>“YAY! Jew jew cum!”
I miss 2016.
“YAY! Jew jew cum!”
Other urls found in this thread:
You're going to be salty when Trump wins again, aren't you?
I miss 2020.
Trust the plan, retard. Trump is winning 2020.
No one is worried about that.
Im a really triggered lib
I can't stand Trump sucking Jewish cock any longer
It was her turn.
This its 2D chess plus Q predicted this
>getting a wall for israel in the golan heights before a wall against mexico is 4d chess
Spread the word. Do your part
That episode really fucked me up.
The "I dont know what to believe" line really cut deep.
get deported faggot
>when Trump wins again
Not possible.
H3h3 is also naming their Jew baby Theodore. I wonder if it’s because of Theodore hertzel
In case someone hasnt seen the last MurdockMurdock episode
I want a kike president but I want it to be a liberal kike president okay? Remember to vote democrat sweetie. Drumpf's time is finished so now we need someone in office that actually understands the plight of minorities. We need reparations and stricter gun control. And we only get that from the actually intelligent political left.
Anyone else notice that they released this video two years to the day after Ebba Akerlund's murder?
It’s okay to admit we got fooled user. He was put in office to lull the right back to sleep until the 2030s to 40s when there’s no way out of the hell that is coming.
You know what I miss? My life. I miss not knowing this place. I miss being in my early 20s, full of hope, believing people just shit things up sometimes, believing I could leave a legacy behind without worrying about having it jewed after my death. I miss being bluepilled and thinking it all matters, I miss caring.
>he doesn't understand the political ticktock
Why are you so salty about foreign aid money that Obama promised Israel? Trump didn't set that up.
Didn't he tell the truth a couple of days ago?
Telling American citizens on American ground that Netanyahu was the real POTUS.
Remember lads, subscribe to Pewdiepie
Almost like it was intentional.
>never seen this before
it's like Jow Forums: the show
He did got 200 millions on top of that + the Gholam Highs.
Or was that Obama too?
I'd give 5 to 1 of Trump winning. Of course, noone would challenge them from Rep side. The democrats would rather lose than let Bernie or Tusli have a chance, and they will lose by further pissing of the base with their tricks.
>Hillary was the good guy all along
Gholam Highs has already been under Israel's control for years. All he did was acknowledge it. Why are you trying to mislead people?
>it's like Jow Forums: the show
I wish Jow Forums was like MM show. Jow Forums is still waiting for those sealed indictments and whining "Bubububut Hillary would be worst".
You're doing gods work user. It's time for 4 years of a liberal president. I'm tired of a racist being in office. We need border control to go away, and to allow more immigration. I'm glad you accelerationists agree with what we want. You may want it for a different reason but as long as the outcome will be the same, I don't mind. Lol their grandkids are gonna be brown. Never thought we'd get nationalist right wingers on our side though.
dat golem be high as fuck nigga
Doesn't matter who wins, theyre all zionist pigs.
So is the Crimea peninsula. When is he acknowledging that one?
I think you put on the wrong memeflag.
That's his shtick. He's been at it for a long time.
The Dems dont need to win 2020.
They will win every election after that one. All you are seen now is bread and circus for the cattle.
Can't refute what I said so you move the goalposts huh? Classic.
You guys are all being ignorant anti-semites
Jews are our greatest ally, without them we would be a muslim state
Praise Jesus
Used your same logic applied to a different geographic zone, your comeback?
>Muh goalpost.
no world leader knows what to do anymore
Gas the kikes.
Choice was not Trump or no Trump. It was Hillary or Trump.
Would you prefer Hillary?
Wish I could be bothered to make a gif of this part.
No No No
Don't you get it?
If Judaism didn't exist we wouldn't have Christianity to save us from Islam
This is just people getting salty that the dems are defeated but not the jews. No one seriously wants a Democrat over Trump.
The absolute state of cope
You dont miss caring. You miss not noticing.
You are here because you care too much and that is killing you.
You, me and the rest of this god forsaken place.
I fucking hate you Jow Forums
Trump is, and always has been, a Jew-Owned, New York Real Estate, KIKE PUPPET.
Whites need to wake up and realize, (((they))) are using Trump for all their goals, and Whites will be held responsible for the rest of (((history))) just like Hitler was.
woah there, i wouldn't go that far
>all this reddit-spaced communist agitation
The kikes are scared.
Good. They all support israel. Trumps busy makong israel great again that he forfot about america, not that americans care anyways; israel>america anyday for a zog npc golem. They all deserve to lose their countries to jewish tricks and shitskins. The Q bullshit is really putting people back to sleep with the "trust the plan" psyops.
Instead of talking about the Golan Heights like you first brought up, you bring in a whole other situation.
Didn't change anyones mind's about Trump recognizing it being an essentially meaningless gesture either.
But yeah sure, I'm the one arguing in bad faith here.
Tell me how I'm wrong then.
100% based
fuck off retard
Shmekel 14:88
Thou who does not worship the Jew will burn in the pits of hell for all of eternity.
Your talking point used against you is arguing in bad fate.
Go suck more Jew cock, nerd.
Thanks for helping shame these stupid Drumf voters. They should either stay home or vote democrat. I mean come on guys. You guys don't want him to win because of his ties to israel. We don't want him to win because we want one of our own in office. As of now, I will tolerate your anti-semitism because you are helping us get a liberal in office who will be imminently more egalitarian and friendly to minorities than Orange Hitler.
This is now a Trump love thread.
>mentions Golan Height and some responds
>change topic
>bitch about being called out on it
I hope that lurkers read this and see what a poor job you are doing. If I was your boss I would take you aside and give you a stern talking to.
Is strange to see a new kinda of peddling talking point.
>Keep voting Goy.
>You are so close to wining.
>Just keep choosing between our two owned candidates.
>Just one more election.
Me too. All those lies that we just believed. Back when we thought Trump would be any different than Jeb!
Is he
The Crimea Peninsula
As Russian?
This face says it all.
Honestly, what's Trump real name?
Why don't you want to talk more about the Golan Heights like you brought up? Why are you so desperate to derail the conversation you started?
>I miss 2016.
You're acting as if he wasn't a jewish buttboy at some point.
la drumpfo...
Not if the party fractures into a center left party and populist left party
The DNC is pissing off a growing faction of marxists, it may come back to haunt them
I can't believe I'm actually forming an alliance with right wing nationalists. Keep leveraging the differences between Trump and his supporter base. I'm glad some few of you have actually started to see the benefits of getting a democrat elected. I mean we have Omar after all. I know you say you're just accelerationists but deep down, I'm appreciative of the help you're lending us in this next election. The Trump supporters will eventually realize they're on the wrong side of history. The next 4 years of a democratic president will be a beacon of light against a dark republican evil.
el drumpfierdo
Spoiler warning, Trump wins even easier in 2020
No but itll be somewhat sad. Glad the left turned into a dumpster fire but sad that I need to accept the down sides.
I know you are starving for replies, but I will take the bait. Omar would indeed be a better choice than another four years of Orange kike puppet.
Lmao Trump looks so fucking retarded. We need an actual presidential looking person in office and preferably a female or person of color at that. The right doesn't realize what a laughing stock they've made our country look like. A liberal president will know how to restore dignity to the highest executive office. We will light the way together friend. I didn't think anyone was sympathetic to my cause but it's good to see anti Trumpers here in this bastion of right wing sentiment. Here's to 4 years of equality and fraternity when the presidency is properly given back to the party of liberty and freedom.
I'm still hoping for a crippled underaged half-spic half-nigger girl.
Dont matter, the white vote is not been enough for any election in years and is only going to get worst.
Sure mate. Sure.
Republicucks and democunts are two sides of the same shekel
>get worst
user they are trying their best to shut us down. Remember Trump can't do anything without a 60 super