Daily reminder that circumcision has a few minor health benefits, with absolutely no downsides...

Daily reminder that circumcision has a few minor health benefits, with absolutely no downsides. Not a single major medical organisation is against the practice. The only reason most of you even care about it is because Jews do it.

>But it lessens sensitivity!

That's literally a myth, but feel free to post the outdated studies you have saved on your computer rather than the more recent and concrete ones that don't show any difference in sensitivity at all.

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>The only reason most of you even care about it is because Jews do it.
pretty sure we're pissed because it was done to us without permission and we're not even Jews

my gf insists our kids are being circumsized. i cant argue against her which is why we havent had any kids. please help

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It's immoral. You can't cut off healthy tissue from another person's body without their consent.

It's a stupid tradition that has no place in modern society.

It's literally not up to her. Tell the doctor "no."

There's no reason to be bothered one way or another. If you don't want them circumcised then just say it. But if she insists, there's no reason to fight about it. Your kids will never think about it unless they stumble onto an online community of retards who think that they can't have sex properly because you cut off their nerves for Israel.


The foreskin is the most sensitive part of my dick.

t. Guy who still has his foreskin

In the US if the parents are married, both have to agree on circumcision, otherwise it won't happen. If it's a mother/boyfriend scenario, the mother can do it unilaterally, even if the boyfriend is the father and has custody. It's one of the many privileges of marriage. It's also how I prevented my son from being circumcised.

Cut off your eyelids while you're at it

Stop being an idiot and get your kids circumcised.

>loosing 1cm cock is good goys. trust me

Hasan Piker was circumcised but his foreskin grew back.

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whatever you say dude, lol

Then stand firm. You have a penis, you know what it's like having a penis. Your decision matters just as much as hers. Tell her they can get circumcised as adults when they're able to consent to it, if they want to (they won't).

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>being this chad you grow your fucking foreskin back

how can americans compete?

Nigger I know people who’ve been circumcised post-puberty because they fell for the meme. There is NO COMPARISON. It isn’t even debatable.

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Yo is that talcum X?

>because Jews do it.
Not just the Jews the Muslims do it too, you're either one.

>Armenian Jimmy Neutron is so cooool

Just make her watch the Eric Clapton play in its entirety. If she still wants to do it and doesn’t even wanna look into it then you should start looking for another mate.

>the more recent and concrete ones
Thanks for all the links and citations that you provided.

Oh you didn't actually...

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>But it lessens sensitivity!
you literally have far less penis and sex cells shill, I have done circumcision and my sensitivity has increased drastically, fuck you kike

there's trauma

Good, get finished with jews by excluding them.

>>But it lessens sensitivity!

Imagine being so concerned about not coming as fast as you can.

Circumcision in infancy literally makes you a bio-robot.

this, obviously, the right to not be mutilated. there is literally no argument against it, so it gets ignored lol.

are you a man? or a pussy? your wife doesnt make such a decision.

In fact, circumcision is not recommended by any medical society outside of the United States, the Middle East, South Korea, or the Philippines. On this issue the American medical society is recommending circumcision are international pariahs.



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>it's a myth that slicing off nerves lessens sensitivity
Oh Jew!

Make her watch a video of the procedure if she still doesnt change her mind dump her in a gorge or something.
Why the fuck does she want to chop your kids dicks up anyways? Is she a jewess?

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I know a guy who’s dick got fucked up from a circumsision. Now he has dick problems. So yeah absolutely no Downsides right?