No wall

>no wall
>no border shut down
>100,000 new illegals every month
>back to catch and release
anybody else tired of winning?

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There were pictures of them working on the wall. Maybe if the neocons and dems stopped stonewalling him, we could get somewhere.

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You're delusional and likely retarded.

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first post kike post

Hey he triggered the libz so it was worth it. Nothing triggeres those blue haired feminazies than the u.s military invading iran. That will show those libtards

Anyone tired of owning DRUMPTH?!
Cause I sure ain't!
Let's keep at it boys, orange man will be impeached any day now...

Now that's what I call a good meme

Get ready you tranny faggots. The day is coming where you are beaten and shamed in public and forced back into the closet.

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Where's that Washington Post link with the numbers for Obama literally ousting more immigrants than Trump?

Opiod deaths high as ever. Nothing is better. NOTHING.

>Get ready you tranny faggots. The day is coming where you are beaten and shamed in public and forced back into the closet.

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We’ve been jew’d

>neo cons and dems keep shooting down the wall
>v-vote neo con / dem!

funny how you're still playing the right vs. left game. you haven't been here long, have you? you REALLY think it matters who's sitting in the white house?
>pic related happened when Obama was president...nothing's changed to this day

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mfw he's appointing this nigger to direct the Fed

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Illegal immigration dropped ~75% just from his increase in enforcing existing policies alone. Wall construction has started, even as the Democrat half of the federal government makes it clear over and over again that it's a hill they're willing to die on, and fights him tooth and nail every step of the way.

For a man constrained to the powers he has as Chief Executive of a Constitutional Republic, and one filled largely by Progressives and RINO traitors, he's doing an unbelievable job.

Anyone on Jow Forums still unironically supporting him deserves a blast of radiation like every other malignant tumour.

day of the rake is coming
take your drama teacher out back for a flogging
everything he accused trump of being he is and more

>Illegal immigration dropped ~75% just from his increase in enforcing existing policies alone
America is estimated to get over 1 million illegal immigrants by the end of 2019. Border crossings are at a higher level than even king nigger's presidency. Which is pretty shocking

>Wall construction has started, even as the Democrat half of the federal government makes it clear over and over again that it's a hill they're willing to die on
The wall is mentioned as a "pedestrian fence with see through barriers" Considering the border patrol is over 70% spic. It's painfully obvious we are getting fucked over with this.

>he's doing an unbelievable job.
If you happen to be a Centrist Clown who never cared about immigration in the first place. But I guess this country becoming browner and less livable doesn't matter when you have le high GDP!

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