Question for libertarians and capitalists

Since you claim that government is the main reason for everything bad happening with the economy then why did wages stagnate and the 2008 financial crisis happen after the government had deregulated capitalism and the banks in the 80s?

Also if as you say everything would be run much more smoothly and efficiently if we were to just get rid of welfare and other government institutions when in the 19th century workers were treated like slaves, forced to work 18 hours a day, child labor was common and people lived in boxes like cattle, it was only when workers rights and unions, and other institutions concerned for the welfare of humans formed to keep capitalism in check that put an end to all the injustices and harm caused by capitalism.

And the ridiculous assumption that monopolies are formed because of government sponsorship is just false, since there's been talk of breaking up these companies such as Amazon and Google and regulate them for a while now. These companies don't want competition since that's bad for business.

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The average business makes 10% profit, and that varies from year to year and is sometimes a loss.
So, your chart is both simplistic and deceiving, commie boy

Compared to how much a worker makes the business is doing pretty well kike.

Not really. Unless you're a wothless shit and total loser, the Government takes more from you than the business, and the business faces "risk" and the business owner can even lose it all.
So, no.

> hurr durr hes taking a risk

Lol business owners dont do anything, they have employes do all the labor for them while they profit of of the workers labor, this is basic business 101. Oh but he took a risk starting a (((business))), it was sooo risky.

They did not deregulate the banks in the 1980s.

Wages have been stagnant and the 08 crisis happened because of central
banking fucking with the money supply and giving pre-inflated currency
to their connected wall street buddies to create an artificial boom
and allow the government to fund its various exploits without having
to raise taxes on its citizens but instead devaluing the currency slowly.

Harsh labor/child labor was a product of reality. It had nothing to do
with capitalist exploitation. Before the industrial revolution,
children still labored. They just labored on the farm. Also many
starved to death because their parents couldn't put food on the table.
The industrial revolution gave the poor jobs that offered a better
living than farm work. Children had to help out, as they do now in
developing countries, because their wages were needed to feed the
family. Child labor was only phased out after productivity increases
gave the parents enough in wages to support the entire family. These
productivity increases that naturally phase out bad working conditions
and child labor only occur after capital investment that augments the
workers' production takes place. It can't be forced to happen by
simply banning child labor. Such efforts merely doom them to
prostitution or starvation when done today. The government had nothing
to do with ending child labor. Child labor was the default condition
of man for all of our history until capitalism came along and ended it
with capital investment.

Your third point is a total on-sequitur. Just because people are
talking about breaking up amazon doesn't mean that monopolies aren't
the product of the state. Amazon and Google are both examples of
companies that have been subsidized by government, which has enabled
them to get to the size they are today. Heavy regulations make it more
costly for smaller businesses to operate and compete. The only way to
maximize competition is by making it as cheap as possible (i.e. get
the fuck out of the way) to start a business.

Read a book, nigger.

I don't know why my posts formatted that way. Used a memo app.

I unironically don't give a fuck about poor people. If you make less than 100k a year, are you even actually human?

No the government deregulated the banks in the 80s cause the banks told them it would boost the economy which was stagnating at the time, this put less restriction on the banks, so they started indulging in predatory lending which created an asset bubble and led to the financial crash. So the FED had to print more money to bail out the banks and stabilize the already fucked economy the banks created.

The financial crisis is market working as it should, the rotten financial system full of malinvestment would die, house prices would collapse and become affordable to young people again, old entrenched corporations would collapse allowing for a new wave of innovation.

Instead it got artificially saved and everything decays even more. Low fertility, low innovation, old generations leeching on the young mostly due to absurd house prices.

>the 19th century workers were treated like slaves

The entire world was poor, good life comes from wealth, not from regulations. That's why every socialist country collapses, it tries to legislate good living instead of working for it.

>And the ridiculous assumption that monopolies are formed because of government sponsorship is just false
>such as Amazon and Google

These companies only got so big because the infinite money stream from the fed allowed them to run at loss for years.
Twitter was losing money for 12 years of its existence.
It's impossible to compete with someone who doesn't care about making any profit because of indirect access to newly created money.

>after the government had deregulated capitalism and the banks in the 80s
because they didn't

Of course the pro capitalist will say that, Yes the government allowed these companies to grow big but they couldn't foresee how big these companies would get, they got so big in a such a short time because of no government intervention, now they are extracting everything from the communities putting a lot of people out of work.

the worker literally has no value whatsoever without the capitalist's capital. They are just biting the hand that feeds them when they talk about surplus labor.

Why do you support the economic system that created the finical collapse you are talking about?

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No we won't because this collapse happened in a centrally planned economy, not in a free market economy. Our economy is centrally planned by the Federal Reserve.

Lol no, the worker has his time which is valuable.

Let me just strike the prime false assumptions at the base of your argument.

1. The banks and the economy were NOT unregulated in 90's and 2000's. Banks were forced by law to give housing loans to niggers (for political reasons despite knowing that they were a bad risk).

2. There's nothing about a free market economy that says there's never going to be a boom/bust cycle.... so the whole challenge you're setting up is moot in the first place.

Kinda retarded to ignore the risk factor. That's why the wage earner decided on a wage instead of starting a business.

So you're saying the US is like the old soviet union? lol...

So your talking about shit you know nothing about? lol...

To do business is to indulge in kikery.

Then "the worker" can get off his commie ass and go start his own business.
What's with the Kekistani flag and your commie posts? Pick the right meme flag, fag.

>t. nigger

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Libertarians are bought and paid for (((free trade))) shills who have no problem exporting millions of jobs to China, importing tons of poos, and destroying our middle class to keep corporate and 1% profits up.

There's no way you're actually underage enough to believe this.

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So what makes a government service different? Are there not social programs that do less for the community than some local businesses? I'm not trying to defend either side but it seems a bit irrational to seem to claim that any business, even a business which brought enrichment to its community is inferior to any government program, which is somehow virtuous for simply being called a government program. It's not one sided either way.

Strange number of anti-capitalistic and anti-free market threads lately wonder who could be doing this. Either kikes or low IQ rightists who are economically illiterate.

>why did wages stagnate and the 2008 financial crisis happen
Fiat and the Fed.

Naw most of them are kikes. I do business with one regularity. He bought his business turnkey and brags about vacationing in Florida on golf trips while not giving his employees any sick days and forcing them to work overtime to make it up. Most businesses owners genuinely hate people and have such an edge lord, self righteous attitude.

Can you summarize you question? It’s all over the place and seems to be arguing both for and against things at the same time.

I feel like there should be a distinction between small businesses & kike run mega corps in these discussions but there never is.

No they were deregulated nigger, The banks wanted to have more freedom to give out bad loans to people who would not be able to pay them off ever, cause they're kikes.

Capitalism always have created boom and bust cycles, thats why government had to step in and keep the economy from collapsing when those occurred.

>libertarians are suddenly anti free trade

Color me shocked

>be self-employed
>be stealing from yourself


Yes the government is the reason for taking us of the gold standard, neoliberal policies dregulated capitalism cause the business class convinced them that this would boost the economy and it did just at the expense of small businesses and welfare of society.

Wages have been stagnating for 40 years moron

it's unfortunate. But hey, why provide meaningful debate and problem-solving when you can wear your team jersey!

You have no idea what you are talking about. This is bait or you are terribly uneducated.

Most small business owners are turbo kikes who unironically hate their employees and have a God complex

>The banks wanted to have more freedom to give out bad loans to people who would not be able to pay them off ever, cause they're kikes.

If the banks don't care about people being able to pay back loans, why would they have standards at all?

>Capitalism always have created boom and bust cycles, thats why government had to step in and keep the economy from collapsing when those occurred.

If you think about the economy as water trying to seek its level (economic equilibrium and whatnot), would trying to slap down the high spots and pull up the low spots do more harm than good in getting the water to stop being turbulent?

Libertarian thought varies greatly among individual people though. Most are prop-immigration insofar as the market is completely free. Being pro-immigration under a welfare state is not libertarian. It's just asking for more people that will benefit from money taken from you. Hoppe makes the case using private property. The case Hoppe is making is that immigration onto one's land without their consent is an invasion. I don't see how this is controversial.

He’s right on the money. You have to be 18 to post here. Go back to r/NeoLiberal

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Because the banks perpetrated fraud against their investors for profit, then got bailed out while their investors suffered.

We don’t have a corporate regulation that says “don’t commit financial fraud” it’s just a regular law that applies to everyone

The recession of '08 objectively would not have happened on a gold standard and without a Federal Reserve.

> adhominem

How about providing an argument for why I'm wrong? Oh right you have non cause burgerhead.

Modern banks are part of a government created central banking monopoly and use a government mandated currency, but the problem is obviously deregulation.

You don't know jack shit.
Educate yourself.

>muh Hoppe meme quote

You faggots didn’t do shit from the 80s to the 2000s. Now that protectionism is popular you bandwagon to try and stay relevant. In another 10 years you’ll be back to shilling for no tariffs and unlimited H1B’s. We know your true colors. Anything to make the rich even richer even if working Americans suffer.

I doubt I'd dislike him much if you see my other post.

Dude writes a well thought out response you can barely cobble a couple sentences together for a reply.

Seems like you came looking for shit you can't handle.

>Not addressing a single fucking thing I said

>The banks wanted to have more freedom to give out bad loans to people who would not be able to pay them off ever
You really believe his, don’t you?

I have provided actual objective facts that you refuse to believe. You are a retarded nigger who refuses to believe in the reality we live in.

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Nothing but trite slogans.

Predatory lending is a retarded concept. Why would you deliberately make bad loans to a high credit risk? You hate money?

Banks made bad loans because they were forced to with things like the CRA and because they knew they had guaranteed buyers in Fannie and Freddie even if they did make a bad loan. 40% of ALL MORTGAGES were owned by the govt. The housing bubble occured for the same reason the student loan bubble occured: easy money and lax lending standards produced and enabled by govt guarantees and incentives. The govt actively funneled capital into the housing market so they could get more tax livestock. All of that capital should have been invested elsewhere by the private sector. The bad investments bearing rotten fruit gave us 08. The bailouts just blew the bubble up even more. 08 is going to look like nothing compared to what's ahead.

I'm fine with protectionism to be honest. It's essentially a form of welfare for the working class that follows market principals.

I addressed plenty, faggot. All you have is a meme quote from a meme author and the stock “no true libertarian!” line you shabbos goyim always trot out. I didn’t see libertarians opposing NAFTA or China’s entry to the WTO Or supporting trumps tariffs.

2 shekels in your account you corporate bootlicker.

Well not deliberately but is you have hardly any restrictions and very lax policies makes you more willing to do shady things and get away with it more easily, bankers do this all the time cause of deregulation.

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Lol this must be bait.

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>I didn’t see libertarians opposing NAFTA or China’s entry to the WTO Or supporting trumps tariffs.
Then you didn't fucking look hard enough. Go to and search for articles with those words LMFAO. You're full of shit and a retard.

Yeah but libertarianism is all about unlimited movement of goods and capital which is antithetical to protectionism. How many libertarians opposed NAFTA? They were allshilking for H1B and no Tarifs until trump car in and made protectionism cool; suddenly now they’re all about the working man.

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There's two branches of libertarians: the faggot globalists ones and the ones who make up a significant part of the so called "Alt Right"

Long term control and dominance > Short term profit

If doing stupid things makes you lots of money then people will do it, especially if its easy to get away with.

>muh meme author

Can you at least give me a Friedman or rothbard?

Suddenly libertarians care about working people. How about you give us a few you kike rat

Socialism goes through far worse cycles. They have a period of functioning economy followed by a period of shortages of all kinds. Especially when you scare away foreign investors when you nationalize stuff. Venezuela is the perfect example of this. They stole a factory or two and foreign investment dried up during a period where they had taken out too many loans and the oil price (their main industry) was falling. It's the perfect storm socialism can sometimes create. Centralized authority leads to horrendous mistakes because the government is human and not omnipotent. At least capitalism has survivable bust cycles.

On another note I have a problem with banks. Their ability to create a debt at will without being able to cover their costs if too many people default is a big problem. Get rid of fractional reserve banking and you get rid of predatory lending because they have to be able to pay out of pocket if someone defaults. No more bail outs.

>hardly any restrictions and very lax policies makes you more willing to do shady things and get away with
I know you believe this, but it is only because you do not understand business or economics. You do not get away with shady shit in business. Because no one has to associate with you at all. Not unless you're in bed with govt.

So why don't you have a business and magically become a millionaire? Jesus dude this is such basic economics and you idiots don't get it at all.

Wew lad, ever heard of the Homestead Massacre? Steel mill literally hired PI’s to gun down workers and there were no laws against it.

You mean the ones who were astroturfed into existence once people saw how globalism was working out. Libertarianism is controlled op

Libertarians literally advocate for more rational policies to help the poor and working class than any of you shallow retards ever do. You just don't like dealing with economic reality, so you flip the table like a faggot when we tell you minimum wage or welfare is bad because you want reality to conform with your immature bullshit.

They are so brainwashed by market fundamentalism, they believe the market will solve everything and that the market will correct itself which it clearly doesn't. The same kikes that support tax cuts for billionaires, and then wonder why the society is degenerating.

Libertarianism is about maximizing freedom of the individual. Protectionism is a minuscule threat to freedom of the individual and is a practical policy that I am fine with.

It's a good talk about how Hoppe see's the Alt Right. Essentially Hoppean Libertarians make up a huge part of the Alt Right.

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Stupid things don't make you lots of money, retard. They make you lots of enemies and lots of losses. You have zero fucking clue how business works.

>meme flag
this is exactly why the jews are beating whites. make your own business and stop deferring success to the jews.

>economic reality

>shills to destroy the middle class via globalism, union busting abs trickle down and turn US into a plutocracy

replace market with state, faggot

>they believe the market will solve everything and that the market will correct itself
>He's never read a single sentence of libertarian economic literature

It’s called castle doctrine and trespassing retard, they were repeatedly asked to evacuate the premises.

>businesses love making poor investments

The meme you posted implies that jews are ancap. If so, why are most globalists financing leftists and pro-bigger government shit? Jews are statists, they need the monopoly of agression to be on their side, so they can continue to make money, If there wasn't a state, organized militias would BTFO the statists aswell as jews.

Right because fidget spinners were a great idea

> You do not get away with shady shit in business. Because no one has to associate with you at all.

That's why foxcon gets away with treating its workers as modern slaves so bad that they try to kill themselves everyday right....and everybody buy the products they make.

> being this brainwashed

Protectionism Limits an incisive als choices with his movement and capital, thus impeding his freedom. Libertarianism is in theory all about maximizing freedom which devolves into the rich and powerful controlling everything.

>if only good idea make money why are their children’s toys?
>checkmate, economists!

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(((You))) just accidentally revealed yourself.

Fuck communism you will be crushed beneath my boot in the near future you foolish snake.


Also add all the useless and saturated app market.

yeah about the content-devoid sloganeering I'd expect.

Let's artificially increase the cost of labor. That will help increase the poor's bargaining power.

Let's destroy the family with welfare and institutionalize poverty for generations. That will help the poor.

Let's steal from their savings accounts through inflation and give them zero incentive to save or stay debt free by keeping interest rates low. That'll help get them into the middle class.

You're a dumb moralizing nigger who's been wound up by parasites to support your own enslavement and reject one of the greatest institutions in human history.

Um no sweetie, all they did was go on strike. This isn’t Tsarist Russia; companies don’t get to gun down workers because they refuse to work under unacceptable conditions.

Imagine supporting gunning down workers and gen calling yourself a nationalist. Great example of libertarians caring about the working class

>devolves into the rich and powerful controlling everything.
Literally every thread devolves into some statist bootlicking kike repeating this almost verbatim, or a variant such as:
>Muh concentration of wealth
>Muh governments natural form from the markers

>shilling for consumerism


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Oh so now we're moving the goalposts like the absolute subhuman you are?

By "stupid" you initially meant "fraudulent" or "predatory." Now you change it to mean "frivolous" and you think you've made a point.

I am objectively your superior in every way.

Wow, imagine asking a question about the economy but not understanding the role of fiat monetary policy and government control over the money.

go dilate your wound, faggot

>they were repeatedly asked to evacuate the premises.
>all they did was go on strike