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>X face when

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This can't be real.

You bet your ass it is. The time




What's it going to take for people to finally stand up? Seriously. What's it going to take? Honestly I don't see whites ever standing up for themselves in large enough numbers to make a difference. We're so deep in this cuckening that I think we honestly have no chance. it's so fucked. Fuck niggers, fuck the EU, fuck Trump, fuck MIGA, and most of all, fuck these motherfucking cucks that have done nothing but let these dumb niggers and kikes take over our once great nations.
Here's to hoping the world ends in a nuclear hell storm started by whatever country with nukes lets a bunch of these dumb monkeys in power.

We wuz Afro-Eurocucks an shieeet.

Jews gunna jew.


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There was a theory posted by some user that the elites get off on white males frustration

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>What's it going to take for people to finally stand up?
some fake news media, to tell them to do it

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Nothing, they're far too lazy and there's far too good people in the world.

honk honk destroys them then

America is next

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Time to nuke the EU.

I can't think of any other reason why it would be like this. Why would you want to destroy the only civilized culture in the entire world by running third worlders in? What is there to gain? Do they not realize their posh lifestyles are going to go down the tubes with the rest of society and that their bunkers won't do shit when you have a bunch of niggers breaking in and overwhelming their guards?
Like what is the fucking point? Revenge? Congratulations you stupid niggers and kikes, you got revenge for something I never took part in. I want this entire thing to end. I don't give a fuck about securing a future. If we can't have our own future, why don't we make sure no one can have their own future? We have the tools and means to do it, so fuck it, let's fucking do it.

Oh boy

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>elites: we fucked up so its your problem now

There's gonna be 130m Africans in Europe in the next decades lol
We are all so fucked.

Whites stood up once but were violently pit down in 1945
You're living in the doomed future than never should have happened

They either want full on ethnic replacement or perhaps a massive war of sorts (for what goal, I do not know), and are just fueling the flames.

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But you got the message now...

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Power tends to consolidate, reparations are another way for the managerial bureaucracy (which is like a huge organism, not a collection of individuals) to expand and accrue power to itself, same with all (((due process))) claims for shit like trannies.

1: Loxism
2: more shitskins means more chaos which means more power to government which means they can do whatever they want and get away with it.

My guess would be when the mass shooter retards like the guy in New Zealand go after the elites instead of randoms.
Fuck you FBI, I don't support any mass killings

I can't even laugh about this because I know if it came through our Congress those Jew puppets would rush it through like it were aid for Israel

>full on ethnic replacement
Why? Think a bunch of poor uncivilized niggers will be able to support the posh lifestyle they live in our countries? Never. When whites go, civilization will go with them, and I doubt these elites are going to have a fun time being mobbed by a bunch of uncivilized niggers. Think accusations of antisemitism ruining their lives will stop of a bunch of dumb fuck monkey that only hear the word "job" when "blow" is behind it? Fuck no.
They're going to get steam rolled just like the rest of us so what the fuck is the point?
I want off this ride. I want to go live in the middle of the woods and never deal with this society again. It's like it's run by a bunch of fucking retards and clowns.

There just aren't enough of us left, brother

I don’t understand how this works out. At what point is the line drawn separating the “crimes” that require reparations and those that don’t? It seems like if you go back far enough everyone got screwed by someone at some point. Seems kinda one sided to only feel or impose guilt on some things but not others.

I dunno.


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They're actually a fucking retarded bunch who would never have gotten anywhere close of any position of authority, if it wasn't from the fact that they rely entirely on nepotism and manipulation to get what they want. Of course they believes they'll be the winner, just like they've been believing YHWH going to give a rat ass about their slimy cheating, oath-breaking, mongrel of a peoples they allowed themselves to become, when reality has proven otherwise ever since.

We need to organize mass civil disobedience like the yellow vests. Cripple the infrastructure and the economy.


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The Devil hates to be mocked.

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Bet my ass there's gonna be outcry from East Euros, maybe Denmark, Norway and us too since we had nothing to do with colonialism in Africa.
Fuck, when are Turks, Maghrebis, Tatars and Central Asians gonna apologise for millions of meds and slavs they captured and sold to slavery.

being sorry is meaningless and only makes you looks weak, weakness brings more predator
it's like sharks infested water.

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>public apologies for something ancient
bunch of clowns

The amount of s.o.y. dripping off your post is disgusting.
>I don’t support any mass killings
Good goy. “Vote Republican harder” so you can MIGA.

But what happens when they destroy the institutions to the point of no government being able to even be formed? What do these geniuses suppose happens then? You think civilized human beings would let Somalia happen? Ethiopia? Nigeria? No. They get to have their lifestyles because of US, and when WE are gone they will have nothing. They have to realize that. If they're really as intelligent as they are, they have to realize that you cannot force a bunch of retarded monkeys to form an actual civilized government and social contract.
>Fuck you FBI, I don't support any mass killings
Yeah right, the FBI is at the forefront of supporting this shit because it just furthers their agenda. They want more mass shootings. Not us.
>if it wasn't from the fact that they rely entirely on nepotism and manipulation to get what they want.
Yup, this times a billion. "Elites" are only elite because mom and dad were elite. None of these talentless hacks could ever get where they are now by the work of their own. They're either born into it or suck dicks into it like all the women in Hollywood. That's probably why we have these fucked up policies in the first place, because our heads of government and the people who buy them are complete utter sacks of useless shit who deserve nothing more than to die slowly in a pit of pissed off hungry scorpions. This is such a fucking joke. Like I said, I hope someone nukes this entire thing to a cinder before they get away with it.
Why, so they can magically form a counter protest out of nowhere and have some stooge drive another car into some fat cow already having a heat stroke and blame on 'le ebil nazzzzzis"?

Lol imagine a world where hues are ideologically more advanced than Europe. It's like you guys are striding towards the abyss with a huge smile

I actually thought there's nothing more that could surprise me from the EU. I already see our young women marching for this.

Not for America lol

>I already see our young women marching for this.
And there lies the problem, letting these stupid cunts get the right to vote. Was it Plato who wrote that story about how letting women take part in an ancient civilization's government led to it's downfall? Tech may change, the year may change, but basic human biology stays static through the thousands of years we've had civilization. Each one learned from another past one that letting women take an active role in policy, government, or even our institutions in general means game over.
I hope to God future generations look back at this and learn from our mistakes. I doubt there will be a future generation worth saving with our experiences the way it's going now though. Fuck.

It will be for America next

So it is written, so shall it be

nice oxymoron

They honorary black people tho

They'll have a ruthless police state. Whites are too fucking smart to have around. What are they going to do about Russia? Bomb it? Have Americans go die and kill other white people like world War 2?


A police state? Niggers will never be able to be kept tame in a police state. A cop shoots one of them and they all start dancing on cars and destroying everything. That'd be like saying you can get a group of dogs to sit in a classroom and learn English. Niggers cannot be civilized, be it a democracy or a police state.

Pretty much sure this wasn't covered in any of our medias. It's such a disappointment how things like this can even be under a vote in Brussels.

Niggers are perfect sheep. Just need to lynch them when they get uppity.

Wow, I'm surprised the cowards weren't trumping this up all over the airwaves as some progressive milestone we should all strive for. What are scared of, media? You think people will finally have had enough and shut your lying, dirty mouths once and for all? We can only hope.

The population will be kept drugged, placated with virtual reality full life simulation, every thought monitored, all actions predicted by quantum computers.

Welcome to the end times.

The fire rises brother

Are they? I don't see any African country where they have an effective police state like the elites would want. The moment a cop tries to pull the shit that goes down in a police state against a bunch of niggers, they'll all gang up and beat them all down. Honestly, good. Let them take over. At least SOMEONE will give these fuckers the end they deserve some day. I hope each and every single one of them has to watch their precious children get taken away and raped by an angry mob of stinky niggers.

>Bet my ass there's gonna be outcry from East Euros, maybe Denmark, Norway and us too since we had nothing to do with colonialism in Africa.
>Fuck, when are Turks, Maghrebis, Tatars and Central Asians gonna apologise for millions of meds and slavs they captured and sold to slavery.

Doesn't matter. You're part of the EU. These laws are not based on historical facts, they're only voted by bribed bureaucrats and the lobbies who pay them.

EU politicians are all pedos compromised by Jews. The reality is too monstrous for most normies to accept.

thothing for eu parliament fire.

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About fucking time

this. europe is already in so much chaos that going on a vacation to any EU country is no longer a good or remotely enjoyable idea. part of what made europe so nice was that it had natural europeans and wasnt flooded with criminal 3rd world migrants. its sad to watch it go to shit but thats the globalist agenda.

Black people are capable of civilization but less capable of forming or keeping it. Keep niggers in the dole. Honestly the end game is probably kill all sapients, replace them with robots. It might just be a way to kill whites at this point because whites can fight back and win. They're God's chosen people.

>They're God's chosen people.
Think one of them apes are going to be able to tell the difference between a kike and a white person? Fuck no, they're going to get killed with the rest of us. To a nigger, white is white even though we know the truth.

the main idea they seem to be pushing with throwing these 3rd worlders with 6th century worldviews into 1st world nations is that it causes chaos and the rulers of these nations want their citizenry to demand the govt exercise more control over them. its all about power and control like its always been. they are just creating more chaos so that people bend the knee and demand less freedom in exchange for more safety. it'll happen in the next decade or so. remember, more niggers more problems. its that way anywhere niggers become a major population.

Do they get to say Nigger again? Not saying Nigger, the word we invented, was our reparations. Also why do we not get credit for stopping the slave trade? Why aren't Jews and Muslims paying reparations?

They want us white people to pay reparations for things we do, carbon taxes for an environment we barely touch, let in the third world into our countries and give them free welfare.. then give them priority to our jobs because of our white privilege. the fucking audacity.

user, they're not going to roll up on niggers like they do today. Are you low IQ? They'll roll in with swat teams or send fucking murderbots. Don't be retarded.

So they actually want the genocide they keep parroting about all over the web to happen? They just want it to happen so they can take control of everything in the process? Jesus these people are twisted fucks. Let's just import a bunch of people so they can cause the native population to rise up and demand to genocide all of these people we forced in. Almost makes you feel bad for the nogs. Almost.

yes it is you fucking drumpf retarded incel now go kys faggot

Niggers believe the liberal fairy tale. They're calling Charlottesville an attack on niggers. They're retarded.

>tfw they stop brexit

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>They'll roll in with swat teams or send fucking murderbots.
And everybody clapped. The End was beautiful.

honk honk

So where are they going to get the money?
They are broke as it is.

I want all the liberal retards to suffer. I hope all these nigger and jew lovers get beaten and boiled to death and get called racist by their own fellow liberals.

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and is immediately extinguished with nigger sweat, piss, and cum.

They will continue fining literally any company they can to steal some money to pay for welfare.

It's a tide ebb and flow.

Invite people in, oops they are causing problems, let me implement more security...whoops, we invited more in!

Rinse repeat. They don't want us genocided, just under invisible shackles.

>They don't want us genocided, just under invisible shackles.

this, this is what they want

Soros unironically wants whites to rise up against the darkies.

How do we beat it?


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You guys ever play SimCity 2000?

You built a great city. You reached the peak.

The only thing left to do is unleash floods, tornadoes, and that giant cyclops monster that blows up skyscrapers.

We reached a peak and we are bored. So we destroy our sandcastles because we can.


I played all the time, best way to kill the city was to increase welfare, taxes, then of course, pick the "hoard of a billion niggers" disaster option.

lmao based

Maybe the UK isnt leaving the EU but I sure the fuck am, already sorted... let it all burn

It will be real simple, if you're white you owe money to those who are not, forever.

Show your flag, (((brother))).



This is the trail run to see how Europeans handle this so they can roll out even worse in the US.

Warned you europe. You should have helped us instead of shitposting on Jow Forums everytime (((they))) took a bite out of brexit.
Our future is African. Our future is oppression. We're doomed.

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um you mean even better sweetie

its about time this happens

So much for fighting on the beaches.

Why would someone like Poland or Slovenia do something like this when they have no colonial history?

>no link

It doesn't matter what an individual nation wants, what the snakes at the head of the table wants, they gets.
There isn't a damn thing any of you can do about it.

Tfw England leaves avoiding paying gibs to literal monkeys

Yep. Its going to be in the millions-hundred thousands