I feel super weird about being black. Most would consider me abnormal for a black guy. I mostly just see myself as a male living in america. I grew up in rural maine around mostly white people. However, I am acutely aware I am black and often have really bad anxiety about it. For example, I don't talk to white or black women romantically because I feel alien. I don't talk to white women romantically because I just don't feel adequate enough. How would she ever present me to her parents and feel proud? I don't talk to black women romantically because I feel my personality is very different than that of a typical black person. I just feel that culturally, I am different. I guess I wouldn't mind talking to a black woman romantically as long as she would accept me but I feel that no black woman would ever accept me.
What can I even do? Its strange because I have no issues going on dates with asian or hispanic women. I don't seem to get hung up on them. Granted, I have only been on two dates my whole life and I fucked both up.
This may sound dismissive, but I want you to read what I've written and take it to heart: Man up and stop doubting yourself. The only thing that SHOULD matter to any potential significant others is who you are on the inside. Cliché as it may sound, if someone can't accept you for any reason relating to your skin color, don't even bother with that shit. Life's too short to spend dwelling on shit that you can't change. And besides, nobody's going to love you if you make it so clear that you don't love yourself. Any time you see a woman that you'd like to talk to, replace "I am black" with "I am (whatever your name is)". Stop shackling yourself and just go out there.
Thomas Reed
Online dating could work?
Jacob Scott
Stay away from our women you fucking nigger Stick your monkey dick in your own monkey women
Jose Torres
Get the FK back to /b/
Kevin Cruz
so you feel you are not black enough to be black? too black for non black people and not black enough for black people.
Jackson Peterson
Stay the fuck with your own kind, dirty pavement ape Asians don't want you either, they hate niggers even more than whites do
Camden Jenkins
Dude, you need to realize that we are what we are. That is not going to change. The only thing you can do is make sure you are 'clean' and a decent human being.
Stop focusing on things that are outside your control and you will be fine. I agree. Ignore people that don't respect you and focus on those that do. I know this is Jow Forums and blacks are all evil and shit, but most people don't actually care.
Landon Martin
correct. I know I am a good guy but I have trouble seeing past my own race. My confidence is also very weak which probably isn't helping.
Apparently online dating isn't the greatest if you are black. Well for black guys it might be okay but apparently if you are looking for a relationship, online dating sucks. This is just what I have read though so it may not be true.
Juan Clark
The odds are if you present yourself as a mature, well put together man you'll have relatively no trouble. A lot of other black men on dating sites act very immature, which is likely the cause of said statistics.
Owen Murphy
>but I have trouble seeing past my own race. Living in Murica makes that pretty hard I bet; but in the end that shit is out of your control, so no point to waste thoughts on it; and if ends up being a problem for someone's backwards dad, it's their idiocy and their business.
Finding ways to bump up your confidence and finding a partner that's a good fit is tricky enough without having to worry about ethnicity stuff.
Levi Butler
I don't have advice being a white britbong but just hold in there man. Have a hug, no homo tho
Luis Wood
Fucking nigger scum.
Jaxon Bennett
I don't really know what to tell you. I feel like the moment you start actively looking for a relationship is the moment you take a mental nose dive into an early grave. I wouldn't worry about it. Despite what society says relationships aren't guaranteed to happen for anyone. They happen if they happen and if they don't they don't. And you're probably better off single because human beings are monsters.
But I think self improvement for yourself is the most important thing. If you care about yourself then somebody will like you.
Cameron Peterson
Don't listen to the racial abuse OP, you've been blessed with the endowment of the black man but also the intellect of the white. Make the most of it, try to forget about your complexion all together and good things will come your way. It may help if you move somewhere a little more progressive tho
Jonathan Ward
does this mean you have a negative advserse view towards your own blackness? towards others blackness? (whatever the fuck that may mean)
Grayson Martinez
That's a huge topic user. Volumes could be (and probably have been) written on the subject. I'll try to leave my 2 cents concisely.
Don't consider yourself "abnormal for a black guy." Every black guy, every human being, is abnormal. There is no normal. You're one individual who's completely different from the next: black, yellow, white or otherwise. People by and large are idiots and will project whatever stupid expectations they have on you without any consideration for your individuality. Resist that. You're not an actor who has to play a part. There is no script, no archetype, and no role.
I only have a couple of insights on the romance topic: 1. Remove white women from that pedestal. Not adequate enough? C'mon man. 2. Give black girls a chance. I understand that there are hood rats out there and those should be avoided but there are also nerdy black girls, hippy black girls, goth black girls, preppy black girls, etc. They may be hard to find where you are but "nothing worth having ever comes easy," they say.
Jaxson Price
There will always be cultural barriers. Don’t let it get to you. Stick to what’s comfortable and don’t overthink
Dominic Rodriguez
I am also black. You sounds like you don't interact with black people that much or only notice that bad behavior. Also sounds like you have a major superiority complex.
Carson Brooks
>Also sounds like you have a major superiority complex. Kek, this board is full of retards who think they know what they're talking about.
Kayden Thompson
This is bait
But man up
Lincoln Price
He's a tripfag, of course he's retarded
Owen Cruz
Assuming this isn't bait, maybe you should consider the fact that being black might be an actual burden, and not just a harmless characteristic.
Being black, by itself, has a lot of bad stigma attached to it and people often have a pretty grim idea of the type of person you are just by that alone, very similar to how pedophiles are perceived. Now, knowing that, maybe you should watch your steps more carefully and be mindful of possible friction when interacting with others, since people will inevitably link your actions, your mistakes, and your shortcomings to the fact that you are black. Also, be ready to deal with judgment calmly and objectively, but try not to hold these situations against other people since that will only create animosity and resentment. Keep in mind that it's not their fault they have this reaction towards you, and it's not your fault either that you look the way you do, just try to keep those things close to hearth, and DO NOT escalate things needlessly. Understanding and compassion are your best allies.
Knowing your place and being grateful of the people who are willing to overlook your appearance is a good way to help you minimize conflict, but you should always avoid using your situation as a clutch since that radiates a very annoying vibe that will turn people off, even if they don't say anything to you directly.
Lastly, I recommend you to read about the nature of attraction, human behavior, the ego, and all those other wonderful things that can help you on your journey towards self-actualization. Try to reflect on more introspective concepts like where exactly lies the separation between your physical body and the rest of the world, and how this separation may not be just skin deep, since your body is ALSO part of the world, Perhaps, if anything, try to at least consider the possibility that all criticism aimed at the entity you call "You" might actually be aimed only at your physical body, and not the entity controlling it.
Aiden Cruz
Just find someone who doesn't shit on you. That's basically the secret: negging is and was a lie perpetuated by shitty men who relied on their looks to get there.
Asher Nguyen
get a latina or asian gf then. Worked for me
Jackson Moore
what culture or niche group can you relate with?
Robert Cruz
Seething klanlet. Fuck off back to stormfront
Christian Torres
>I feel super weird about being black I talked to a black guy I know who felt somewhat the same, we both live in Idaho, land of all the white people.
Eventually he decided that he felt best being one of the few black guys in a white area. Not surprising since that's how he grew up. Eventually he just moved to a bigger city in Idaho and how he's happy.
Aiden Powell
Just work on getting more acquitted with 'black culture' whatever that means in modern day america. I would actually mostly avoid going with a white anyways, a lot of them seem adamant in hating themselves...so I can only imagine how the child would grow up as. Or if not that she'll be protective over the son in "his" decision of changing genders.
Camden Nelson
>get a latina or asian gf then. >Worked for me That's pretty gross mate, wonder how the parents reacted.
Charles White
lmao at self racist blacks, you will never get anywhere with your inferiority complex
Thomas Myers
This is called social condition/engineering.
Wean yourself off pop culture.
Camden Williams
Stop shaming yourself bc of your race.
A lot of r-tards gonna say to you that you're different and shit. Don't listen to then.
Just respect and walk, usually, ppl don't give a fuck to race, except for some families that carry dinastic business or genetics.
Carson Perez
I actually can't imagine anything more beneficial for a young black man's life than protecting his culture's mainstream