Which is the worst ethnic group, in your opinion? I have to say Indians. They are ugly, smelly...

Which is the worst ethnic group, in your opinion? I have to say Indians. They are ugly, smelly, evil and have no manners. I've visited India and know exactly what it's like there. Never bring a girl to India, she will get surrounded by horny Indians who just stare at her and unless you protect her she will get raped.

Fuck Indians. Truly a disgusting race.

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Irish Travellers followed by Gypsies followed by Abbos.

Indians aren't that bad so long as they are not exposed to their food culture. Their foods literally contains hundreds of spices and once they start sweating it out under the hot sun, is when it starts to smell like shit. A westernized Indian is still a fucking indian, but at least he smells normal and poos in the right places. Africans and gulf arabs though... Gulf arabs are some of the most 'pretend' cleanest people in the world - they shower once a day and lather themselves in perfume and you can smell them from a mile away. Yet their genetics give them away, they are full of hair like fucking chimps and even act like it, and even the strongest shower perfume will not hide their disgusting teeth, hair, breath, manners and intellect (beduins have an iq of like 80)


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clearly its niggers, you memeflag nigger

Facists. They are ugly, smelly, evil and have no manners.

Just to give you an idea, I grew up in Dubai, in a 'multicultural society', difference is, arabs never give citizenship to non-arabs, not even half-lings. In my school, the indians that ate indian food smelled like shit and were avoided, the arabs were laughed at - some son of a sheikh (the sheikh has like 15 wives, so a son is not rare) went to school wearing 4 expensive watches, 2 on each wrist (i shit you not, 2 15k watches on each hand) and pretended he was hot shit, even though he couldn't solve 2+2 and was constantly bullied. The gold diggers, mainly slavs fell for their shit, and now I know of two girls who are in literal captivity serving these monkeys, girls who are insanely beautiful and have an iq of at least 20 points above them, but married them for money and glamour and are now stuck. Thing is, they had to give up their entire culture and religion just to enjoy a private glamorous life, which knowing women is a fucking oxymoron.

So boys, never fall for the rich middle eastern meme, they are dumb as shit, and their entire countries were built by europeans or mutts.

Imagine fucking this little french whore in her prime

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>mfw I made up a fan club about her in high school back in 2005
lol a lot of lads joined and we were obsessed with her. It made all of the stupid normie chicks pissed that the whole senior football team was more obsessed with this Corsican goddess than the fucking roasties. Good times, man. Now she's degenerate with tattoos. I'll never forget the feelings I had for Alizee. Feels, bruh.

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didn't she get enriched by some mudslimes recently

t.never met an educated high caste Indian

I personally hate Slav girls. They rarely wash and have mustaches and their language sounds like Chernobyl explosions.

I know a guy who did.

Pretty overrated he said.

I'm tired of fucking indians taking all of the IT jobs is all

Nice fanfiction

french girls all look like dirty whores to me.

He's lying.

Due to their high population Indians and the Chinese should be banned from migrating to western countries. Or are least there should be a strict quota, because they multiply like rats

west african niggers, by far the laziest, stupidest, most violent sub-human animals on earth

that's because they all left India

You haven't met any nice slav girls just because you're stuck in your shithole, which no one who prioritizes personal hygiene will visit.

not fan fiction, both are shit. Indians are at least somewhat smart but smell like shit because of food and arabs smell like shit and are dumb, so trash women fall for them.

cry moar antifag

The amount of times I've fapped to her as a young teen is unbelievable.

>That's the guy she's dated back then

no joke.

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It's likea chihuaha humping a leg, calm down bruh.

White people, because we are being genocided off the face of the Earth and the best we can do is laugh at each others demise across the continents while other white people suffering from Stockholm Syndrome lead us to our eradication.
I wish I knew who was behind this.../s

Oh and my country just went full dictatorship and democracy is dead, Kalergi plan in full swing no matter what we do.

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>He thinks Indians are the worst because he hasn't yet met their uglier, smellier, uneducated cousins

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And it's all your ancesters fault

indians and pajeets in saudi ariabia are disgusting because they play with little boys and have jerk off sessions in the desert with eath other

So normal male behaviour...op is a tumblrina tryna cuck the brown men like white men

i had sex with an indian guy once and his dick was korean size, he was a good bottom though

Bruh this is France, she's getting enriched daily

She looks like a trucker now. Too much junk food, drinking, and cigarettes. SAD!

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are you a girl?

Would be between Niggers and Sand Niggers.
I'd go with Niggers as thats what we have a greater infestation of.

We're all trying to come up with creative answers but really we all now the banal truth is this

No i'm a straight dude but he had feminine features (feet, hands, legs)

Probably Native Americans. Addicts and junkies who never leave their tribal casinos

I'm not a big fan of the French, I hate the Bongs, and Aussies...If Australia was accidentally, i'd probably laugh desu...Polandball is mostly jew, Italy is negro, asians eat dog and garlic flavored shit, me dunecoons and jews need to be glassed...
I've missed a few here, but it is what it is...

>multiply like rats
that would be niggers and moslems

why don't you turn yourself off?

>Which is the worst ethnic group, in your opinion?
Yankee Niggers.

>Never bring a girl to India, she will get surrounded by horny Indians who just stare at her and unless you protect her she will get raped

Shouldn't have worn that short skirt then.

neck yourself

she is married now and has a dancing school on Corsica and a daughter from her first marriage. her garbage tattoos suck dick of course, but it could be far worse, user.

>choosing to tattoo sailor moon instead of venus

Everything bad that happens in culture and politics has a jew at the heart of it. They are evil, demonic, genocidal. Other races being stink or dumb doesn't even come close

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Hispanics, bar none. They are an infestation of biblical proportions in whatever nation they inhabit. They breed rapidly, are capable of great violence due to a lack of empathy and intellect, are intelligent enough to take advantage of systems in place, and easily blend into other ethnic groups in order to garner support and protection.

Jews are subversive and evil, blacks are violent and unintelligent, Muslims are vicious and fanatical, and the Chinese are disgusting bug people, but all of them can be dealt with in their current capacities. The entirety of North and South America are infested with Hispanics that corrupt and destroy everything in their path. Inevitably, they WILL become the majority in both the US and Canada and become an incredible threat to the rest of the world. Hispanics have existed in America long enough to one day take control of its enormous military strength and threaten all of humanity.

>Muslim is a race

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Whites. Europeans in general. They should be quarantined from the rest of 'humanity'.

Yet amerimutts are literally the same level as niggers

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This is an interesting discussion topic since this potentially fits the pattern of Russian revolution which is basically a revenge of the mongoloid races on whites due to continuous historic numeric infiltration in all strata of Russian empire.

Learn to speak English and post cohesive thoughts, you inbred garbage.

I'm shocked Jow Forums doesn't take the threat more seriously. Hispanics as a whole are a stupid race, but they produce some exceptionally intelligent and conniving specimens. They have managed to take advantage of the current political climate in concert with the Jews to begin a sweeping invasion of an extremely dangerous military power. If a Mexican sympathetic majority rises to power in the States they will control the most destructive arsenal in the world. Mexicans will not serve the international Jewry, either. They will not bend to the will of the Kikes. They will seize whatever they like and their corruption will spread like a plague across the entire globe.

>If a Mexican sympathetic majority rises to power in the States they will control the most destructive arsenal in the world
Mexicans and other central Americans are useless in open war.
Their best hope is small guerrilla war and to drag it out.
They got BTFO by a fucking French expeditionary force for God's sake.

And when they own America? When all of the Niggers and Progressives are their slave caste filling the ranks of their militaries and propping up their infrastructure? It won't last long, but a week in control is enough to launch nuclear attacks.

Ask yourself honestly, do you trust any non-whites with nuclear weapons? Do you trust some half Beaner with the codes and tens of millions of progressives willing to turn a blind eye to their innately violent nature?

>Ask yourself honestly, do you trust any non-whites with nuclear weapons?
Nuclear weapons don't last indefinitely.
The core has to be replenished every few years.
Do you honestly think the average Paco, Jamal or Raja is smart enough to maintain and handle high tech equipment?

UAE is a bad example, arabs are a minority there. Yet at least they’re alpha enough to use Africans and Indians as slaves unapologetically. Saudis and Omanis are the best of the rich Arabs. Lebanese and Jordanians are the best of the more moderately wealthy arabs

I made a bunch of curry and ate it for lunch and dinner for four days straight and my girlfriend said I smelled like a cab driver. I'm white by the way

I read the Americans have a hard time training their fighter pilots because their vision is shit from inbreeding


Chinese still have the worst breath in the world

Semites (Which includes Arabs)
Followed by American blacks.

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Its blacks and its not even close. Indians would be next but blacks are barely people

anyone who isn't white.

How can it be anything other than sub-Saharan blacks? There are exceptions, of course (mostly those with substantial admixture), but on the whole they are essentially orcs

Sadly Brazilians are not a race or ethnic group because I hate they. And im also Brazilian, so I hate myself, fuck it

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Indians, they're the ones that started the poop fighting, right?

TOO bad Alize or whatever the hell her name is went to shit.

O course, (long nose tribe) has the worst influence on the world. However, the ones that physically repulse me the most are Chinese. Little bugmen with a hive mind and no sense of empathy.

it could be worse, at least you are not african, fellow monkey

They've been expelled from everywhere in the world for a fucking reason.

I've fucked more women than both of you combined, you are prob virgins. I have high test and high sex drive so i'll grab whatever hole is closest to me and fuck it, not my fault they consent.

Fuck off kike

She doesn't have much choice in getting old.


the fr*nch cause they eat greasy fries