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build the wall you fucking faggot

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oh well i guess im a shill then on account of point #12
get cancer
seriously i hope you die soon

is number 11 a shill topic? Maybe if its a braggart

Why is this anything ?

Well, you are a shill, so fuck off and die

literally hitler

So hard.

damn what did i miss, whole board being slid like hell right now by these (((white))) niggers

And you certainly are you fucking faggot.
He already appropriated $1 billion from the DoD for the wall.

Is this an inside joke or something? Pls explain

he's just talking about the college negroball championship game

NCAA games aren’t exactly secret.

It's actually really pathetic. Imagine spending countless hours spamming the same old shit over and over just because you're assblasted and only want to be a faggot to strangers on the internet. Makes me genuinely hope they get paid.

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>muh niggerball
Read a book instead of watching niggers run on a fake field you utter faggots

>11 12 13 14
>shill topics
Gaia is that way >>>>>>

Yup only shills want an actual fucking wall. It was the Jews who don't want mass immigration all along

It's more that people pretend to be oblivious to what's actually slowing the creation of the wall down. Acting angry at Trump, with a suspicious ambivalence to the state of Congress and the Judiciary. Clearly these people wailing about it are being very disingenuous with the nature of their complaints. I'm guessing you'll just continue playing ignorant in response to me, because you know you can't argue anything.

this is spot on user.
should be mandatory reading for new fags.

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Go cuss out Bernie you punk. Feeling the Bearn yet?

I don't watch niggerball, can someone explain his tweet?

I get that but why is op posting it like it’s important

probably JIDF or le ebin trole

Is Trump not being disingenuous showing replacements already paid for and some tiny new section the same height and saying it's being built? I want a wall, but I'm not being sold fucking fairy tales. You on the other hand appear to have Trump's dick up your throat. He does what he promises or he isn't what we thought. Not complicated.



Welcome to Jow Forums.. now fuck off back to preddit.

Yid puppet should be listed #1 now. Basically all the shills do is spam "MIGA / Zion Don / Kushner, etc." all over the place. Oh yeah, and "Boomer" and "Jew Jew Cum" are their latest phrases du jour.