There are thousands of unemployed Greeks and a lot of money in Nordic countries. Sweden could pay Greeks to raise their birth rates instead of welfare to Arabs and Somalis.
There are thousands of unemployed Greeks and a lot of money in Nordic countries...
Why use Greeks when you could use Turkish bvlls?
Because Turks are mongrels and even the good/white looking ones would spread their inferior shitskin genes.
Why not rather pay to raise their own birthrates? Anyway Greece belongs to the muslims now, I have finally come to accept this truth.
Swedes are too wealthy which made them soft.
Greece is a white Christian state.
Well Turks are probably Whiter than us Greeks anyhow. This is the Ottoman royal family
Kneel to your Turkish masters. We demand 100,000 greek women per year as reparations,
So it is their self-interest to become poor? But if we get rich then all Muslims will come here. They actually all come here, stay a while, fuck our women and eat our food, then they move on to richer lands up north. But if we were rich they would just stay here and we would be even more muslim than we already are
Why do you want our nigger women? You turks never were smart
Reminder that Turks didn't brown Greece.
They married Greek women and brought them to Turkey.
Jannissaries? They were given Turk brides and placed in Turkey.
Even after the Balkan wars the Greek muslims were sent to Turkey and viveversa.
So no! The Greek was always a shitskin that tainted the porcelain skin of the Siberian Turk!