After years of ingesting media from the US, I have a question for you, and it's not meant as an insult but a genuine curiosity about your everyday reality: do you think you still have a cultural identify, and if yes what is it, beside slogans like being #1? Not you specifically, but the country.
The media forces it's take on "diversity" and it obviously is skin deep, based only on race, but the more I watch it the more I realize how much skin deep it is, as these people have no identity beyond their skin color and a name: African American, Indian American, etc, rather than just American. I know this will probably sound like some sort of bragging because of my flag, but I think I could take a Pole, a Serb and a Russian and have more cultural diversity between them a white, black and brown person from the US. I'm expecting the usual insults and fellow Europeans talking about what they think about the US, but I'm hoping that someone can speak up on this and give me their insight as an actual US citizen.
USA is still the land of opportunity. You can go from dirt poor to billioaire, if your talent or ideas are good enough or popular.
Bentley Harris
"Fuck you got mine"
Camden Davis
But isn't that a statement about your economy rather than culture of the people?
Connor Price
Easy Satan. For me, my sense of identity as an American comes more from our history as a country rather than anything else. We deify the founding fathers here, and mostly our military champions and victories. I guess culturally Americans are a very war-like people, regardless of a person's genetic heritage or where they came from. For me atleast it's more about assimilation into the notion that once you're here, it's your duty to please that booty, and go kill some commies.
Jacob Wood
It's both, because the promise of economic freedom is a core tenant of American ideology. Most people here are driven by the idea that if they work hard enough, and have a good enough idea, it will make them rich. Which is kind of sad in a way because it dehumanizes people.
Jace Jackson
Our culture is Sola Fide Nice try, Satan.
Caleb Nguyen
what you have to realize is everything you see on TV is talking about the shithole big cities and all the sheep running around in them... the rest of the nation hates those fucks.
if you asked me what my heritage is it would be hunting,farming,being outdoors, shooting all the awesome guns the rest of the world doesnt get to have fun with. dont forget about the huge automotive culture we have here.
there is a lot going on in the United States... our states are as big as countries. to assume we are all the same would be naive.
southern and midwest folk share quite a bit in common but are still distinctly different and the same could be said about the northwest although they are rapidly falling victim to the liberal virus that has taken over the big cities.
Tyler Cooper
As a whole, no, our culture died long ago when we let the unfettered flood of unwashed and 3rd world masses from different cultures into this once proud nation, back when America was majority white and homogeneous yes there was a culture, but with the once dominant group who founded this country on the decline and eventual minority no, we no longer have an American culture sadly...
Carson Long
This is very true. For instance I'm behind enemy lines in the Northeast and dream of the day I can move South and west to experience real freedom the way it was intended. Not this sham gibs culture that exists around me.
Jace Evans
It is both. The culture is a little bit of everything, good, bad, in between. The id politics is a political wedge that does not affect my daily life. Most ethnicities self segregate. Im around people that look like me, share most of my values and are close to the same economic/social class.
Easton Rogers
This. And comedy with a generally high/happy attitude socially (unless in shit city) Work hard, play hard. Church, and a large hobby culture. I'd gas the degenerate ones though like furrys n shit
Kevin Sanders
I think you're oversimplifying the issue. This country was founded as an Anglo colony. If we didn't let the Irish and the italians in we wouldn't have had the manpower to spread westward or tame the wilderness. Without immigration we would still be the 13 states.
Colton Martinez
We have our own culture, but we’re still British
Zachary Watson
Only southerners and country-folk have any real cultural identity in the US. Urbanics have no real culture beyond, "Muh football" or "Eyy da besd piza in de city!" Which is usually equivalent to saying, "The best pizza in the dumpster"
Alexander Allen
Ian Evans
Jack Rodriguez
I'm not talking about them I'm talking of the different races who bring their own culture in mass and demand it have it's own special place in the us when there should be one clear and concise culture, not hundreds to thousands of these different ethnic enclaves that hold their own communities and cultures completely segregated from the rest of the US, the 1965 immigration act saw to that.
David Phillips
Damn you satan. But I'll be honest. I have no American idenity. I do not feel that I can honestly identify with most of the people in america. It's not because of race. Just most seem to be beer swilling sports ball watching Murcia fuck.yeah! Types. Or they are all those things and just don't care about the America Fuck yeah part. Anyway, every one is stupid and I hate having to deal with normies. I just wish there were more people like me I could identify with. I give a fuck about race, but won't be as apt to give those that look less like me the chance to prove it they are worth the effort.
Thomas Rogers
I used to think that American cultural identity was written on the Statue of Liberty and in the freedom from any form of caste system. However, due to the impact of IQ on success I think that is misguided. I want a return to the dream of hard work and perseverance resulting in the achievement of life, liberty, and happiness.
Julian Gray
>Most people here are driven by the idea that if they work hard enough, I dunno, that's something most capitalistic people believe in, regardless of country (unless it's a 3rd world war zone or something). If you believe that's what your cultural identity is built on then I won't argue about how you feel, I just don't see it as a viable something that can be classified as cultural.
Evan Baker
There is a traditional "core" identity yes but it's no longer shared by the majority. It was essentially the "white America of the 50s" which was a culture unique from the white European nations they originated from. Kids of all colors now listen to rap all the time (not that I hate all rap but mainstream culture is bombarded with shitty fresh-out-the-drug-house no-talent future inmates). The Godless heathens running the media here constantly try to redefine what our cultural norms are here to be "cutting edge and trendy" and the more retarded individuals eat it up.
Logan Taylor
A more localized and representative government was necessary to get to proper capitalist competition. Democracy, in a word, leads to prosperity.
>do you think you still have a cultural identify Short answer; no, absolutely not. We have become an materialistic overgrown strip mall for the worlds brown people to shop for bargains. However...this country is huge and a lot of Europeans underestimate just how big big this country is. There are areas of the United States that still retain some of their old heritage, mostly in the south. There are other areas but de-industrialization has turned the old classic American ruralite blue collar family into negrofied opiate addicts. It's sad, but reality isn't always fun.
Henry Ward
>USA is still the land of opportunity. You can go from dirt poor to billioaire, if your talent or ideas are good enough or popular. To be fair you can do that in almost any country.
Zachary Thomas
Ah, this one speaks to me more: "No matter where you're from, you can be an American if you chose to be.", which is in contrast to people choose to be Something-American. It's nice to know your background, but when people focus on that instead of becoming naturalized that group loses a common cultural identity and consequently their unity.
Ayden Miller
Alexander Ward
Jacob Reyes
So close
Logan Gutierrez
Jayden Roberts
Geographically the US is probably the most stunning nation on Earth. The variety of scenery is amazing. I can't think of another country that basically has all kind of climates from glaciers to deserts to swamps to grasslands. It really has a lot. I think everyone just focuses on the handful of areas the media comes from and obsesses over.
It absolutely is though, capitalism in a cornerstone of American identity, especially following the cold war. Again, it speaks to the adversarial nature of American identity, that we need an enemy to focus our energies against, although I suppose that's true of most cultures. Aside from that American literature has contributed a lot to Western thought, from Hemingway to Stephen King.
Jordan Bennett
Hell yeah we do
>guns >land >pioneers >cowboys >action movies >free speech >rebels in the south >dont give a fuck about the outside world
Yes that last one is part of our identity and we're proud of it, it means our affairs are more important to us than whatever the fuck is going on in your shithole, no offense
We're the most radically independent who didn't end up that way because of governmental collapse. That's about the most common trait. Even that is removed if you consider deep-urbanites "American", which I don't, since they're basically Euroboos who would rather be obnoxious Euroboos than actually live in Europe. Even in our cities, though, they're usually more free than European ones, though that's not saying much. Really, though, there's no such thing as an "American" identity or culture except some extremely shallow things. It's mostly up to region. States have a lot of autonomy because they are really big, and the culture of the rural population can vary from one to the next. There are NY-exclusive expressions, for example, which are based on things people outside of NY are guaranteed to not know. If it's not related to one of our wars, odds are good what you're looking at is a state- or region-exclusive. This is also why people think they should be able to get away with hyphenated Americanism.
Manifest Destiny, it could have happened no other way. James K. Polk is the most slept on prez no question. He had a badass mullet too. A hardass cowboy president.
William Perry
Which state, fren
Tyler Myers
>doesn’t care about the Old World
Those are our brothers on the other side of the Atlantic, and who in the fuck wants the civilized world to shrink? Paris, Florence, Munich, these cities mean nothing to yoy? I agree with the general sentiment though. Hyphenfags are insufferable.
Noah Martinez
(((Jew York))) Not the city thank Christ, but close enough that every summer the roaches scatter out into our communities to Rob and steal.
William Turner
>dont give a fuck about the outside world But isn't this no longer the case since basically WW1?
Brody Bennett
100% agree with you.
Eli Smith
You're Polish, you have a bizarre lens to the US. There are multiple cultures alive in the US. That said most of them, as you see, are under constant Jewish attack. Like regional accents and differences, they too will erode completely over time from mass-media.
Alexander Powell
>that's something most capitalistic people believe in who has executed it as well as us, though? It propelled us to empire status, at least for a brief time. Also few other countries have taxes as low as us.
Robert Ramirez
Wish people stuck to this better, could waste less on "humanitarian" garbage.
Justin Thomas
Multiculturalism only happens in big urban centers, where the culture is essentially homogenous with any other developed urban center anywhere in the world.
Lucas Martin
I'll never forgive his advisor for bitching out on the deal to acquire mexico up to its capital. We should have the whole landmass after that war.
Joseph Parker
in the UK you need a dream-come-true license
Robert Lopez
The one thing that set America apart from all who had gone before was a level of belief in, and commitment to, the idea that people can live in liberty. In practice we have fallen away from that ideal, but it still exists in the culture here in a way that it has never existed anywhere else. That's it. Everything else has been done before and often better.
Nolan Bennett
>talks about degenerates >is a christcuck How many Africans have you adopted?
Hudson Brooks
We're currently in the middle of an identity crisis. Check back in five to fifteen years. Also we're Jew puppets. That's clearly a major element of modern American "culture".
Cooper Butler
Not to mention if all he consumes is media he only gets the global version of what happens in pozzed multikult cities.
Theres pockets of true american culture from the southwest pioneers, to the new England fisheries, the Pacific north west, French colonial/cajun Louisiana, the pirate la fiet on the texas coast. American history is very rich, forged from colonial conflict, but not advertised
Chase Morris
There is no cultural homogeneity. Rural America and big city America are two different worlds. On top of that, within those worlds, you have pajeets, spicks, niggers, kikes, sand niggers, cucks, whores, faggots, etc.
There is no space to even begin to broach complex subjects in a personal setting. Every power that be is doing all that they can to eliminate all white male groups and spaces. What is left is a bunch of yuppies regurgitating their preprogrammed emotional responses at the slightest cue someone may be interested in such things.