Great Work Jow Forums

I can't believe you faggots actually got journalists to think Clowns are now a white supremacist symbol. Reality can be whatever we want.

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Which journalists except false flag Jow Forumsacks think that?


Someone needs to make a meme of a cat labelled "journalists" chasing a laser dot labelled "this week's white supremacist symbol"

>one article
Make this thread again when MSM reports it, nobody reads that shit.

>I can't believe you

anons didn't do shit. the clown is a psyops

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we can always make them hate something. the next step is to get them to embrace something so radical that no one in their right mind can agree

>the clown is a psyops
The clown meme just explodes out of nowhere and a week later propaganda outlets are writing stories about it.
Seems legit.

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Mission Accomplished

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literally whoms't

become more true everyday

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just like when /pol wrote the pee portion of the dossier
/pol runs the world

what journalist isn't a false flag fag?

wake up. Masons run pol

Can we make politically correct words a dog whistle now? What would they do if people believe POC = nigger?

Making Harry Potter a nazi dogwhistle would hurt the blue ticks most.

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remember, lads

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not good enough, and they didn't embrace that, they basically shot down her new green deal, and she has no where near the power the media acts like she does. shes just a lowly congress woman. shes totally blown out of proportion.

Don't forget the official battle flag.

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The Spicy Memes must flow! For the Emperor Worm!

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>Reality can be whatever we want

i remember the first threads where a bunch of clown pepes were being posted. didn't expect it to make news so quickly. its incredible.

Harry Potter is already anti gun control.
Just start calling gun grabbers Dolores, ask asking them how much Voldemort is paying them, and watch their heads explode. Works of fiction are their LIFE.

Just as planned.

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>Harry Potter is already anti gun control.
>Just start calling gun grabbers Dolores, ask asking them how much Voldemort is paying them, and watch their heads explode. Works of fiction are their LIFE.


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should we tell the journos that all the real white nationalists are ?

Kind of like the Mummers Parade in Philly, where they thought they were wearing black face but it was an actual Nigger

clowns have always been hateful bigots against mimes though.

Yeah but no one has spoken up about that...

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mimes are the the most victimized class of people really. just mention mimes to the honk posters and they will shout you down.

Fuck mimes.

It’s perfect

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I like the meme, it speaks to the pervasive wrongness of our modern times and echoes the literary tradition of the Carnivalesque. I don't think the hair is really a tracking system but if it bothers you that much, just fuck with the hue in photoshop, that's what I've been doing

Has Jow Forums ever wondered why would anybody/anything build a matrix? The answer is simple, to entertain themselves/itself. Memes just deciphered the universe, this is what elites tried to hide from the public.

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