Be me

>be me
>decide to research Norse Paganism
>all of the texts are from 1000-1300 AD
>Odin is literally Christ/God
>realize it's just propaganda
>mfw Paganism is controlled opposition

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Paganism is a complete larp. Most tards following it are identifying as Pagan because they want an alternative to Christianity but are too afraid to come out as atheist. I bet most of them haven't read a single book on paganism and only know paganism as far as moon runes on a Mongolian basket weaving forum. If you don't like Christianity at least be honest and identify as atheist ffs.

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I actually believe this was the intent, to herd all the contrarians into a religion where they are unknowingly still worshipping God

>reading texts of the period when the whole europe was christian
Do you know that christianity was "built" on top of paganism?

As I stated, the Norse Pagan texts/runes are from the 10th-13th century.

Christianity is nothing like Greek or Roman Paganism, perhaps only in appearance and symbolism. The story itself is not.

Doesn’t paganism allow homosex though? Seems like a big problem. Christianity’s le chosen pipo problem is easily solved by White Israelism of which there is plenty of material to go by. And every medieval Christian followed such a doctrine.

>A young man appeared in Galilee preaching with humble unction, a new law in the Name of the God that had sent Him. At first I was apprehensive that His design was to stir up the people against the Romans, but my fears were soon dispelled. Jesus of Nazareth spoke rather as a friend of the Romans than of the Jews. One day I observed in the midst of a group of people a young man who was leaning against a tree, calmly addressing the multitude. I was told it was Jesus. This I could easily have suspected so great was the difference between Him and those who were listening to Him. His golden colored hair and beard gave to his appearance a celestial aspect. He appeared to be about 30 years of age. Never have I seen a sweeter or more serene countenance. What a contrast between Him and His bearers with their black beards and tawny complexions! Unwilling to interrupt Him by my presence, I continued my walk but signified to my secretary to join the group and listen. Later, my secretary reported that never had he seen in the works of all the philosophers anything that compared to the teachings of Jesus. He told me that Jesus was neither seditious nor rebellious, so we extended to Him our protection. He was at liberty to act, to speak, to assemble and to address the people. This unlimited freedom provoked the Jews -- not the poor but the rich and powerful.
-Pontius Pilate

And that's why all the holidays are pagan holidays and why the word "god" is pagan in origin. Yikes.


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>Doesn’t paganism allow homosex though?

>Name of the God
Name of EL. Godin/Wod = Odin/Wotan

>Jesus of Nazareth
RABBI YESHUA of Nazereth

>I was told it was Jesus
told it was YESHUA

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No, they don't actually, they use to kill homos.


>we wuz jews

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I find it ironic how norse pagan history and religion was COMPLETELY FUCKING LOST until christian scholars found it and pieced it back together.

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>all the Pagans can fixate on is "muh Yeshua"

your religion is literally Christian propaganda

ironic? or a little too coincidental?

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>ITT mutt realizes all religions are the same

You miss the point you dozy hayseeds. Geez, give your head a wobble.
Why do you think there are similarities. You’ve already decided what you WANT to believe and now you’re trying to make things fit your desire.
You’re going to lose the game that way.

Wait until you find out Islam recognizes Jesus as a prophet and that we should all team together to destroy the synagogue of Satan and finally have world peace.

Woden will return and end you, filthy chr*Stian pig

>Why do you think there are similarities
because Norse Paganism was written 1000 years AFTER Christ by the Christian church, lol

Norse paganism was practiced in Greenland into the 19th century.

Anyways, people who aren't Scandinavian need to quit LARPing as vikangz when actual indo-european reconstruction allows us to explore all branches of paganism, many more complete than the hollywood Boomer shit that is Asatru

It wasn't really lost so much as destroyed by Christians when they burnt down Roman temples and libraries.

we kept a few pagan saints so the natives wouldn't get salty about it. many were later purged because lol of course they were

the funny part was telling eskimos up in sweden somewhere that the jews were horrible people who killed christ. they wouldn't meet any jews for 1000 years but boy did they remember that shit

Jesus is white and jews are demons who are going to hell.

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