didnt know what an incel was until it was pointed out to me and i feel gross
didnt know what an incel was until it was pointed out to me and i feel gross
Stop identifying as an incel if you don't want to be one.
Get a better hair cut. Unironically. Like if you're balding early, just go super short crew cut.
You're gonna die alone my fren, just LDAR
thank you user
no other word comes to mind when trying to describe myself
I'm tired but here goes
>chin jaw
Fucking fix it
Get better ones
Start lifting
>chin jaw yes
what does this mean
Easy, have sex.
Like your neck they're not too bad unfortunately they're not fantastic either.
Like other anons have pointed out, it’s mostly the hair that you need to fix. Your glasses are a bit meh, maybe look into contacts or more stylish frames. But it’s not enough to looksmax, how social are you? How often do you interact with women?
im decently social when time allows, (full time job 5p-1a wed-sun, and i interact with women less often. the women that i have pursued in life came to the conclusion that “our friendship was too good to be jeopardized by a relationship”
New glasses and just shave it off bro not worth it. Start working out now i dont care what your excuse is you got a good chin, blue eyes decent skin, I think you have potential user c'mon man its time. Rise.
>no other word comes to mind when trying to describe myself
thats a larger problem than any of the physical shit these anons are pointing out.
but only you can realise that for yourself. Me telling you that won't make it real to you.
Where's the pipe? That would fix things. Have a graham Hancock vibe. He gets pussy.
not quite ready to shave it off yet, ill go for a crew cut first.
thought about working out but worry about how that will cut into my free time
You should go for a buzz cut not totally bald I mean maybe down to 1 or 2
i mean i do alot of my time complaining on private sm accounts about how lonely i am, i dwell on things alot and find it hard to keep my mind from straying to those topics. i know its an issue and im trying to find the way to confront it because i havent found the proper way yet
Dedicate a measly 30 minutes every other day dude work on different parts of your body start with arms and chest, YouTube is your friend any part if your body you want to work out they'll show you how
Same as before fagging. Double take on 20 yo. You are just a pup motherfucker. The sky's the limit. Go buzz that shit. Now! And let's see a pic. It'll grow back.
You can cut out an hour of shitposting a day to work out. You really do have chad facial features, you could honestly make it.
This. That scraggly mop on your head is a problem. You have a good shaped head, so a short cut will do you good. I wouldn't go full bald, but don't fight hair loss. A good barber will know how to cut it in a way that suits what you have.
thank you user, noted
will go to the barber in a minute. will post pic shortly
You sound like you’ve got good enough social skills, especially if you’re able to go for women. You’re still pretty young so don’t worry, you’ll get a girl eventually if you keep at it. There’s countless threads on here with incel anons who’ve never even talked to a girl, let alone have a job or friends. You’re already steps ahead of them.
>i know its an issue and im trying to find the way to confront it because i havent found the proper way yet
okay fair enough.
but understand that this is the real struggle. Not getting laid, not finding a partner, not any of the other socio-political bullshit in the air.
Develop yourself.
this. you're also a child. don't let labels cement a place in your identity when you've barely lived long enough to form a cogent identity.
You ain't a fucking incel. Some of these are the lowest. You are better. More complex animals take longer to develop. You be fine.
the way ive always thought to deal with it is to just get out there and get some pussy, which ive been through, its just not for me and i end up feeling poorly afterwards. im going to try and start working out and doing something more than shitposting to bide time.
you actually look like you have tons of potential user, try looking into
>better haircut ( cut it short or just go bald if you're comfortable with that)
>regular exercise (helps with mood and confidence)
>better glasses (tho yours aren't that bad)
>join some social group to get to meet people and develop those social skills
with some work you could actually start getting girls left and right, I see the potential.
>t. femanon
How old do you have to be to label yourself as incel?
Go for the Zeke look
just left the barber, i like it. though i am not opposed to going completely bald, and have thought about it before. thank you anons and femanon
you look a decade younger and it's cute! now go use your confidence
The notion that there is a specific age to answer that question is false. Its more like any identity label that is socially derived is probably wrong to be applying while you're still formulating a core identity as your individual self. That could be at any age, but its unlikely arrived for OP given the age gave and contents of his posts.
not terrible. Now get to work on the non-visual stuffs
That looks pussy worthy. Can't post pic right now but I bet you look dope with those 60s style NASA engineer type glasses.
Gingers will always be fucked whatever their bone structure. Absolutely zero sex appeal.
Go to the barber and tell him you want a big boy hair cut. You look like that Gerber baby with this long weird curly jazz. I can see your hair is thinning out already, so you're going to want to get a hair cut that allows you to transition into baldness with grace. Ask your barber what he recommends.
I'd also recommend updating your glasses. They look like they could be the same pair you've had since high school. zenni optical is where I get mine.
Continue growing out your facial hair to hide your baby face.
There we go! Have you considered an acne regiment? I'm not going to get into it but you should look into that before you start to scar up your face because of a lack of knowledge. your 20 so I highly recommend you look into how to take care of you're acne. Water is your friend BTW. And consider working out there are so many benefits. Dressing well will also add points but I don't think I'm telling you anything you don't know, its all up to you to do the research and find the way. Your looks-maxing at this point. Take it easy step by step this stuff is not as daunting as you think trust me. Work out, take care of your acne and get better gear. And remember this isn't gonna be an over night.
Good. Now shave off that 5-o'clock shadow and you'll look fine. As others have mentioned, your facial features aren't bad. With better fashion you could even be good looking.
Dude, all you need is a better haircut and more stylish frames + Dad clothes, and I believe you could pull some average girls. Staying the way you are is Volcel.
Oh cool, you already did the haircut part.
Keep making progress.
The haircut alone shot you up from a 3 to a 5.5 Good for you OP! Some better frames and a skincare routine should give you another boost lookswise. You're gonna make it. :)
What are you guys on about? Are you that much not able to admit when you're wrong?
He looks worse now than he did before!!?
He looks miles better. Are you blind?
Yeah, he looks way better with that cut. He just needs more bangs.
oh for sure, thank you lots. itll be a gradual change definitely but im excited to work towards it
and my acne is really on and off, i never thought a skin care routine would benefit me much but i’ll look into it.
thanks a bunch anons/femanons
Are you people trolling the guy, blind or just won't admit it?
It makes his head look more oval, forehead too big, his whole head less interesting because now he looks really plain
You people are nuts, he could've styled it a bit better and went for the surferbro look, now he just looks like a baby faced nerd
going for that freud look?
No, I know hair. It needed a cut, it was obviously damaged because he didn't care for it. OP isn't going to sit there and brush it for hours with coconut oil as a man. Cut and maintain is the best route. And I acknowledged that he needs more bangs to counter his forehead. Baby faced nerd is a positive step from 80's video store manager that ID's you for the porn section.
The dude's like 20 years old, do you remember what you used to look like at that age? He'll be ok he just has to build some muscle and he'll be better than he was with the weird looking hairdo.
You're completely oblivious.
No wonder you're tripfagging and pointing out you're a women everywhere you go.
I don't need to remember it, I am 20, I'm fucking skinny as a stick and short but come on you guys, he doesn't even need to bulk up and get muscles
Being a muscle head is not be all end all of it. There are girls who prefer guys that aren't like that, no need to be like every other brick in the wall.
He looked better in first picture
>80's video store manager that ID's you for the porn section
Literally what I pictured after pic in OP.
The glasses still give weird vibes but the haircut sure did magic.
U look fine dude. Also who gives a shit
Their is no hope for you user, being real.
Youre 20 but you were born looking like a 40 yr old man in middle management. Just go for older chicks, 40+
You went from cute mad scientist to Mark Zuckerberg. I don't know if this is an improvement.
I'm obviously not oblivious.
Stay mad.
He doesn't have to be a bodybuilder, just have enough muscle to not look like a shrimp that can't even carry 50 lbs of weight. The first picture of him doesn't look as good because his hair style makes it look like he's balding. May as well cut it shorter and embrace it.
Can you shut up you idiot. The man came to us with a problem ,we're showing him he has acquired the look of an Incel. yes getting fit will help out his look and game with these women and no his hair doesn't look good in that first pic the guys not a physicists at Harvard or lives in the early 18 century. He's a regular 9 to 5 dude in 2019 ,times are different and we need to adapt if we are to land some pussy.
How he has acquired *
Exactly, but they are all saying he looks better for some reason.
What's the point of the picture whale?
His hair looks better in first, you just don't see it because he hasn't taken care of it. A week of conditioner and better brushing would have fixed it. In the second picture he actually looks balding more than in the first.
Nothing of value was said here
No ones gonna listen to you loser shut up lol
not really related but ive got really strong legs and was able to squat 200 easy back in high school
>back in high school
i wasnt showered or kept in the first pic. i had very recently woken up.
ive been balding for awhile now, almost did a combover type thing most days and it would very frantically blow around in the breeze of my walking.
it was inconvenient and i also feel like i needed a cut, besides, itll grow back out, i just need to find the right length and keep it that way
no one really gives a shit, but im at a loss, hence my being here.
but thank you user
Start lifting. When I was big I always got more interest from women.
Ughhhhhh you should just embrace it man I'm telling you your hairline is to far gone, but shit do what you want at least you were given some advice. Iv noticed a lot of people come here for advice but most don't really want any in all reality they just wanted to feel good about trying to search for some. Meh good luck
>unironically thinking that haircut is worse than the fucking clown hair in the OP
you are dumb
Your hair looks absolutely shit. Just remove it.
It's to portray how boring your petty anger is when everyone else in this thread could tell his hair was damaged.
OP here
i was given advice to use a 1 or 2 and have them cut it, which is exactly what i did (a 2). who are you to patronize me saying i come on here to just feel good about getting advice when i went and got a haircut specifically because of this thread. really?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Motherfucker you look 40
you can clear your skin and make your haircut look less like a serial rapist, but your eyes still emit that your confidence is below 0.
Its honestly sad. I feel sorry for you. Maybe a dominant girl will have some fun bullying you and you'd think thats as close as love gets and be sooo willing. Pathetic.
Take better care of yourself. When you work on yourself others will follow.
Otherwise you are kind of cute and have potential. A diamond in the rough type.
So first thing I'd say is that it's really important to dissociate yourself with that line of thinking and avoiding Jow Forums tier thinking because it's going to kill you. That shit will metastasize and eat you. It's extremely unhealthy.
You're not a bad looking dude desu. Your hairline's pretty bad so I'd shave or get a crew cut. Then I'd grow out more of the stubble if you can. Get some acutane or whatever. Your glasses are dope so that's totally fine. Basically just get muscle, shave your beard, keep the stubble, get on a more effective skin care regiment and cut fat. You're really not a bad looking dude, like, the raw materials are there, it's just about getting your shit in order more than anything.
Also and I guess because I see a lot of myself when I was your age in you I'd recommend seeing a therapist or something. It's taken me a while to undo a lot of the damage growing up on this site has done to my personality and self esteem and shit.
Honestly dude even with the haircut you have you're still attractive if you dress up to lean into the whole
Oopsy woopsies I made a fucky wucky. I meant shave your hair, not your beard. But yeah if you can grow out stubble that's an easy way to emphasize your face shape. So the way to do that is to grow it out long, then trim it to 5mm and work down to where it's still dense but not terribly long. Then you want to keep it like .5 mm shorter on the areas that aren't your chin/jaw because it gives this subtle illusion that makes your features pop. Also you wanna trim it around where your lips begin, like shown here. It's also important to trim where your neck is so you can avoid the whole neckbeard thing.
But anyways you got this dude! Just be careful about the way you talk to yourself. We become what we think, so it's important to be careful about how we think.
Haircut, contacts, go outside more (too pale)
Not even bad looking.
my eyes can be chalked up to an unhealthy addiction to marijuana, and an even unhealthier sleep schedule, honestly. but i get what youre saying. not sure how to change the way my eyes look, maybe thats something that comes with building myself back up
>Oopsy woopsies I made a fucky wucky
You write like a faggy waggy
for the love of christ, stop identifying as incel.
go to the barber and get a haircut. the glasses are decent but you may want to get some thicker/bigger framed ones. take care of your skin. work out a bit and stop eating like a trash can. you've got the potential to be pretty attractive.
u look better for sure, but i still have large forehead bcuz of ur receding hairline. idk how to solve this issue, if going bald makes u look better or not is difficult to tell. i would just rock a dad cap to cover it up.
also its essential for u to start lifting if u arent already, and also u ought to get some sun. maybe visit /fa/ or something to get some ideas for different frames for ur glasses. and keep the stubble imo
>you're a child
>20 year old grown adult
Honestly start lifting and get a haircut and maybe just read some books if you don’t already
We found a random boomer, lol.
holy serial killer
How am I a boomer. I'm 22 and don't want to be treated like a child. Why do you want to be infantilized?
Get contacts or more fashionable glasses. The ones you're wearing now are like a -2. I made the same mistake at your age.
Get a better haircut.
I don't know what your wardrobe looks like, but wear well-fitting, decent-looking clothes. Nothing too fancy, something casual but stylish. Don't wear graphic shirts or shirts with "witty" phrases or pop-culture references on them.
here, just saw your new haircut. MUCH better. Now make sure you get regular haircuts. Guys tend to neglect going to the barber but nothing looks worse than unkempt, awkwardly long, neglected hair.
You'll be fine, OP. Your facial features aren't bad, you just need a bit more style. You're on the right track with your new haircut. Good luck, bro.
Get swole bro
If OP is 20 and you're 22, calling him a child, you are also a child and not an adult. Stop memeing like a boomer.
This. You look average, don't know you or your personality but one quick fix is that haircut. You look like a pedo. Flowing hair is for women and men without a receding hairline, no offense.
Contacts would also look better, or get a change of glasses. Just. You look really incel like.
Starting lifting weights, user. Gym is also one of the easiest places to pick up women. Get off Jow Forums and do it.
>baby faced nerd
Some women are into that you know
kek, not where im from chief
Dude, what? You're not even ugly. Your biggest problem is that receding hairline that can easily be resolved with a haircut.
Whats your problem?
>Tfw volcel and give no fucks
Look better and become more sociable. It's not hard to find total sluts to bang , they're fucking everywhere these days.
Ditch the glasses, start lifting more, and consider shaving your head. The more muscle you gain and bf% you lose the better your facial aesthetics will improve.
Also, pursue a meaningful career and do some soul searching to find a greater meaning in life, as sex solves nothing. In this day and age it's taken very lightly
Youre better looking than me my dude. Tbqh a better haircut and better clothing would 100% actually work for you, you have a good shaped head and have a decent face.