You need to take the real red pill, capitalism has failed, communism will win...

You need to take the real red pill, capitalism has failed, communism will win. The only way to defend your nation from the American and Chinese imperialists is through the immortal science of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.

We will either have socialist revolution worldwide, or we will descend into barbarism.

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Do you even read bro? Communism is impossible due to central planned economy leading to disaster

If central planning is so bad, then why did the Soviet Union go from a nation of peasants to a spacefaring one in 30 years? Face it, socialism works.

The fuck are you smoking? Civilizations have existed for 10,000 years surviving purely on agriculture.

Communism only fails because of third party interference. Humans were never meant to have all this indulgence, it really just rots our brains.

Ancient Greeks & Romans average iq's well above 120, yet here we are at 104 at best .

The U.S. has more land than we need, all it requires is eradcating for-profit motives.

I hope you're joking about this, let's forget how many people died in the process including astronauts

Read this for fuck sake

How many people died exactly? Only unbiased sources, no pro-capitalist imperialist sources.

Its true that a kind of socialism is going to rise as a response to zionist and marxist treason in the US. You won't like it though.

Communism is contrary to human nature. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." Every organism on earth is designed to seek out the maximum resources for minimum effort. That includes humans. You are not going to overcome biology with ideology. I do not work 14 hour days for some abstraction. I do it because I want my family to have nice things. If you took that incentive away from me I would get by doing as little as possible, because fuck you, that's why.

>Socialism/communism/dictatorships/monarchies all been tried through out history
>All fail
>Never progressed out of the age of horseback and wagon with tens of thousands of years to work with
>One country in history gets built around capitalism
>Leads man kind to every modern day technological advancement from the automobile, to the plane, to splitting an atom, to the internet and beyond
>Wealthiest population
>Biggest baddest military in the world

If countries were smart they'd take the L, realize capitalism is the way, and copy and paste the American Constitution and Bill of Rights into their own government and come out guns a blazin.

With the hammer of communism, the people of the world will smash the fascist menace.

>The Russian Empire exists, a poor, backwards nation.
>Russian Revolution happens
>The Soviet Union rapidly industrialises
>The Soviet Union drives the fascists back to Berlin, liberating half or Europe in the process
>The Soviet Union becomes the first spacefaring nation
>The Soviet Union has a higher caloric intake than the USA

>*jewish tradition

Capitalists get the bullet too.

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free helicopter rides
also sage

Fascism is just a worse form of capitalism. It's isn't some kind of third position, the bourgeoisie continue to fill their pockets with the money of stolen labour.

What about the forced incest and dog rape that happened under Pinochet?
Honorable "democrates" of the past century!
We would like very much to resurrect you all
So that you could take a look at our achievements
And so we could properly thank you.
Each of us would express gratitude in their own way:
A commune peasant with a thresher, a factory worker with a wrench,
An enemy of the state with a pickaxe, an Afghan vet with a prosthesis,
As for me, I would take a brick to some faces.

Honorable "democrates" of the past century!
Why all your rage and threats to the crown?
Nature is not a fool and God is not a cripple,
and you kicking them out - that just won't do.
Maybe you did want to fix everything at once,
But such hurrying is only good for flea hunting
As for nature, it cannot create on demand,
And obviously, neither can God.

Honorable "democrates", you've seen some examples
of your colleagues starting terror,
Slauthering the nation's best with Robespierre's sword
Paris cannot wash off the shame to this day
After that meat-grinder, Radishev the truth-lover
Almost ate "The Journey from St.Petersburg to Moscow" in frustration,
Gone mad and submerged himself in grief, blaming masons

Honorable "democrates", please hurry and come alive!
Come out for the judgement of deceived crowds
Let them answer for everything: Chernyshevsky and Gertzen
And the dreamer Belinsky, and the sage Carlamarx
Also must answer the ones that came after you
To beat both joy and sadness out of the people
And turned the free Slavs into slaves
And turned the great Russia into prison

Whatever you say, traitor.


Russian Empire already started rapid industrialization before the kike revolution, we didn't need your gommie shit.

Fascism has no basis in philosophy or ideology, it purely based on reaction. Communism has a deep philosophical and ideological basis.

What role does race and nation play in Communism?

The concept of race derives from pseudoscientific theories developed in the 19th century, there is no role of race in communism. It is quite honestly ridiculous to treat one different from another because of the colour of their skin.

As for the role of the nation? That depends on which nation we are speaking about.

We must unionize the game devs!!!

then it collapsed 30 years later because investing 30% of your GDP in the army may not be the best idea

Butler was completely right. Gender is a hinderance in a society. Just look at everything happening right now with nb/trans people. It's a worthless concept.
Biological sex is all that matters.

> (You)
>>The Russian Empire exists, a poor, backwards nation.
>>Russian Revolution happens
>>The Soviet Union rapidly industrialises
>>The Soviet Union drives the fascists back to Berlin, liberating half or Europe in the process
>>The Soviet Union becomes the first spacefaring nation
>>The Soviet Union has a higher caloric intake than the USA

Congrats Russia did one thing "first". And then they became a shit hole because that's what always happens. It's not a shithole the entire time, just until it fails. Capitalism has never failed. Also, your making it to space is such a fraction of the amount of tech the US has developed it's almost laughable that's your holy Grail. Like you do realize the guy that founded electricity was Benjamin Franklin right? Like the greatest minds in history have been American.

The Soviet Union collapsed due to revisionism, a trend started by that idiot Krushchev. I wouldn't expect an ancap like you to understand this.

>WWI starts
>Russian Empire, despite being "backwards and poor" fights sort of alright
>slightly worse than Germany, slightly better than Austro-Hungary
>don't let themselves be surrounded at least
>casualty rate 1:1
>tactics aren't even bad, Brusilov offensive even praised as a tactical innovation

>WWII starts
>gee guys, what a bad timing, we just finished great purges and killed off all the military commanders worth half a shit
>Red Army in total shambles, huge pockets, more than a million POWs half of which die in captivity (Germans don't have food to feed such a shitload of POWs even if they wanted to)
>gee guys, our soldiers surrender like there's no tomorrow, better organize special units to mow them down should they try to run
>even Kursk battle, praised as a great victory for the Soviets, has casualty rate 1:3 in German favor

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Capitalism has failed in Africa, Latin America, Eastern Europe and most of Asia.

"They speak about the failures of socialism, but where is the success of capitalism in Latin America, Asia and Africa?" - Fidel Castro

>You need to take the real red pill, capitalism has failed
>communism will win
1. something winning, or doing well, does not lend credence to the idea - slavery could have feasibly won wars or been a dominant institution to this day, but that has no bearing on its morality or correctness
2. although communists like to believe in a deterministic theory of history, there are those who heroically attempt to defy fate and forge their own destinies. some people will align with the team they think will win in order to be on the "right side of history", and some people will fight for what they believe is right even if they know that they will lose. fatalistic and heroic worldviews have been battling since the beginning
>Communism has a deep philosophical and ideological basis
and National Socialism does as well, but you've never bothered to look into it

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Scientific racism has never been debunked.
Go ahead, look it up. No scientific argument against it was ever given. Every paper you will find on it only discusses the political and moral implications of it and gives them as a reason for rejecting it. It is purely based on emotion.
But the truth cannot be cheated.
Every statistic, like IQ in African Americans being directly proportional to white admixture, is consistent with the theories developed until 1945.
It is also strangely convenient that the entire scientific community accepted it right until the end of WW2.

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The most successful countries in those regions are the most capitalist one (Chile, Morocco, Japan, Korea, Taiwan). Most of Africa, Central Asia and South America is not capitalist (as in market economy with free trade)

I wonder...

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>National Socialism does as well

I have read parts of Mein Kampf, it was nothing but the ramblings of a mad man. I strongly encourage you to read the works of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Mao.


Amazing that in poorer nations with much poorer levels of education people would have lower IQs. This can only be fixed with communism, imperialism will always continue under capitalism and the rich continent of Africa will continue to remain exploited.

This video doesn't say that Africa is capitalist

Fascism has a longer history than just Hitler. Mein Kampf is not a Fascist Bible the same way Marx's works are and it was written in a very different historical context.
There are more academic works on Fascism out there.
If I had to make a comparison, Hitler is to earlier fascist thinkers what Lenin was to Marx. He didn't come up with the philosophy but applied it and developed it further.

Have you ever considered that the reason they are poor is the low IQ?
Also, the numbers still hold among African Americans in the USA even if you adjust for income and education. And those numbers are proportional to white admixture. The correlation is very clear.

>I have read parts of Mein Kampf, it was nothing but the ramblings of a mad man.
If you value civilization, then promoting highly empathic highly intelligent civilization-building peoples (Aryans) becomes a moral duty, as does opposing civilization-destroying peoples.
I have read Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, and Mao, and while they're certainly not madmen, I find their goals to be counter to my own - the logical end result of communism is the suppression of diversity in human types, individual expression, and in quality, as outlined in the video I posted previously.

Ultimately it's a question of what's more important, prioritizing the quality of future human beings or prioritizing the material conditions of future human beings. For me the answer is obvious - material conditions are important, but are necessarily subservient to the quality of the people in question - if material conditions degrade but the quality of people is still high, civilization can be maintained. If the quality of people degrades material conditions become irrelevant - civilization will be unraveled.
“Those who see in National Socialism nothing more than a political movement know scarcely anything about it. It is more even than a religion. It is the will to create mankind anew.” – Adolf Hitler

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Really? Your going to quote a well documented failed socialist leader in your argument against capitalism.

You can't run a war economy for 50 years and expect a good outcome. USSR was essentially a shithole with nukes.

>liberating half or Europe in the process
That implies you gave it back. You didn't.

Funny, but most of those nations ARE communist.

>commisar jamal
sounds like the name of a marvel villain

the average IQ is by definition 100, its not like weight or height

Socialism according to Marx exists only to bridge the gap between the necessary evil of capitalism and the inevitable 'utopia' of communism
Under communism, the means of production are owned, by definition, by the state.
Under communism there exists no free market as the state sets prices.
Without subtracting the input from the output, one cannot do cost accounting. It cannot be determined if production is more efficient under communism than under capitalism, or if production is more efficient than last week, or if it is even profitable at all, as "profits" are illegal.

You use your money to buy flour, yeast, rent an oven for a day, ect. Why do you do this? To bake bread. Why? Because you have determined and bet that there is a market for bread. You invest $50 and bake 50 loaves. So $1/loaf is your input cost. Your research says people will pay $2 or more for good bread every day, but they'll only pay $0.50/loaf for shitty bread. So, if you bake shitty bread you'll only be able to sell it for $25, half of the cost of production, a loss. But, if you are reasonably sure you can bake great bread, you may invest the time and money to bake 50 loaves and sell them for $100. It cost you $50 to make so your profit is $50, you have doubled your money, pretty good.

But under socialistic conditions, there can never be any cost accounting. That's why there is always bread lines and famines in communist countries, even in breadbaskets like Ukraine and Rhodesia/Zimbabwe. Communism is genocide. Socialism and democracy must be opposed as a moral imperative.

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The "surplus labor is exploited by the greedy capitalist" meme was considered by Marx to be his lifes greatest achievement. It is a disgusting jewish freemason trick.

All employers act as a bank, giving credit to employees in the form of wages. If someone worked on an apple orchid, they would have to wait years to be able to sell the fruit grown by the labor for profit, to pay the workers salaries. So, the employer gives a loan to the worker by paying him every Friday instead of once a year. Like all loans, it must be taken with interest, otherwise the bank would go bankrupt. The interest is the profit the capitalist employer keeps. Why would he willingly give it away? Its his farm, hes cared for it for years, manages it efficiently, why should some drifter bum who does dumb labor like a mule for 8 hours get an owners share of the profit?
The workers salary is an agreed upon condition set at the beginning of employment. They have no right to complain about it.

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>hasnt taken the monarchy pill

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