Does James woods browse Jow Forums?

Holy fuck

Attached: 2342.jpg (480x454, 33K)

Other urls found in this thread:

of course he does

Of course he fucking does.

Attached: JW WTH Man.png (580x484, 319K)


Blue checkmarks already bringing up Christchurch

He posted this one of a kind never before seen pepe first. I was there when it was first posted here.

Attached: JW Pepe Ginsburg.png (589x397, 71K)

He actually might be that Hollywood celebrity that came here that spilled some Hollywood secrets the other day.


I think James was inviting Jow Forums to have a bit of fun with this...popcorn as I wait for the shoops to flow.

Dude is a monster when it comes to anally wrecking liberals.

Attached: JW AOC Fart Joke.png (593x474, 216K)


Wait, did JW create this Tarrant meme? Or had anyone seen it before?

the mad man

Attached: 1501635746770.jpg (225x225, 8K)

Attached: JW Piss Your Pants.png (586x577, 317K)

No way he made it or knows thats tarrant in honkler face

A lot of his best stuff gets removed by twitter.

Attached: JW Butternuts.png (597x610, 241K)

I might be James Woods or I might not be, but rest assured, we're the only two real people on Jow Forums.

Videodrome is and was a fascinating movie, i recommand highly.

You misjudge JW. He knows exactly who and what that is. I fucking guarantee it.

Attached: JW AOCJive.png (591x232, 42K)

he sleeps 4 hours a day and is retired. that's literally 20 hours a day to fill.

Sir, you give us a lot of entertainment. The three days last week that Twitter blocked you were sad days.

Attached: JW ShadowBanned.png (589x194, 18K)

Attached: 1439788915135.jpg (568x543, 176K)

you think there is normal people here?
this is the supreme of the supreme.
the creme of the crop.

He also spends a day or two a week playing poker in Vegas. I hear he is not a bad player.

Blue checkmarks are calling twitter to ban him now

William Shatner is confirmed to browse pol and Jow Forums so its not a crazy notion

I am now going to spend this thread posting some of my best clips from his twitter.

Attached: JW Find The Real Killer.png (590x420, 276K)

I don't have the screencap of the thread saved here. But from what I remember, the rock prostitute himself for roles. Gossip magasine are a joke because when they spill it all, they actually don't say shit compared to the dark pedo shit they all do in secrets. Top of hollywood all have dirt on everybody. Michael Jackson was legit not a pedo and just tried to protect kids form the evil of Hollywood. Joe Jackson, Michael's father was the real pedo. etc etc. Wenstein was a fall guy. etc .

If I get on my other computer and the thread is still active once I get home I'll post the screencap.

He does seem to find Trump agreeable, if not a hundred percent behind him.

Attached: JW DonnyBoy.png (587x195, 16K)


He knows what he's doing. He can also play the boomer card and claim ignorance.

Its somewhat depressing, knowing that youre right

He is not overly fond of muslims either.

Attached: JW Omar Brother Fucker Wants To Kill Gays.png (580x597, 296K)

Probably, anons take Jow Forums to him.

That RBG pepe had never been seen before. Many of us discussed it the first hour it was posted. That one was a JW special.

Attached: JW Kim Foxx.png (590x594, 402K)

it really is a clown world where this kike lover supports zionism first but dismisses america first

Wrong Kim Foxx pic. I am looking for the right one. Have this instead. Twitter gets so pissed at him.

Attached: JW OJ Congratulating Smollett.png (590x595, 466K)

These aren't good when you see the forest.
He just seems like a kosher shill trying to pull kids into being full fledged israel defenders, like all other "alt-right" plants.

Why wouldn't he? The man obviously want to leave behind a better world then he entered. That should be the goal of everyone.

Woods 100% posts here.

He uh, caught onto this pretty quick too.

Attached: JW Smollett Connections.png (591x578, 422K)

not surprising if real


Woods is probably the guy who came here and said Smollet was being used as muh Chicago corruption when in fact it was corruption on a National scale.
Thats old Boomer knowledge right therw.

He's clever. After the Taylor Swift thing, he would in no way leave a trace or play "Name my new pet" here.

Attached: JW Popcorn Stocks.png (593x232, 41K)

I have to try to keep his twitter page open for new posts. Sometimes, you only have minutes before twitter removes it.

Attached: JW Eat More Dirt, Beto.png (588x169, 17K)

Attached: James-Woods-Maymay.jpg (1622x2624, 657K)

Another that twitter removed.

Attached: JW Avenatti's Hemorrhoid.png (587x378, 198K)

And Moarpheus reveals himself.

Attached: JW Maddow Kitty Litter.png (592x685, 403K)

Oh no, he posted a picture. Where is the police? He's not allowed to post pictures and have a different opinion.

Is James Woods our clown?

Kind of odd for a jew to point this out, ya think? His opinion on Soros are quite public. Buh bye.

Attached: JW Soros Owns Foxx.png (592x466, 272K)


What's the thing with the Clown Lady?

His mom may have been a jew, but JW was raised irish catholic, and was an altar boy. He has been castholic since childhood. His nod to israel is little more than respect to his mother's homeland.

Attached: JW BS Crawling.png (592x495, 215K)


He made this in a nod to ourgirl and a poke at the dirtiness done to her.

Attached: JW ABG.png (581x589, 701K)

Crazy mixed breed from America than moved to sweden and went insane and started dressing like a clown

He commented on the eggboy stuff too.

Attached: JW Fraser Egged KO.png (590x228, 46K)

He supports a wall, or 30 foot steel fence covered in razor wire, whatever you wanna call it.

Attached: JW Open Borders.png (591x470, 228K)

James Woods is going to be written into future history books. Fucking legend

He doesn't seem too keen on letting terrorist in our borders either.

Attached: JW ISIS Girl Who Wants Back.png (594x383, 404K)

from what I can tell--no, but he does know at least one trusted memer that does. I actually DM'd w/ him in 2016 while I was serving w/ the 88th shitposting div. in the meme wars, but we only discussed him maybe doing some new movies.

he prolly DM'd like he did with me--but with a madlad who sprung some memes on him and the rest is meme war history.

Attached: james wood chipper_VP8.webm (320x240, 360K)

To be fair most american bommers support Israel efter decades of AIPAC influence over media.

who gives a shit

Everyone browses Jow Forums, even if they don't admit it.
It's like watching a train wreck.

He has created a few very fitting hashtags for some members of our government too.

Attached: JW HeelsUpHarris.png (587x273, 20K)

if he does he's a huge loser

Fall guy as innocent, or sacrificial lamb?

This speaks for itself.

Attached: JW Michael Obama Lost Job.png (591x579, 408K)

Endless supply of Your Mom and dick jokes.

Attached: JW Report My Nuts.png (591x344, 26K)


What is his honk picture modified from. Whats the context of that?

Since when was it bad to make internet memes? Do these people piss their britches when they see a 9/11 meme?

I think Woods made it. It would not be the first time he modified something from here.

Attached: JWLearn2Code.png (588x230, 17K)

Lurk more faggot.


Attached: Capture.png (603x180, 22K)

A beer and checking Woods twitter after work is the highlight of my day.

Attached: JW Anal Prolapse.jpg (650x546, 97K)

James Woods is military intelligence like his father and participates in the fake "Muslims Did 9/11" narrative.

James Woods claimed he was on a plane flight with Muslims doing a practice run before 9/11. Blood on the hands of everyone who aids the Enemy.

Attached: OdigoIsraeliForeknowledge.png (1080x1920, 625K)

He may have an inside line to something. Maybe.

Attached: JW Q.png (587x122, 9K)

He's here.

Hey James did you took the honkpill?

Attached: 4798944A00000578.png (656x583, 322K)

I found this. Now i can plan my year around it.

Attached: Screenshot_20190408-225540_Chrome.jpg (1388x1442, 855K)

Our favorite character is the wizard of oz as parable for society.

Looks like he might have.

Attached: JW Honk World.png (594x289, 50K)

Digits of truth. Woods is here.

Attached: Screenshot_20190329-180243_Chrome.jpg (1439x1962, 1M)

Hey, James. Do us a favor and do not get yourself kicked off of twitter. We do not want you to get focused down and destroyed by the left for posting stuff you apparently see on Jow Forums or things people from Jow Forums have been sending you. Your twitter is too entertaining to have it get removed by raging leftist.

Attached: 234238947237423.png (1100x600, 174K)

His day of ripping Avenatti up one side and down the other was great.

Attached: JW Cellie.png (592x310, 144K)

Why are Krassensteins always the first reply listed on everything they comment on?

No one is safe from him.

Attached: JW Fauxcahontas.jpg (593x605, 110K)

was that video satire or real? i think she may be the new sam hyde


Fucking clown world

This was hilarious, at the time. And fucking twitter gave him a blue checkmark, too fucking funny.

Attached: JW Bitches.jpg (590x467, 77K)

It looks real. Like, she is struggling to keep hold of her liberal beliefs, but they are slipping away.

Attached: JW CB Wrong Team.png (591x205, 16K)

no. clown pepe is low level shitpost from free speach enemies with the simple goal of distracting from posting redpills and useful discussion. Just like when one rothskike rag headlines a story, they all headline the story, so do rothskike memes get put on all online social medias. Clown pepe on twitter means the same shill group works there are as well pol

I understand the girl out the window, but who's the guy in car supposed to be? (pic related)

Attached: estonias entire airforce in one pic.jpg (900x620, 210K)

We don't deserve him. Alyssa Milano especially does not after Woods saved her fucking horses and she could not wait to tweet about how much of an asshole woods is.

Attached: JW AM Burn.png (635x1417, 278K)

He's a 2A supporter also. He seems to not like Feinstein either.

Attached: JW DF Guns.jpg (600x952, 166K)

His twatter feed looks like a Jow Forumsthread..

Attached: 81477EB4-53D0-4737-8ACC-0400EED06765.jpg (2048x1326, 504K)

You should see the shit twitter deletes. He can get pretty ruthless.

Attached: JW Omar Goat Soup.png (592x168, 14K)