Did Jow Forums get Jewed?

>Jow Forums
>Hates Zionists
>Shilled for the most Zionist politician in American history
So when are you going to admit that you got fucking Jewed?

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4d chess. He is going to get money from all the Jewish donors and win 2020


>Trump won
>Didn't start a war

How's that bad?

>Israel wants war with Iran
>Israel asks Trump to label RG terrorists
>Lindsey Graham wants Israeli-US military pact
>Israel falseflags Iran
>America goes to war for Israel yet again
20D chess


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>4d chess
>abandon your base for jew gold

This isnt the good kind of 4d chess.

This we should avoid any situation were a false flag would put us in a war. Look at fucking Syria with the three attempts by gas attack.

good work guys. fuck 4channers and their kike president.

>not joining with jews to remove kebab and make greater israel filled with "jewish" europeans from eastern europe.

Fucking plebs.

All white nationalists knew he was a jew puppet from the start and at best viewed him as a stepping stone to something greater.

It's only the plebbit niggers that actually thought this guy was legit going to "make america great again".

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Jow Forums is heavily infiltrated by kikes, pro kikes or just retards who fall for the jewish tricks (which is the majority)

>supports Trump (kike)
>supports Bolsaro (kike)
>maybe Israel isnt so bad....

Get gassed faggots

Only a true partnership with Israel can MAGA. Imagine supporting Iran in the upcoming war.

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daily reminder to filter all memeflags frens

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fuck off zionist bitch.

vote democrat like my fellow natsoc brothers. dont vote for ziondon.


>deluding yourself that Israel can checkmate Iran, not knowing that Iran/Aryans invented chess.

Laughs in Persian.

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Yeah I guess that is true he was helpful though. In 2015 I was basically a normiecon but then I supported Trump because Cruz blamed Trump for the Chicago riot that shut down one of his rallys. Then I spent a lot of time on r_TheDonald and became more aware about Islam and immigration in general. Read Buchanans books, moved right, eventually came to this place and discovered the Daily Stormer and David Duke, now I'm 1488

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Burger can't face the fact he's been totally Jewed. The US has only one purpose - send their sons to die for Israel.

they sell US technologies to china to prop them up as opposition

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Still better than Hillbitch

hahahaha just say u support yang and be done with it

Oh shit, source!

I don't think I can care anymore. Trump sold us out and no one was going to come and save us but ourselves. The only logical solution is to prepare for the collapse and rebuild or to increase your power levels high enough to potentially overthrow the government starting a revolution/civil war.

you just have to pay attention, goy. even if its untrure propaganda the only people my statement affects is jews. sooo, only a jew would even care to refute it.

You know we're not actual nazis right? That's you attacking your own perception of the average Jow Forumsster. Standard leftist delusion. Have fun with Trump in 2020 again: You certainly earned him.

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Literally only shills on the left say and/or believe this.

The only pro-Trump people still on here are the shills

>You know we're not actual nazis right? That's you attacking your own perception of the average Jow Forumsster. Standard leftist delusion. Have fun with Trump in 2020 again: You certainly earned him.
Don't be mad when Trump floods your neighborhood with browns.


They also want a new Vietnam in Venez.
Vietnam started w sending in "relief aid".
They also want war w Russia, NK and China.

Pompeo and Bolton are literally trying to start conflict w any and every country. We're trying to starve the people in several countries.

All this because we lost control of our media and govt. The misery caused by our failure is beyond human comprehension and we must accept some responsibility for it and work to correct this.

It's weird how we voted against Bush 2 and his Neocon war hawks and here we are with Pompeo and Bolton, nice.

Whatever Jew boy, only Jews smear DD w being in the Klan. He's moved on from that and is a great ambassador to the Arab world.

4D chess

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GOP: Pull yourself up by your boot straps.

AOC: ok

GOP: wait no

We just wanted a wall and someone who didn't eat toddlers. Israel is commiting more attacks on the West today.

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Why is he willing and able to do this massive favors for Israel when he can't even sign a single E.O declaring birthright citizenship unconstitutional, like he promised...

Cakes to the kikes, crumbs to the goyim.

I fully support Iran. Fuck the kikes and fuck Donald Trump.

>Why is he willing and able to do this massive favors
Why is it a massive favor?

Are you arguing the case that they're NOT a terrorist organization?

I don’t get what’s wrong with this. I thought Jow Forums hated Islam? This helps the Jews but it also helps the rest of the world curb radical Islam so how is this detrimental to us? Genuine question

all the kike posting is ironic. its just the loud minority who doesnt understand this

Iran isn't doing shit you retarded nigger.

He won’t and he won’t

i'm arguing the case that he shouldn't be declaring organizations in the middle of bumfuck nowhere terrorist organizations at the behest of israel

>Iran isn't doing shit
Are you sure about that? What do you know about it?

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The actual thinking people (alt-right jewing faggots not included) knew he was a long time kabbalah practitioner

If they are terrorist organizations, then he should be labeling them as such.

I know you kikes glow in the dark

So, you're just talking out your ass.

The fuck you talking about fuckhead every country in the Middle East has done something or has been covering up for people who have done something to our country. You really think they’re going to stop spreading Islam in just Europe?

No faggot, you are talking out your ass.

>You know we're not actual nazis right?

Nigger you are a fucking retard. I hope Assad unites the Muslins in the ME and wipes Israel off the fucking map.

they're an official branch of the iranian military, so for him to arbitrarily declare a state-actor a "terrorist group" is stupid.

the reason i know you're a disingenuous kike shill is that you'll reject the terrorist label on mossad.

>no u
good one

You're the one claiming they are a terrorist organization you retarded kike. Prove it.

>to arbitrarily declare
Well, ok; I agree with that. But nobody has alleged that he did it arbitrarily.

>You're the one claiming they are a terrorist organization

I never said that though...

We have to somehow get Netanyahu to tell Trump to do more MAGA stuff.

>I can't stand differing opinions so I'll block them
Maybe reddit is more of your type of place, maybe Facebook.
Sincerely, fuck off

We'll be burning down synagogues soon so it's a moot point kike.

At what point in President Trumps campaign did he promise Jow Forums he would gas the kikes?
Asking for a friend...

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>revealing a geographic marker on a banned website linked with far-right terrorism
Yeah, nah.

I hate mudshits too.

To collect the insurance money, no doubt.

Good. Wignats deserve a good jewing.

Literally never. These brainlets pretended he was one of them for some odd reason in spite of all evidence running counter to that and are now acting assmad.

Based Trump.
Trump needs to do one more thing.
Replace every American on an important position with an Israeli.

Ooga boooga booga you wont do shit, you worm.

Isn't he a billionaire?