What happens when Trump's base (alt-right) and Dems/Left both hate Trump, circa Nov. 2020?

Is Trump going to lose 2020? It seems even if Trump goes 'based' closer to the 2020 election, the new right (Jow Forums-tier conservatives) won't buy his authenticity in that regard, and everyone already on the Left riding the never-Trump train are not likely to disembark that Wastelands monorail moving forward. There May (emphasis) be a few remaining Magapedes and Q boomers who will still proudly wear the MAGA cap at the Trump rallys, but without the meme magicians and a (likely projected) majority of his 2016 base, what is the or a likely scenario, then, ceteris paribus?

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Yang Gang nigga

Cool story, bro, got any evidence to back that up or are you just talking outta your ass?

Trump's base is redneck boomers, and they love him more than ever. Alt-Right internet kiddies are such a small percentage of his base.

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Plebs dont influence anything
As long as he has influential rich elites on his side he is good to go

he'll win 20/20 and the agenda will kick off into hyper speed. He won't be held back since he won't be running again.

Meme war 2020 is gonna be lit.

Yang gang

Good album btw...

I'm not omniscient on alt-right, but from what I've seen in my relatively narrow window, the alt-right is off the Trump train (see Fash the Nation, TDS...). Just browsing the board one gets a sense that other talking-head conservatives are no longer with him, either (Coulter, maybe Tucker next?...).


yeah, that is one bright spot in clown world politics, isn't it...

cheers. I like Someone Saved My Life Tonight (was listening to that when creating thread op).

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He was elected because he terrified the piss out of the liberal media, the ruling class politicians, and the elitist celebrity royalty. He continues to do this better than any other candidate could ever hope. That is why he will have even more votes for his second term.

Keep trying to hold him accountable to the presidential status quo, it's worked So far right? Get honked

that's one opinion, and one way of looking at it. I suppose we're not really all that far off from finding out if you're right or not...

I really don't know what the numbers are or could be. I wonder if anyone is keeping track, or attempting to keep track, of those statistics...

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uhm, "yeah", as in "says the asshole nonymously on a public website". fuck off, democrat shill. This "tell us everything" shit didnt work in the last election? guess what? not gonna work THIS time either. fuck you

wang gang? qint fucking shit, and everyone knows it.

You're splitting hairs, which is what the mainstream media and DNC did for the previous election.
Things are very simple: either Trump or any one of the uber-left, soft, boring, typical and/or crazy candidates they have lined up (so far).
Sure, anything can happen. Shit, Trump could have a heart attack or Jesus himself could rise from the dead and become a democratic candidate; however, to dissect things into small camps is the downfall of the democratic party.
For the general public, it's that simple.

Trump stands a good chance of winning because the Dem field is so awful. And most of them are running hard left.

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The Alt-Right isn't Trump's base. Trump's base are Fox News watchers who love Israel and think Democrats are the real racists. All 10 people in the Alt-Right don't matter and never did.

I think the arguments from alt-right I've heard re: Trump are valid (especially since coming to adopt a Jow Forums political mindset, more or less, in a relatively short time). Trump cucks on Israel to the nth degree; sucks ass on the southern border and immigration policy; is not really an advocate for the white majority, soon to be white minority in the country where they had a lot to do with its success, et cetera. Sure, if the Dems put up some shitbirds like Biden or Harris, many Republicans will vote Trump. But arguably many base(d) Trump voters of 2016 will honk honk out of the 2020 out of protest, and therefore this could push the advantage back to the Big Blue.

Anyhow, who fucking cares. I'm spending too much time on all this bullshit, anyhow. Honk out.

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Lol, you're probably right. 5D chess, m8. Bring on the Acceleration Apocalypse, then, Christian Zionist boomer FOX viewership. Honk honk.

Yeah, that's why an 'outsider' candidate like a Tulsi Gabbard or a Yang might make a good race. NPC Leftists are probably going to for a Harris and Zio-Biden (maybe old Joe will run as a bumbling Veep again. Honk, honk, handsy Joe).

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Get in here 'pedes! Spam your reshest and most based KEKS.... take back this board from these discord and CTR SHILLS!


>Trump's base (alt-right)
those are not his voter base
I think the voter base is working class people and ordinary conservativves as well as alt rights as well as a number of people who might not have voted for him but were sick of immigration.

Is horseshoe theory real?

Will the ‘far right’ swing to the ‘far left’ rather than being trapped by a centrist (center left) trump? Because those ideologies are actually closer than “centrist”

Its possible. But who knows. I think trump will be affected by low voter turnout and some defections in key states.

hmm. Maybe I stand corrected, then. I assumed the alt-right (2016 memers for God Emperor) were the base, and the mainstream Republican voters would have taken Cruz or Jeb or who-the-fuck ever, since I see them basically as NPC's on the right. Perhaps they saw through the set-up Clinton-Bush dialectic for 2016, however, and warmed to Trump's salty rhetoric (?). Hard for me to say (probably not going to do a deep dive on that research topic), but I'll concede you may be right, and that 'mainstream conservatives', or the silent (Republican) majority (working class 'folks') are truly Trump's base, numbers-wise speaking.

See you learn something new on Jow Forums every day.

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Yup. We'll enjoy the ride, if any of us are around to witness it.

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