and had us as ally we would had Portugal annexed and without Spain war of indepence they could have all their troops in Rusia + spanish ones thus probably winning the war and controlling the world

Literally me. If gookmoot gave us a monarchist flag I'd readily switch.