Trump Names the Iranian Revolutionary Guard a Terrorist Organization
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Thank you Bolton and Pompeo, very cool
Oof and yikespilled
Not sure why there wasn't a thread on this already
This might end up being the next Iraq
We have a better chance with Venezuela, invading Iran would be the dumbest fucking thing.
Goat fuckers BTFO!
Obama did this as well...
Iranians actually want Uncle Sam in their asses, it is normal for them.
>Boomer humor
His NPC videos destroyed the lexicon of SJW's worldwide!!
And now he is exposing the Honkler meme!! Will he go into the esoteric metaphysics of Clown symbology and Secret Societies like the ORDER OF JESTERS!!! We will find out!!!
CHN is a good goy
War with Iran would be ww3 where have you been user?
4D chess.
Their citizens are begging for it you fucktard.
Just like war with Iraq was supposed to be....
> #4 military in the world
Very based, very cool. What do you think he'll do for Israel next guys? MIGA
is that you John Bolton?
Russia didn't back them
War with Iran is war with Syria and Hezbollah. The geo politics of war with Iran is incomparable. Iran has strong allies. Russia militarily and China relies on them for oil. Don't underestimate the gravity of the situation.
>Their citizens are begging for it for 40 years
Sure Thing John
Also not to mention Iran is currently also militarily allied to Iraq so we would have to go back into Iraq also. Iran can also shit the straight of hormuz. And they can militarily defeat Saudi Arabia
i hope we do invade iran because we will get our asses kicked so badly we will end up having a civil war here to get rid of the kikes controlling this country
I support ever war where brown people die
What did Russia/or Iran do in Syria...not a God damned thing.
They were saying Iran would invade Iraq at the time too.
Big dick says no.
Are you both 6 years old?
Pakistan+Russia were supposed to keep the US out of Afghanistan...worked out well didnt it?
Iran isn't shit dude. You live in a fantasy world.
The strikes and protests aren't good enough for this incel LARPer
So that they can then migrate to Europe!
iraq wasn't shit either. "liberating" it for israel still cost us trillions of dollars and thousands of white lives that were entirely wasted. it was also one of the biggest factors leading to Obama's presidency which damaged us even more. Doing the same to iran would be a hundred times as bad. it will bankrupt us. it will break us. and things have gotten so bad domestically, it will save us.
>What did Russia/or Iran do in Syria...not a God damned thing
never mid, talking to a retard
>What did Russia/or Iran do in Syria...not a God damned thing.
t. literal retard.
If there's a draft hopefully all the boomers and magapedes get called up
Yep a middle eastern nobody will bankrupt us and send us into Civil War 2.0...idiot.
Just like Afghan, Iraq, Syria, Libya and Eqypt did.
can zion don suck more jewish dick ? i think yes
i'm sure jewish arms companise will make a bundle, but the cost of the war is going to passed directly onto the American middle-class that is already dying. keep pushing us moishe, and we are going to snap.
lefti strawman
War with Iran would be an utter disaster, costing far more American lives than were lost in Iraq. And Iran has the ability to carry out terror attacks in the United States homeland if a war breaks out. Watch:
>CIA Dr Michael Scheuer: Israel is pushing America to go to War with Iran
The (((USA))) is the world's foremost problem.
t. Jew
>all this jew propaganda shown to us is proof that these people want to overthrow their nationalistic government and embrace globalism!
Wow I wonder why they would say that?
>What did Russia/or Iran do in Syria...not a God damned thing.
Idk, is Assad still in power?
if you think war = refugees you swallowed the rainbow dildo so far down your faggot throat its stuck there for the rest of your life
the Obama administration did the same thing and nothing came of it. When is Jow Forums going to realize that 75% of international politics is just blowing hot air at each other. It is indeed retarded to declare them a terrorist organization but it means absolutely nothing in a practical sense
Right, except no one has the vaguest intention of invading Iran. US military leadership would mutiny en masse.
>the Obama administration did the same thing and nothing came of it.
That can't be true, otherwise this move wouldn't have been possible. Source?
>A few hundreds of people out of the entire population protesting against a government means we should start a war for regime change. Hmmmm where have I heard this before? Oh yeah...
Funny that Western media never shows the millions of people who actually support their ''dictator'' and ''regime''. Go away you disgusting boomer.
My bad, it was actually in 2007 but the point still stands
I believe that was specifically about the Quds Force and not the entire Islamic Revolutionary Guard.
Yeah ask all the Palestinians stuck in Gaza, a literal open air concentration camp, how that hot air is feeling
military industrial stocks must not be preforming
good, so this happens. false economy.
It's the Jews, stupid.
>Jow Forums ironically posting yikes to homophobic behaviour
Take some lessons from Iran and get fucked, fag
They captured US sailors without needing to fire a shot, a monument was erected of it and is a tourist attraction there, they have some sas stuff they captured on display as well
People want to get asshurt by this but it is legitimate. The IRGC conducts itself as a terror organization, not unlike Hezbollah which the IRGC oversees. The fact that it has official sanction is irrelevant.
>Iran did 911
This is peak neocon delusion. It's quite frightening the length to which they're capable of going to re-write history to fit their narrative and justify their wars.
>That's what Iran gets for Saudi Arabia doing 9/11
Fixed it for you
10 chess goy
Am I the only one who thinks both Iran and Israel are stupid and need to be destroyed because taking sides are for Jews?
He should name our country a terrorist occupation land, we are literally a dictatorship now, democracy is dead and Brexit supporters are now without a government or a Monarchy.
We are just prisoners of war because we never stood a chance.