Is Stephen Miller Jow Forums's guy? Isn't he all you guys have asked for...

Is Stephen Miller Jow Forums's guy? Isn't he all you guys have asked for? He hates immigrants down to the depths of his heart. He's a millennial so he's from this generation. He's smart and not stupid, and he's able to figure things out in Washington's bureaucracy. He terrifies the globalists and the cultural Marxists. Don't you all finally have your champion?

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What is the Jewish equivalent of a ‘house negro’?

fuck off stupid stormerkike

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a jew?

Based and redpilled

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No jew is a good jew.

>that skin tone
>bald but in 30s...?
>that hook nose
Wait a sec are you trying to trick me again.jpg

He triggers the shit out of liberal feminist virtue cunts so he's okay by me

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>be Goebbels
>be reincarnated as a Jew
lol imagine the rage he feels at all times

there he is. mein fuerer.

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I think he's awesome, but I'm a fucking Leaf, so maybe he isn't?

A self hating jew.

He is an emissary of kek.
Look at his face.

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yes he is our guy and so was bannon. i’m actually shocked trump hasn’t gotten rid of him already, i have heard nothing of him in months.

"He's smart and not stupid" Trump, get outta here. Theres jew cum to be swallowed and fences to build

he has been given full control over immigration after the DHS cunt resigned

He's the only good man left in the WH who actually believes in and fights for Trump's campaign promises

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globalist jew trying to get up into the rungs of power by impressing his boss and stepping on other people to get there. Der? I mean glad (((neilson))) is gone dont get me wrong.

He’s great, only you shills seem to be frightened of him.

>serves him right, he _____

great. now israeli heroine from Afghanasistan will be able to get over the border without a hitch.

>He hates illegal immigration

don't give af that he's a jew, he's /ourguy/ and literally the only person in the WH that gives a shit about an america-first platform. That said, it doesn't matter anymore because he has no power and everything is being controlled by Kushner.

fuckin jews everywhere.

>he hates illegal immigration down to the depths of his heart

One of the biggest NPC tests is if people can't tell he's a Jew.

Imagine being so cucked, your last hope as white Americans is literally a Jewish pariah

these are desperate times

If steve miller saves the USA i will mount his picture on my wall and worship a jew till i die.

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Name one socially constructive thing a Jew has done for the USa?

Honk honk

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Its Miller time
God I love this timeline. Spic genocide coming soon. Stay mad animals.

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Having a traitor work for us is better than the multitude of traitors in Germany who are in charge making sure that you guys go below 56%

This article makes me support Miller
He's basically called a race traitor by his own family


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>terrifies the globalists
>by working for them
He's just putting on a puppet show.
If the Trump admin was serious, they'd go after people who hire illegals.
As long as the actual root cause isn't addressed, anything that you see done on this issue is cynical theater meant to distract.
if you genuinely believe that he is anything but a stooge and a kike, then you should be goading him into taking further action.

We are above 90% European, our largest immigrant groups are the Turks who are here because of you, the others are fall out from your wars for Israel and Angela Kasner Kasmierczak is hardly German and indeed a traitor, but not worse than the Clintons and many, many, many others bought by lobbyists, AIPAC and the deep state. In fact the worst traitors in this country are very often "Gefühlsamerikanier", 'emotionally Americans' who work for ((((bank))), multi-national corporations and other globalist entities which are but a chiffre for Anglo-Zionist-Imperialists. Including the nu right.

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>He's a millennial so he's from this generation.
>born August 23, 1985
>tfw I've reached the point where balding old White House political advisors are the same age I am

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said the kraut as he did nothing to stop it

maybe trumps base abandoning him is working. keep his feet to the fire and maybe we can save this disaster of a presidency. but clearly all the shills sucking his cock had people complacent.

Doesnt it make sense that some Jews want to destroy the satanic temple and its hegemonic dominance over other cultures? Doesnt it make sense that he wants to prevent the day of the rope by, and stay with me, doing something ethical and moral for all civilized people?

He's not actually old. That's just what happens when you don't just have MPB, but you have really bad MPB. Automatic death sentence because you end up looking like 20 years older, if you bald young. I knew guys who were cueballs in their mid 20s and everyone thought they were in their 40s because of it.

To be fair, Miller was one of the initial members of the team back when they thought they were actually going to be doing the shit Blormph talked about during the campaign. Right now he's just a artifact who has no power, no purpose, and no reason to be there anymore. I'm honestly surprised he hasn't been shitcanned like everyone else. Not that it really matters regardless. He can't do anything when Trump has gone full stooge.

It’s the only way to save greater Jewry. He assimilated.

Yeah but he's too ugly. Sad but true, he'll never have a huge political career or be able to be president. He's at his best working behind the scenes. He's the most honorary Jew however

Needs to Schick his head and grow a mustache


The Gods thought it would be poetic justice to reincarnate Goebbels as a Jew, but he is still Goebbels.

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Let's see an immigration debate between Miller and AOC.

fuck off you pathetic shills

It only matters who Drumph puts in at DHS. Everything else is just honk honk

What if Trump just doesn't appoint anybody and Miller just runs immigration from now on? Why not? There are whole swaths of the federal government that Trump hasn't appointed anybody to, why not do it here? Just let Miller control immigration like he is right now.

Pretty sure they tried to stop it in WW2 but we intervened lol


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stephen miller is what they need in the DHS. absolutely no tolerance for leftwing traitor cunts

Ann Coulter says he better choose Chris Kobach. I’m not sure what the rules are, but I think it’s sort of a requirement that the head of the department needs to be Senate approved.

He needs to be confirmed by the Senate and there’s a few cunts that will throw a bloody tantrum

he's gen-x like me.
millenials are to stupid to do anything other than ruin america

I don't hate immigrants, it's the ILLEGAL immigrants that are the problem. I realize you need to keep avoiding making that distinction for your shill worldview to make sense.

> What is the Jewish equivalent of a ‘house negro’?
Oh they just call it ‘house negro’ too.

I unironically pray for his conversion.

Based paste eater

>He's smart and not stupid

You should write for Rolling Stone with that flawless prose style

There's a power struggle between he and Jared going on right now. One of them will lose. So far Jared has never lost a power struggle. We'll see if a smarter Jew can beat Jared despite his nepotistic advantage.

>he's unique and special like me
You're an honorary millennial, at a minimum.

>all you guys
Get the fuck out

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It would suck bag to be him though. Every SJW in 'merica is going to be shrilly shrieking at him wherever he goes now. Spitting in his food at restaurants... Hopefully thier short attention spans will focus the hate on a new target in a day or two.

So what will this shake do that the previous cunt could not do? Was she a road block?

Trump administration is 99% neocons and liberal democrats, I mean Jared Kushner is in charge of everything. Entire administration should have been Stephen Millers, instead poor retarded deluded Trump voters are hinging their hopes that some bald manlet Jew will be able to get a word in sometimes

They are just covering all the bases. Many jews are becoming anti-immigrant as they have decided there are enough now and it is no longer 'good for the jews'.

A lot of left jews have begun believing their own rhetoric... and they are genuinely looking to crash society with no survivors in the name of equality and social justice.

Also the only reason Trump is keeping Stephen Miller around is so he can write his speeches for better to lie the dumb rednecks that voted him, while he either doesn't even attempt to make good on his promises or does the complete opposite of what he promised

someone is reading /pol and showing or giving Trump some kind of highlights, my guess is its this guy

The equivalent would be a leftist jew.
There's nothing wrong with being a nationalist. Real asylum seekers fleeing war and persecution deserve compassion but economic migrants and backward people who want to take revenge on so-called colonizers can fuck off.


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He at least browses /tv/. He did an interview where he analyzed the subtleties of The Dark Knight Rises

Leftists en mass despise him, including 90% of scheming kikes. This man is all that’s left of voter’s mandate after bannon left. God bless him!

An accountant

When it's me it'sok butwhen it's others fuck them

oh fuck, he sprayed his head with hair-fill color, kek.

A jew that doesn't want American to become a 3rd world shithole, seems logical. The only issue is most jews are schizophrenic and can't see that being the rulers of a garbage heap isn't as good as what they have now.

>they'd go after people who hire illegals.

so including the Trump Organization?

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jews were not economic migrants you fucking french faggot.

I just looked at the leddit politics sub and these people LITERALLY think this guy is going to start a genocide. like they aren't joking, they actually believe trump put this jew in charge so that they could start a literal genocide.

in what possible way are they comparing him to Goebbels?? has he said or done ANYTHING to warrant that?? he looks like just some accounting nerd. they are legitimately convincing themselves that there are concentration camps being set up and ovens being lit to start a genocide. I can't even..what??

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He's a literal Goebbels Jr which Jow Forums fags adore.

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what rally is this? i wanna watch this speech

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When Trump won the election they were posting that everyone needed to help keep their LGBT neighbors safe because Trump would start rounding them up within days. They also thought Hillary had a 99.9% chance of winning. They have no connections left with reality. Everything they see and hear comes from the internet like prisoners in Plato's Cave.

ah ok.. i see its a gobbels quote

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it's just insane...literally none of that has happened or is in any way going to happen and they are completely convinced that "THIS TIME" is the time. they literally think Miller is brought in to lead the brown shirts of Trump's imaginary Nazi army building gas chambers to gas women and children at the borders and are talking about how this is stage 5 of legal genocide etc etc

NOTHING IS HAPPENING. this is fucking scary, no wonder you guys don't want to give up your guns. these people would genocide YOU over their imaginary genocide visions.

He's one of the 0.2% of Jews who are actually on our side, like Brother Nathanael and Bobby Fischer.

Stephen Miller is an exception

A Bobby Fischer.

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There are no exceptions. Do you blindly trust anybody who speaks your opinions?