> Russia is so big that we can divide ourselves by our native land > It's the second withest country in Europe > It has nuclear weapons > It's possible to live in good conditions throughout the southern area > It's hosting white refugees from South Africa
The Aryan race started there and there it will end
/// It's the second withest country in Europe/// Travel to Moscow, take a walk near any subway station, preferably in evening. You would be lucky to see a single non-muslim
John Turner
Greece 99'3% white? Wtf faggot
Jack Scott
No no we are a shithole guys. No need to come here whatsoever, just stay in your blessed westerns lands of plenty. We have HIV and krokodil and gopniks and tigers. No need to bring your great western values here either, we are unworthy of them!
Easton Collins
I want Russia to join the EU. As a welcoming gift, they will get free Waffles with sugar and crème fraîche.
115-125 Mil ethnic WHITE SLAVIC RUSSIANS. name a country in Europe whiter. Add another 6 mil if you consider Dagestani and Chechen white...which they pretty much are. Just muslim.
You Swedes can't even do basic math wtf.
Isaiah Miller
Corrupted shithole run by Jewish oligarchs. Also not white.
I wouldn't mind visiting Russia to be honest. Maybe ride the train to baikal or better yet buy some beat to shit jeep equivalent (what is Russia's go to for 4wd off road vehicles?) and take a nice three week drive through southern Siberia. Hell even taking a boat down the yenesi for an extended fishing/hunting trip sounds wonderful. To bad our countries are so at odds with each other, you have some beautiful nature that I will only get to see online.
Carter James
Mы wuz кoлoнизaтopы н Шaйeт
Tyler Rivera
Just you want to live in a nation with the most whites then that’s America you retard
Easton Fisher
>t. Ahmed Ivanov
Xavier Diaz
He said Europe you blind mofo.
Charles Evans
We're officially multiethnic and multiconfessional
Nathan Sanders
The only ones who not only retained their colonies but also never apologized for them!
Does the lady in your pic waaants me to do something to her downsides? Cause i will. Don't tempt me Ivan...I AM CRAZY!!!!!
Grayson Barnes
>> It's the second withest country in Europe
Russia = Europe
Wyatt Cook
I think Eastern Europe combined is whiter in both raw numbers and homogeneity.
Jose Perry
Russia is mostly permafrost. Just because it has a lot of territory doesn't mean that it has a lot of arable land you doofus. The population just like in Canada is mostly congested in Southern areas where it's less cold.
Joseph Harris
You could contact this guy, he's living here in the middle of nowhere for almost a couple of decades, farming some stuff from honey to cheese/milk.
>Poland is in central Europe,same as teh Czechs and Slovaks/Slovenians. No, they are historically Eastern Europe. Add them to your list and you'll get the numbers. You can also add Nordic countries with the exception of Sweden.
Nathan Wright
People who live in glass houses should not throw stones
Eli Reed
Well then yeah but mostly because of Poland's 40 mil population.
Grayson Perry
>Central Europe A meme that was invented so Germans can steal territory and which is now denied by Germans because they turned those territories into total shitholes by waging terrible wars
I've seen his stuff before, seems like a nice enough guy. That said, I'm not sure how I feel about people who just up and leave for an entirely new country to stay. My family has been farming the same patch of ground for over 150 years and I could never leave that behind.
Noah Lopez
>shithole >run by Jewish oligarchs You talking about us or Russia? The picture could very well be Detroit.
Adrian Robinson
They just have few immigrants, and I heard are getting tight on them too
Jayden Murphy
yeah i was wondering that myself. They are to Not Based to be Eastern Euro.
Maybe just Denmark.
Daniel Morgan
Living in Russia causes autism, nihilism and irrational fuckups, don't come here. I can't really tell why, perhaps it's absence of sun and generally harsh climate, or some incomprehensible reason, but it's real. Migrants who come here tend to lose their identity pretty quickly, but do not gain anything of worth instead. Everyone who lives here wants to fucking leave, even most rich and powerful people. Feels like this land is fucking cursed, you really don't want to come here, trust me.
It is best settled in the Krasnodar Territory, this year there was not even snow, agricultural land costs $ 2,000 per 1 hectare of land youtube.com/watch?v=llBYGPwNaMs&t=813s
Gavin Watson
Global warming will make it more sunny
Isaac Bell
How can I find a cute smooth Russian twink bf? :^)
William Sanchez
>R*ss*a Lmao what are even talking about m8 nuke this piece of shit
Jonathan Rogers
uhm why
Joseph Harris
Its still the best option
Adam Price
Let's just put it that way: if the word "abomination" materialized, it would become Russia
Colton Ross
>The Aryan race started there and there it will end
The Aryan race started in Thule. Russians are Asiatic, Slav-Mongoloidic mongrels who have nothing in common with Europeans.
It wasn't enough for your capital to become Moscowostan, now you snowniggers import illegal shitskins en masse deep into Far East territories? Fucking assholes. Taking our resources for granted, leaving only puppet vassals in place of power. Shilling our land to the chinks. Selling your arse to some goatfuckers and expecting that we'll do the same. Such nation, much white, very strong. (((Russia))). Mess, ruled by pidors, worshiped by faggots, serviced by cucks. Corrupting, polluting disease, that needs to be cured with fire.
You should investigate russian collusion with global warming. Canada might have something to do with it also
Connor Nelson
whats this gay haircut called?
Dominic Green
Are you cute? :^)
Parker Ortiz
why is Brussels so shit? Last time I was there and went two steps from central train station, I ended up in some sort of nigger ghetto worse than our provincial cities Why Amsterdam, despite having comparable rate of *refugees* is clean and dandy?
Noah Gutierrez
Dunno, but it looks fantastic on him.
Lincoln Diaz
>ching chong ping pong Based but chinks deserve a death in hellfire as well
Are you an ethnic german? If you are you are stop shaming your great ancestors with this degenerate shit
Jose Brooks
>Are you an ethnic german?
No, what a disgusting thought. Absolutely revolting.
I'm an ethnic Bavaryan.
Nathan James
Jayden Martinez
Show your flag cuck.
Adam Sanders
oh, i look similiar to the guy, maybe i get one. but that shit grows back quickly one the side.
Blake Torres
yeah looks similiar, but a little longer on the top
Kevin Thompson
>but that shit grows back quickly one the side.
Uhm yeah maybe get a haircut then more often?
Jaxson Johnson
>i look similiar to the guy
Michael Howard
show us your photo.
Mason Hall
im too lazy to do that often if you are a female , post timestamp and tits. if not thats pretty gay.
cherry picking. and speaking about shitholes, you'll never see a picrel in downtown of Moscow. also american talking about whiteness is a nonsense. cherry picking again, try harder mutt
It took a very very small number of white refugees compared to the US. It also only took them as a stunt as it has bought a 2billion dollar army in order to take control of Libya & flood Europe with African males. The only smart Russians are basically Yuri tier mongoloid jews & the rest are slave tier mongol / east European bred shit bags.
Logan Young
i hope Russia nukes you, i clicked on that you faggot.