ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>I'm an insecure/suicidal/anxious person who doesn't leave home
Watch these and follow these channels:

>Guys insecure with their 4+ inches dick
Fuck off

>Is it too late to start dating?
As Jordan Peterson says, what's the alternative? Just not to date and wait for death?

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself. You can use these macros:

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Why are guys so desperate?

more thirst

I don't want to sound like an incel but men are more self aware, which leads to over thinking, then over reacting, then desperation

As a woman, how do I accept that I'm not pretty enough so that most likely I won't get a man I want? Men tell me I'm pretty, but evidence speaks otherwise - I'm not pretty enough for a relationship with a good-looking male. I need to find some kind of solace so that I don't spend my time looking for confirmation that actually, I am pretty enough. I'm so tired of that.

But first I have to know. Well, I know I'm not as pretty as the actual good-looking women are, but if I post my pic, will you tell me why I'm ugly and what kind of a man I could expect to get?

Where would you put yourself on this scale?

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What do you think people call you pretty if you're not?

>whaaw whaaw i want 8/10 Chad
get a hold of yourself femcel

A lot of words for

>I can't get chad this hurts my self esteem please give me validation and attention Jow Forums

Post your pic and timestamp and get what you want

I don't know really. Maybe 4? Here's a pic. The thing, I would have to be attractive to get a man I would actually be attracted to, so I guess I just want license to give up.

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Every time I notice or find out a girl has a crush on me, I develop a crush on her and then when we meet I can't hold a conversation with her for the life of me and I panic, that's where I start thinking that she doesn't like me and I need to come up with something to do fast.

If we can't hold a conversation, is it even a good idea to date? or is there a way past it?

When I'm around girls that I know are taken I can be very confident and be myself which I was told is likable, but I don't know how to be like that around someone I think I might actually have a chance with, if I knew it would help a lot.

A bit better with some makeup perhaps but still not really pretty.

Actually, I used to think I was pretty but reality brought me down pretty hard.

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I specifically don't want validation. I want encouragement for giving up, for not hoping for attention from attractive men anymore.

Want to seem nice, want to soothe my obviously low self-esteem, want to get sex, many reasons.

Definitely not ugly but maybe you're larping as there's no timestamp.

At least you're not fat. The better picture isn't better. A fringe helps with the 5head. You're average. Depending on your demeanor and bearing a guy might call you cute. Don't get fat.

I want to know why I'm not good-looking but just okay, do you have any specifics?

I'm not a good looking guy myself but I was hit on by a girl that's easily a 9/10 and had everyone around her chasing her but she preferred me instead and I used to think I'm a 4/10, with confidence it grew and I was able to attract people who I thought were out of my league.

You're a 7/10 easily in my book, I think you might be focusing on the wrong kind of guys and want a good looking guy, but not a guy that's gonna be good for you, and they're usually around the 5-7/10 range. Other than that, I think you look a little innocent if you get me? that may prevent fuck boys from approaching you, which is like 90% of all guys these days, you seem to want to attract their attention, not sure why its usually a bad idea to attract fuck boys, but if you want a good looking guy I guess you have to settle.

Oh my god the gymnastics, if we told you of a way to get chad or that you were pretty enough you'd lap it up. Either way you're here for a beat self esteem.

No timestamp either ugh


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I want to be free to live my life, seriously I've gotten enough validation and didn't ever do me any good

I can't recognize fuck boys really, when someone is being rude to me I also just think there's something wrong with me.

I used to really enjoy kissing, and after a while during a bad relationship I started becoming self-conscious and anxious doing it. I haven't had a girlfriend since the ex this problem started with, but there's been a few girls I've kissed and had sex -- no matter what this discomfort/lack of enjoyment has been basically unshakeable, and the best I seem to be able to do is when I'm drunk.

Has anyone else had anything similar? It's incredibly frustrating and I don't know how I'm supposed to try and overcome this. So many girls will be submissive or expect me to take the lead.

How old, tall, heavy are you

I'd say you're a 7 or an 8. 5 or 6 if you just didn't give a shit and try. But I can't see your body. Are you pear shaped or anything?

Can you post an example of the type of guy you're looking for?

If we're talking big musclar studs, well, I shouldn't tell you this but try military guys coming back from overseas. They have to stay in shape for work, and usually have low standards.

>more self aware,
since when

Jow Forums be my moral compass
should i tell this girl's bf's mom that she's shopping for another man?

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>I can't recognize fuck boys really
but you can recognize all those sluts that you see in clubs right? low cut, tits showing, fake tan, fake nails, fake everything. Fuck boys are the male equivalent, they stand out in their own fuck boy way, the easiest way to tell is that when they first meet you, they'll try to get physical quickly and when you say no they might call you a slut anyway, or a lesbian.

>when someone is being rude to me I also just think there's something wrong with me
then you need to figure yourself out as a person. Nothing to gain from a relationship with a guy you want if you haven't figured out your values initially, it'll make you more confident and you'll be able to attract what you need and you'll be less dependent on another person.

Do you just want to get laid? or do you want a long term relationship?

lol i'll take you on a few dates. do you live in the new england area? i'm free tonight.

Accepting dates from Jow Forums is how you get raped and murdered, and not necessarily in that order

i'm the most normie chad dude ever

you again with that retarded plan
go ahead, see how it blows in your face


But I can multitask??


What did your bfs or gfs do for the first few dates?

27years, 163cm, 57kg currently but training and dieting

you must be british
that sucks
britain is a shitty country haha
move here and i'll marry you. all i want is a baby and then you can do whatever you want

fuck me madly and/or be madly fucked by me

1st - apps /coffee/ drinks
2nd - bowling / pool / dinner (but she was MEGA easy to talk to)
3rd - I offer to do dinner at her or my place and watch a movie

I usually ask about the last time they bowled or played pool to be sure they're not in a league or something because I don't want to get btfo.
Grills may reee at this but I believe pretty firmly that she won't respect you if she's your better

You're 27.

You need to pick up reasons for a guy to commit beyond your fading looks

Well, honestly you are right, if I was a good looking guy I wouldn't want a relationship with you.
Just get someone in your league.

you're not bad looking, and modern dating is so easy that you could get a boyfriend who's good looking. Unless you're like most women and are only attracted to 6'0" dominant Chads. Have realistic standards and message some guys online, and you'll get a boyfriend in a few weeks.
You're attitude indicates that you don't have realistic standards though, so you're going to need to decide whether you'd be happy with a 7/10 guy with a good personality, or if you want to keep getting rejected by 10/10 alpha men like you are now.

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I'm a man with a few female friends. Of these, two repeatedly slander men. You know: "Men are disgusting pigs... oh, but you're one of the good ones!". At first it didn't bother me much because I was being considerate of the fact that they'd been sexually harassed or assaulted respectively, but I'm becoming pretty pissed off.
It's completely hypocritical that it's socially acceptable to speak ill of men, while one would never, ever say "Oh, you're one of the good women", "Oh, you're one of the good blacks", etc. Not merely for fear of being crucified publicly or privately, but because it's morally wrong. For me, it's an ethical issue, not an ideological issue.

What do I do? I'm worried that discussing this with them will get me labeled a bigot by people whose friendship I value beyond this particular issue.

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I actually dont even want 10/10 I would be really happy with a 7/10. I also date ppl in apps but those dates never go anywhere. I wanna give up.

>What do I do
stop being friends with feminists. Try talking to them about it, but supporting gender equality will usually get you labeled a bigot by these types of people.
>whose friendship I value
I've had to cut loose several feminist friends over the years. You can find other friends to value.

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I'm trying to get close to my female classmate, any advice?

I'm a mediocre looking female. My husband looks like a Hollywood celebrity - tall, handsome face, full hair, nice body (not ripped, but fit).
Use your personality to get a good looking man. It's fairly easy.

How do I get boyfriend to have sex more than once in one night? After he finishes once I keep trying to get him to go again but he always pushes me away and tells me to stop.

What do you consider a 7/10? The pic in shows that women's standards are completely warped, and what most women consider a 7/10 is actually a 9 or 10.
>I also date ppl in apps but those dates never go anywhere
why not? Is it because you ghost guys after the first date or two? What happens after you date a guy, do you message him asking him on another date? How many of the guys you date on apps did you want to continue dating? Women's high standards aren't just about looks, most women also have impossible standards for what to expect on a date.

I think the speaker in both examples is right

What kinda reasons?

Get a new bf with bigger libido.

I have shit, pessimistic, serious, self-loathing personality so not easy.

Where do you live? If you love in Colorado I can be your boyfriend

Finland, so it's not suprising I hate myself. Most do here.

That's something you can definitely work on improving.
Honestly I got my boyfriend just by acting feminine and motherly, and uplifting. Also, well, not being a whore and being reasonably smart.

I think both are bigots, but at least you're not a hypocrite. I think that image was meant to show the hypocrisy that most feminists would call you racist for supporting the left half.

I'd give you a 6 but I'm a grill

I dunno anything about Finnish/Euro dating. I just know that in America, a woman who looks like you is only going to be single if she wants to be. I'd assume it's similarly easy for other Western women but maybe not.
My advice would be to take the initiative, I know at least in America most women are sexist as fuck when it comes to dating and expect men to do everything. If you actually message men first it would improve your odds a lot and make you stand out. Also don't always wait for the guy to follow up after a date, it's very frustrating trying to date a woman who always expects me to text her and it feels like she's never trying.

I'm also not feminine. I've tried to be, but I hate it and it's not me at all.

I would unironically tongue-fuck your asshole

I am involuntary single whether it's because of my looks or personality, I don't know. Also I do take initiative but interest on one or both sides always fades. I would be more enthusiastic myself if any guy would find me attractive enough to actually get a crush, but there's never any sparkles between me and my dates.

you don't need to worry about that as much, there are plenty of men who like non-feminine women. But just know that those men aren't always super masculine and dominant, so if you want the Chad personality you're going to need to be feminine.

>me attractive enough to actually get a crush, but there's never any sparkles between me and my dates.
based on what? The first date or two? This is a huge mistake that a lot of women make with online dating. The guy just met you, you can't judge "sparkles" on the first date. Stop giving up so quickly, give it time.
What about outside of online dating? Do you have male friends? Most men are attracted to most of their non-obese female friends, so if you have a social life you probably have male friends with a crush on you.

Men are much more likely to be the perpetrators of violence. So are redguards. If that makes me a bigot so be it.

I don't really have many friends at the moment. Those I have I don't consider attractive.

What does being feminine even entail? I just like a man who has an even more aggressive personality than me. There aren't that many and those that are don't like me.

find a competent one

>Accidentally fell in love with my friend (female)

What do I do girls? I didn't want this to happen

I mean, very masculine men are usually attracted to fairly feminine women.

Normally I just try to make my boyfriend feel needed, and to be there to support him when he is in need. I try to be kind, gentle and sweet. I smile a lot. I never scream or yell, I'm soft spoken, I try to be thoughtful and considerate.
I'm not someone extremely feminine either, but just this was enough for me to get a very attractive man.

I don't do any of those things either, but I tend to be talkative and talk about myself a lot. And laugh loudly, etc. Started cursing less, though.

That image falls apart when you realize that a black woman is still safer than a white man.
It's not "black people" as a whole, but black men. The black criminals are almost all exclusively men. Men are just like that.

I met this girl through work who I became fast friends with. We hang out a lot and she's a really good friend to me, but she has a boyfriend she barely talks about. She's always available to hang out with us on the weekends and during the week after work (go out drinking, staying over super late with us)

My other guy friends and I find it kind of weird that we've never met this boyfriend because if I was dating someone I feel like I'd want to meet these new guys my girlfriend is spending all her time with. Thoughts?

Maybe she just said she has a boyfriend because she doesn't want any date propositions

she's shopping for a new boyfriend. you just aren't good enough

she got orbiters

could just be an LDR

No they've been together for 3 years

Could def be an ldr, I'm in a similar situation rn but most of my friends know that it's in ldr.

No he lives here but it just seems like they don't hang out much

>seems like she wants to text, gives normal responses and asks stuff

>replies after 20+ minutes EVERY. SINGLE. TIME

I understand that people can be busy, but every single time I'm trying to text her?

Does she just not like me?

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>again with my ex after breaking up TWICE

literally why

And it her that made the first move everytime. What do i make of this? Does she love me that much?

The biggest problem is my jealousy.She is hot and I know she gets hit on by every dick in the planet, and the fact that we broke up twice now + that the internet makes me think that as soon as i let her out of my sight she is going to be triple analed by niggers doesnt help. I WANT to have alone time but im afraid when that happens because im afraid she will think i dont give her attention and go fuck someone else.

I cant deal with those feelings. It doesnt help i live in a small community and know that other guys are discussing her. I feel proud that she is mine but i cant ever feel secure.

probably not
you will know if a girl likes you
just looksmaxx and focus on your career my dude

why don't you ask her?

you're her backup bf dude
have some respect for yourself and find someone better

what makes a guy hot for you? is it charisma or looks? are incel right about chads that good looking guys have it easy?

>forgot that the Day of the Enamored is approaching
>should definitely have asked her out
Now, if she doesn't have a bf, someone might ask her out. ;_;


Femanons, how do I not come off as boring when you match me on tinder?

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nigga, it"s late may, you have until february

Both looks and personality.
A guy can be the best looking dude on earth but if he makes my pussy dry whenever he opens his mouth, he's not hot.
An average looking dude can be hot if he has the right personality.

Should I ask out a girl I've known and have texted from time to time for the last 8 months or so, do you think it's too late?
Even if she liked me maybe it's too late now...

>8 months or so
You can try but it's probably too late unless she's really into you.

Hey girls.

I work at fast food and my career goals are wishy washy. Can we still hang out or should I focus on myself

We can hang out, but I'm not dating a man who doesn't have a career or is trying to get one.

Well our interactions have been almost the same so she either still likes me or never did.

Everyone is a backup boyfriend, even People get married and break up 2 years after because nobkdy wants to invest In relationships anymore and as soon as they see sth they dont like they move up to the next dick

Also if you are an average man you can not find a gf ever

Male here

I'm a relatively attractive, had only 1 sexual partner. I kind of envy the guys whos had more and theyre average looking. I feel like I need to play around before my looks are gone. 27 year old male here.
Will this feeling eventually go away? Will I stop feeling like an unused potential?