I grew up in a mobile home, and was thinking of buying one due to cheap cost, but im glad he is putting information out on the industry becoming more corrupt.
This is the unironic banger:
I grew up in a mobile home, and was thinking of buying one due to cheap cost, but im glad he is putting information out on the industry becoming more corrupt.
This is the unironic banger:
Other urls found in this thread:
was buffit jewish?
John Oliver is a negative advertiser. Here he is negatively advertising tiny homes. It's not quite so obvious when you're sitting there like onions in full hypnoized alpha attentive mode, you can see it when you read a transcript of the video, nearly every John Oliver episode is actually written by the very same shills that shill here. When represented in textual format the pilpul is identical to the hackneyed rhetoric of your average bargain basement normal dungeon shill. Not the BlackCube minibosses, not the tavistock shills, not the DOJ shills, none of it, just regular basic cable shills.
People who unironically pay for HBO should be pissed off about this. It's very blatantly negative advertising, sponsored content, what a ripoff!
not trying to offend you but that post read liek mild schizophrenia
there are a shit load of snowflakes on here, breitbart, and zerohedge.
people shit on boomers for being so singled minded, but zoomers and millenials have adopted that same "only listen/watch to people who I can identify with and everyone else is a marxist/ capitalist pig"
its so tiring having watched the youth pick up on the same bad behaviour that they all talked shit about when they were going thru puberty.
it becomes despair code when you realize that these are not their own ideas/thoughts... it was carefully created for cultivation and the eventual adopting of the next generation as those people were socially engineered to think this way which is all based on their own experiences.
why is there so muchfucking gossip on here?
anyways, there is nothing wrong at all with renting... home ownership comes with a shit load of extra costs and insuring your home is expensive as fuck.
>believing anything John Oliver says
not trying to offend you, but i can smell the jew on you from here
If anyone from /asp/ is watching this thread...
Did anyone take John Oliver's suggestion and put up protest signs at Wrestlemania last night?
Wrong, bucko, this here is full blown "Walk with Socrates" type shit, and I'm telling you, Last Week Tonight is undisclosed television advertising.
I liked your post friend
What is the "industry"? Can't you still just buy a mobile home? It's fucking mobile, how can there be an industry
It's the shill invasion that's sitting on the board.
I think his show does well when it doesn't focus too much on overly political topics. He has stated himself that he would rather not cover the political stuff as much. The one they did on the WWE was actually really good as well imo. Haven't watched the mobile home one yet, will watch it now.
Dude. U never buy a mobile home new. Thats what retiring boomers do.
They devalue quick and then keep a consistent low value. Real easy to flip out of in tax return season. Pick one up for 2 to 10k in most places you would wanna live.
that is why i live on a boat. fuck your school taxes
Kikes going hard on muh schizo lately
>Last Week Tonight is undisclosed television advertising.
Lol this is a joke, right? It's obvious advertising just like Jewtube "influencers." Btw I didn't watch the video and have never watched John Oliver, but every single news/opinion show like this is just someone shilling for people/products, and it doesn't matter if they are "right" or "left" or on radio, newspaper, TV, or some shitty streaming service.
>Goy it's so hard to get a landlord you should thank me
God, I havent watch a John Oliver clip since CURRENT YEAR MAN was a major meme. He literally has gotten physically kike-ier over time, yikes. His whole shtick hasnt changed tho
I want to buy one, bury it and live underground.
Reading comprehensive skills of a toddler.
I think a good point to note is that most people don't actually consider this
The aging population is less and less experienced with being able to do the research because they just aren't used to using computers to gather immense amounts of data
just googling "should I buy a mobile home" sends me this link at the top of the list:
It basically tells you to do so, but it doesn't offer any nuanced information that the average reader can you to research this themselves
I'm not saying you should definitely listen to everything Oliver has to say, and this goes out to everyone on Jow Forums, but at the very least he's trying to bring attention to things that a lot of people aren't really considering
Whatever memes there are about him being ratlike or annoying are fine, but at the end of the day, how many people are trying to tell people about how that thing they trust might not be perfect--that aren't just opportunities for people to sell them an idea that helps them specifically
You know, from the thumbnail I thought that house was actually the feed and seed store from the Simpsons.
was? he died?
this video is the reason the communism will win. capitalism is too predatory and cannibalistic, it ceates way too much enemies for itself.
this one gonna end with the total dismantlement of capitalism. Karl Marx was wrong in his timing and right about everything else. Revolution is coming boys. get your forks and knives ready.
Black Cube triggered!
Take your meds schizo
Oogbooga banga nigga. Fuckin doooooope boi. Also Kys
Shut the fuck up, meme flag