I hate fascists but all my ideas would lead to it

>i hate fascists but all my ideas would lead to it

why the fuck are neomarxists and the whole new left so retarded? was it heidegger?

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Where's the source for that quote, frend?

I think most of his important work was written during a period when Fascism was a meaningful political entity and the new left had yet to come into existence.

Semantics. Its like arguing whether Descartes was part of the enlightenment or not.

In a certain sense you are right: the left remained firmly entrenched in the materialist view of history of Marx, while the right used Gramsci's and Adorno's analysis against the left. The culture war was won by the right because the left largely refused to participate (this is valid of course only in the western world).

I think you mean the intellectual war was won by the right, the left utterly dominated the culture of the second half of last century, only now is the the right making some kind of push back.

The problem with that is that the left and right aren't unified entities.

In the west, we're seeing a 4 way conflict between neoliberalists, Marxists and others on the far left, Political Islam and a reactionary fascist right wing.

The most interesting thing is that the reactionary right seem to agree with the Frankfurt School with a lot of their observations on modern culture, but the genuine socialists do also, so while there is some truth to Adorno's ideas supporting fascism, supports of his view need not necessarily be fascists.

My question is whether or not we're going to see a fascist regime rise in our live times in the west based on Adorno's observations. I'm no Jow Forumstard, but I think they have a point when they say that it's merely a matter of time before we get another fascist upsurge in the west.

Huh, an actually good post


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>so while there is some truth to Adorno's ideas supporting fascism
desu there is less of that and more fascists co-opting Adorno to support themselves. Notice how they scapegoat Adorno for his ideas of explaining how capitalism is ruining culture to cultural marxists like him that is ruining culture