Impending US Balkanization

Predict which states will succeed from the Union first and their demographics. Frog boiling is so slow. Texico should have rebelled long ago. Commiefornia and Jewyork are going to stay and subvert the whole nation. They are in control of the Union anyway so they won't do anything. Its not going to be anything like a north vs. south thing.

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Iowa will be first

Fuck America

It's secede. I forgive you since Hebrew is your first language.

California without a doubt. But we all know we wont just let them leave. There will be a war.

>There will be a war.
We just turn off their "fair share" of the Colorado River. War is over.

>let's divide us into smaller weaker states
>not takeout the (((parasitic elite)))
>•hand rubbing intensifies

east versus west, with anarchy pockets at all urban areas

suceed means to come after tho. it was a honest mistake really

the blue states have already started to abolish the republic, the electoral college. seperation of some kind is going to happen when they rig the election against the zionist jews. lefty jews want to stay comfy with their mexislaves and shabbos goys.

why Iowa?

fuck this. I'm starting a "book club" Jow Forums is too paranoid to talk about anything interesting.

I would imagine only states that are extremely homogenous politically and socioeconomically will secede as a whole. Like the interior western and mid western states like Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, North Dakota, Nebraska, and Idaho. Otherwise states and cities will probably be partitioned to such an extent that they will be unrecognizable to today’s states. It’s because America is polarized not just north and south now but by counties and neighborhoods and towns. When the violence finally starts it will be bloody

If by”bloody” you mean whites getting slaughtered South Africa style, then yes.
Americans lost their balls years ago.

Even by 2050 whites will still be over 40% of the population. They won’t have a plurality but they will still have a majority, I don’t think it will degrade to the extent of SA because blacks are clearly a majority and in the US the blacks will also have the Hispanics to contend with, who don’t have the same guilt for slavery as whites do

I think the race war is the Sampson Option they talk about. Some kinda simultaneously coordinated chimp out. they have normalised the mkultra "trigger" by getting people to internalise the logic. literally programming NPCs

Come after in the sense that Catherine the Great's son had the right of succession after his mother successfully led a coups against his father, but she usurped the throne anyway. So she succeeded her soon-to-be dead husband by taking his throne.

Unless you're saying that California is going to be the new United States, then the appropriate expression would be that they're going to exercise their right of secession to break and either become their own country or join Aztlan/Mexico/whatever third world shithole they wish to become.

americans will never give up their guns. why do you think it was in the Tarrant's acceleration manifesto? I'm not agruing semantics with you. the words are so similar they may share an etymological root. frankly I dont give a damn.


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Americans wont give up their guns. They’ll hide them away and refuse to use them out of fear. Either way they wont be used, not the way we think at least.

The appalachians are the cascadia of the east if you can't make it out west.

hiding your guns is a jew meme they spread on here. there have already been attempts in Maryland I think would have to check what the results were. Pretty sure the guy got in a fire fight with the (((police))). That reminds me a similar situation came up in NZ and a firefight ensued.

>I'm not agruing semantics with you.
It's not arguing, nor is it semantics. We're simply having a discussion. It's very important that we express ourselves accurately and appropriately. Not only is it imperative that we use the proper words, but that we also pay attention to our grammar, punctuation, and capitalization.

Remember: The word potato(e) ended Dan Quayle's aspirations in politics. These things matter.

Some thoughts:
>The ZOG will be very powerful for at least 70 years
>The ZOG will genocide any White or conservative separatism
>The only solution for this is to have leftists states split first from America
>Then the ZOG will be less powerful and there will be no rationale to attack a conservative state after for example California separated without backlash
>Conclusion get Cali and other leftists to split

Terrible place to try to make an independent state in though, as much as i like it here. The PNW is one of the better locations to attempt secession in, maybe the South if we played our cards right.

White Americans dont have the testicular fortitute to draw their guns. They’ll hand them in or hide them, most at least.

Shitlibs are a minority. Thats why they imported all the mexicans to add to the nigger population that always votes blue. Majority of ethnic european americans will blow your fucking head off. Spreading the black pill, Cham?

Okay. I will make an effort. I'm not sure if the trade off of speed is worth the exactitude when most people can't understand complex sentence structures and words anyway. I use coloquialisms and rural syntax, I guess you could call it.

This is so important to achieve US balkanization and the end of the international ZOG, that would attack ethnic Europeans in Europe in case of race/civil war, I'll say again:
>The ZOG will be very powerful for at least 70 years
>The ZOG will genocide any White or conservative separatism
>The only solution for this is to have leftists states split first from America
>Then the ZOG will be less powerful and there will be no rationale to attack a conservative state after for example California separated without backlash
>Conclusion get Cali and other leftists to split

Fuck the States. ALL of your leaders down to the local level are kike puppets, psychopaths and pedophiles. We must destroy the current systems and rebuild them in our image.


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What system would that be? The democratic republic system works when there are no niggers involved, that includes jews since they are too chosen to do honest work .

Hopefully my state

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The system where you mind your own damn business and leave me the fuck alone or I burn your house to the ground. You are correct though, we must eliminate the Jews if we ever hope for peace and advancement.

Urban vs Rural with some exceptions.

>I would imagine only states that are extremely homogenous politically and socioeconomically will secede as a whole
So basically everything that isn't a city vs. the cities

It's funny how you get on your knees and use flowery prose to prove to some internet stranger that you have many iq points

No, then you have to fend off the entire state trying to cross the border.

California has about as much chance of leaving as a dog has of driving a car because they can barely keep afloat by the rest of the US taking care of them. And if they are deluded enough to try it will be a glorious cluster fuck leaving begging tome back.

Actually, I take that back, they might be able to try by jacking up the prices if the imports that come into port. But they would need Washington and Oregon to go along with them.

low IQ whites > low IQ niggers. I adjust my language for the understanding of the recipient instead of talking over people like a jew nigger with the intent to confuse.

We win by simply refusing to send them food.

my guess is the fact that niggers and spics started infiltrating into the state in the early 2000s.
Most white Iowans from rural areas have nothing, but bad things to say about them and they're not wrong.
Even the whites in Des Moines hate niggers.
Seriously, Iowa might be a swing state, but a lot of people are quietly racist.

It wasn't an honest mistake, you're just fucking dumb. It's not like it was an auto correct mistake. You legitimately just used the wrong word. Because as stated above, you're fucking dumb.

>being literate is giving in to subjugation
Hi, Jamal. Nice of you to stop by.

thanks for the yous, goys.

it easy to out the jews when you leave obvious openings

yeah, no. It's the worst kept secret in the state. Quite literally anyone and everyone who isn't a nigger or shitskin sympathizer despises niggers here. I don't care if they're from the fucking East Village in Des Moines, going to Iowa State or are living in Decorah. They hate niggers.

you're right
I always have fun conversations with my grandmother about when the niggers came to Iowa.
She always mentions how the crime rate went up.
I make sure to bring it up softly with her while we're around my liberal family members just to fuck with them.

>I make sure to bring it up softly with her while we're around my liberal family members just to fuck with them.
Old people keep it real.

that was adorable. thanks for sharing

If you think upstate NY won't jump at the chance of fucking NYC over, you're in for a surprise friend

>I'm only pretending to be retarded!
>haha I was just farming yous!
>you're a goy!
Shut up you stupid kike. I couldn't imagine being as fucking dumb as you. You're in the IQ range where you're stupid as fuck, but have no idea. Retard.

Can't wait to see this and shellings of Washington D.C,Hollywood and New York,if this civil war starts I hope it will be big and long that will bring a lot of damage to banks and corporations,once the USA is dead the world will be a better place no more corrupts and Europe will be able to remove the traitor parasites and their puppets from Europe.

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I'm not clicking on your link. Suck a dick you downey.



>multiple people call you out on being a retard
>haha I was only pretending! I really meant to use the word succeed!
Room temp IQ as fuck. You know what's even worse? People poking fun at the retard is the only thing keeping your shit thread alive. Fucking pathetic. Kill yourself.

>multiple people.
jews are not people. you just can't help yourselves, latching onto the tiniest shred of perceived weakness. now you must conceive a cope. you are too invested in the narrative now. classic tactic to derail and destroy constructive conversation.