What are some of your favourite political CONSPIRACY THEORIES that you 100% believe to be true

What are some of your favourite political CONSPIRACY THEORIES that you 100% believe to be true.

Attached: dcq-britney-spears2.jpg (630x420, 171K)

Jews are subverting Western civilization.

That OP is a fucking faggot.

Iran is totally controlled by the CIA.

Sandy Hook was a hoax.

Trudeau is Fidel's bastard homosexual child.

Attached: ana_k_air.jpg (125x70, 1K)

There are indertemensional aliens, who posess individuals, or even entire civilizations. Cultural and scientific insights are result of such communication.

all leafs are 100% faggot

This. Everybody knows

>not a conspiracy
>not a theory
It is supposed to be something not factual but maybe true.