What are some of your favourite political CONSPIRACY THEORIES that you 100% believe to be true

What are some of your favourite political CONSPIRACY THEORIES that you 100% believe to be true.

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Jews are subverting Western civilization.

That OP is a fucking faggot.

Iran is totally controlled by the CIA.

Sandy Hook was a hoax.

Trudeau is Fidel's bastard homosexual child.

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There are indertemensional aliens, who posess individuals, or even entire civilizations. Cultural and scientific insights are result of such communication.

all leafs are 100% faggot

This. Everybody knows

>not a conspiracy
>not a theory
It is supposed to be something not factual but maybe true.

That shills make datamining threads here

The Center for American Progress, Clinton Initiative, Council on American Islamic Relations and Council for Foreign Relations form the axis of a revolving door in Washington that staffs the federal government (with hired/appointed, not elected, positions) and drives the spending of money and political focus to their own agendas (since the people maintaining the federal government are sympathetic)

Kathleen Sebelius is a former governor, related to another former governor, and became Obama's top official for healthcare reform. She brings in Zeke Emmanuel, Rahm's brother, to help. She now works for Kaiser Family Foundation and Zeke for the Center for American Progress. Founded by John Podesta, who replaced Zeke as Obama's adviser in turn and ran Clinton's campaign. The Clinton Foundation receives money from the Saudi royal family and Qatari. Most of the donors to the Clinton political machine were also backers of this group.

It's not just the left. The Koch brothers, Heritage Foundation and Americans for Prosperity run a similar axis. Both sides are neoliberal and jointly work like two people pulling a sawblade across a tree trunk to sell the interests of the American economy to foreign powers.

He said theory you stupid leaf

evidence? a lot of the youtube videos on this from back in the day got taken down.

Everything every antiSemite nutcase has ever said about the Jews.

Bill Clinton's bastard child

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Pedophilia is used as a consensual blackmail between two parties, or organizations. The elite do this to ensure that the common man never finds out about the pure evil decisions they make.

big agro pushes vegan and plant based diets
all you need to eat is beef & liver to be perfectly healthy
no diabetes, obesity or gallstones on carnivore diet

Hillary dead

That nigger held a press conference during the campaign. When he opened his mouth I was awestruck. He is the dumbest nigger I've ever heard.

>That nigger held a press conference during the campaign. When he opened his mouth I was awestruck. He is the dumbest nigger I've ever heard.
Yeah, Bill's not terribly bright.

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Remember that time the Government of Canada specifically came out and said that this is not true?
Just a coincidence that it was right after Castro's other kid killed himself and mentioned his half-brother Trudeau in the suicide note.

> fort Knox has ? amount of gold. Last time it was audited is 1953, way b4 1971 Nixon reform. Now there is even less reason to hold physical gold in there.
> Peter the Great was replaced while in Europe, since his behaviour drastically changed upon his return
> you can get instavanned if you dont follow a narrative, which proves Jow Forums is within a narrative. That Iranian nucular virus had 3 zero day MS vulnerabilities, which means MS sells them to the agencies. IME in Intel - nobody knows what that shit is, but NSA ordered its PCs without this hardware/software. Regular ppl cant opt out tho
> Lusitania was an inside job, but not by UK - by US, since US rich were holding lotta war bonds

> bayer is now legally allowed to grow aids ridden tomatoes, now that it has merged with monsanto. The GMO strawman is being ridiculed to keep masses guard down, while the technology does rise a lot of concern

Canada IS overseas tho.

they both have a mouth and a nose, i am now fully convinced that he is his son.

I believe the explosion of cancer in the last 60-70 years is a top down directive from the DOD, big pharma, and big agriculture. Ever since the nuclear weapon hit the market, i believe its been their mission to solve/cure cancer and radiation afflictions. When the day comes, mutually assured destruction will not be a concern anymore. They will wipe it all out, and still be able to preserve the genepool of america, and the highest bidders.


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Not a theory per se but I automatically assume every female Hollywood star that seems even a little bit off is a tranny and thus avoid developing any attraction to them. These include, but are not limited to, Chloe Moretz, Emma Watson, Cara Delevigne etc.

Women refuse to have sex with me because I'm too smart.

Moon landing wasn't a hoax, but a backup was staged in case the real mission went badly. Some of the footage got leaked out.

Clinton death list.

Piri Reis map is real.

So are aliens.