Atheist and white

Can I be redpilled without being religious?
Organized religion feels stupid...

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Pic related.

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I could bet my life that you are not really "atheist" or non "religious"... i could bet my life that you are a very spiritual person and you don't even know it or don't even realize that spirituality is in the same realm as religion.
styx in one of his videos made that mistake too saying that spirituality has nothing to do with religion...

Fedora meme is getting a little tired at this point.

good post, really made me think

As is your endless sperging and triggering when someone mentions religion. Something about a kettle.

You don't have to be religious in the traditional sense, but if you have no faith, you'll only fall into nihilism. Like this guy

His name was Rabbi Yeshua the Annointed Messiah. The name "Jesus" or Logos are satanic pagan-greek influences.

In the bible logos = word (Yeshau is the living word)
In Stoicism/Heraclitus LOGOS = force of reason.

God = a Germanic-Anglo-Saxon-English word for their Allfather Godin or Wod (Wotan or Odin). The father of Yeshua was EL (sometimes called YHWH), as in IsraEL, or GabriEL, or the Elohim (sons of EL).

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dumb and fake

Gnostic rubbish.

you fucking fedora, praise the king of the jews, salvation only comes from the jews, praise the god of abraham. if your spirituality did not originate with the hebrew god then you are a fucking fat fedora virgin

It will never die. Long after an asteroid has reset life on this planet back to square one, the fedora meme will reside with God as all eternal truths do. Stop drive by tipping on your motorized wheelchair and maybe you won't see it.

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Atheists and pagan fags are for meme 8th graders

WTF? It's his name you pagan gnostic freak.

Another fedora

Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek; later, the Levites would receive tithes from their countrymen. Since Aaron was in Abraham's loins then, it was as if the Aaronic priesthood were paying tithes to Melchizedek. (Heb. 7:4-10)

The one who blesses is always greater than the one being blessed. Thus, Melchizedek was greater than Abraham. As Levi was yet in the loins of Abraham, it follows that Melchizedek is greater than Levi. (Heb. 7:7-10)

If the priesthood of Aaron were effective, God would not have called a new priest in a different order in Psalm 110. (Heb. 7:11)

The basis of the Aaronic priesthood was ancestry; the basis of the priesthood of Melchizedek is everlasting life. That is, there is no interruption due to a priest's death. (Heb. 7:8,15-16,23-25)

Christ, being sinless, does not need a sacrifice for his own sins. (Heb. 7:26-27)

The priesthood of Melchizedek is more effective because it required a single sacrifice once and for all (Jesus), while the Levitical priesthood made endless sacrifices. (Heb. 7:27)

The Aaronic priests serve (or, rather, served) in an earthly copy and shadow of the heavenly Temple, which Jesus serves in. (Heb. 8:5)

No, because you have no objective basis for morality or truth, so your arguments are just as valid as your opponents'

You are Romanian, if you are not an Orthodox Christian you are dishonoring your ancestors that died to keep your people that way. Nu fi păgân.

It's literally meaningless Gnostic bullshit to scare people into mysticism.

The point is that I don't hate religious ppl I think it's a blessing to believe in something greater ...

absolutely. Spirituality is a higher truth/understanding than any religion man has created. Atheism is for retards. Have a belief in God and draw from infinite resources to build your personal belief.

It says Romanian but I lived the most time of my life in Italy ...and I hated being forced to go to church family knows that I don't believe and they just let me be cz I am a good boi

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Depends what you mean by redpilled. If you mean blindly following the shit Jow Forums spews on the daily, then yes - you have to be white and Christian. If by redpilled you mean understanding the world, or building a better understanding of it, then of course you don't have to be anything - aside from curious and driven.

Organized religion feels stupid, because it is.

I am God and whatever I say is the objective truth. There, solved that problem.

Morality argument is retarded

Picture doesn't mean anything to me. I'm not a limp christian, or a fucking kike, or a mudshit. Not a pagan either. You don't know what I am, but I know you have diabetes, aren't allowed to post on this site, have a subscription to, and would love nothing more than for Richard Dawkins to fill your boipussy.
I'm off to bed, have fun user

Huge respect for Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins their yt videos helped me a lot

And your feelings matter in pursuit of enlightenment how? Just read some holy books, they won't kill you. What, you scared?

Most atheists reject religion because it feels illogical, while science is logical. Yet this holding of logic as the gold standard breaks down when it comes to a moral theory of the world. To be an atheist is to endorse subjective morality. Subjective morality has no more of a logical foundation than subjective physics or subjective history. You can be a decent person and be an atheist, most are, but you can not construct a logical reason for being such. Someone who endorses subjective morality and is against murder, slavery, and theft can ultimately give no reason for his stance than, "because I don't like it", or better "because I'm a decent person". Both are illogical, and the latter is a non sequitur.

You don't have to be part of a formal religious organization, but if you want to have a rational framework for your moral outlook you will have to wrestle with God. Science is the tool we use rationally explore the physical universe. Religion and theology is the tool we use to explore the moral universe. Secular philosophy has attempted to do this for century after century, but failed. You can not really take the red pill until you face the moral implications of your actions, the actions of others, and the state of the culture. And you can not do that if your morality is subjective.

christcucks becoming militant is reminiscent of militant fedoras

christianity will never be cool christcucks
it's literally the opposite of cool

that's funny because christcucks say that morality comes from logos i.e. logic i.e. a sense of utilitarianism
if utilitarianism is the mark of all things, then you are no different from the atheist in your morality

yes you can.

Atheism is 1000 times worse than any religion.
So, nope.

let me guess - because muh death count?

>Logos to logic to utilitarianism

All religions are tools of (((scammers))) now
Science is the only way to save us

>Fedorism is 1000 times worse than other religions
Liberal's fedora atheism is fake atheism

Well, if God is logos, then logic is the supreme trait. Btw, this is just christcucks rebranding, and pretending that their judeo-christian values were not always inherently emotional. If logic is the supreme trait, then utilitarianism is the only viable ideology. Mind you, this will have to be left-wing utilitarianism, not right-wing utilitarianism, since you have to live by the ten commandments. So it's an even cuckier form of utilitarianism. It's the whole american savior complex replayed all over again.

If you're religious or ''''spiritual'''' you're a subhuman, it's that simple

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I'm an atheist but I still recognise and value the role of Christianity in the culture of my people.

I'd argue that morality *is* subjective and that you can't point out a religion that has had objective moral standards throughout its lifetime.

Not that us atheists have it much better. The closest I can come is to act in such a way that inflicts the least pain on other humans possible, but there's a lot of room for argument there.

>any religion
kys mudslime

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You would, in fact, be more red pilled. The final red pill on religion is that the masses and society needs it even though it is false. Better they be illogical about religion rather than more impactful thing like leftist atheists are. An ideal society would simply have some religion based on their folk, their nation. Unfortunately most of our countries are infected with Christianity and we must work with that. Read or listen to "might is right" to see why this is a problem. It's effect in society is to make people passive and egalitarian and it must at least be reformed to have a different core message. One can nit be a racist or separatist and a good Christian at the same time, so says 99.99 percent of Christians. We are all the children of God and heaven is full of old church going niggers.

Aetheism is basically "I don't think about anything before my own existsance"

"I don't need to control myself or be told how to inform myself"

"I don't care about what happens after I perish"

"I don't think or care about placing meaning beyond trinkets and superficial, perishable concepts and items"

Aetheism is a total failure of the mind to elevate outside of the physical. God made us, and everything was designed into order. Believe it, otherwise you will suffer madness and depression.

>Christcuck thinkong fedora memes are offensive
to be fair you believe in an old book
An old fucking book
Literally written to lead masses of plebeians by a select (((few)))
Atheists usually explore spiritually much deeper than any theists, because we know it's all just psychology and not some imaginary supernan

>I don't think about anything before my own existence
Did you already forget the dark ages, hypocrite cuck? Nice fucking generalisation, you worthless tranny. We're actually the ones figuring out the origins of our universe (or at least we're trying), that's objectively better than accepting an old fucking book as an absolute truth. Why Christianity and not Judaism then? Judaism predates Christianity by like 3000 years.
>I don't need to control myself or be told how to inform myself
Literally what
You are taught that by your parents, not by a fucking book top fucking kek
>I don't care about what happens after I perish
Dedicating yourself to some fucking religion doesn't strike me as "caring about what happens after one perishes"
That's called cope and denial
>I don't think or care about placing meaning beyond trinkets and superficial, perishable concepts and items
I am an atheist. I am a musician. Music is well beyond your fucking trinkets and perishable concepts. Go fuck yourself, ignorant generalising son of an absolute worthless whore

You fail at even understanding what atheism even is, you seem to think it's some sort of world view, it isn't. It's literally just not being chained to a religion. Being a theist is kind of like being a cuck, let's be honest.

Also if you're pathetic enough to suffer madness and depression from atheism then you're exactly the kind of poor kid that religion has been designed for

Whatcha doin' there, rabbi?

That doesn't justify organised religion though. I find the Christian and Buddhist traditions really fascinating, and try to follow a sort of 'spiritual' path in life, but I don't want to sit in a big congregation chanting things I don't understand. It feels demeaning to both myself and the traditions at large, especially if I don't accept everything the religion has to offer

OF COURSE we can be right wing and atheists. Look at most prominent economic thinker Milton Freedman, atheist. We are fucking FREETHINKERS and ONLY DIFFERENCE from us and the christards is that WE don't have a CUNT GOD to tell us WHO to FUCK and WHEN and WHATEVER TO FUCK! WE DO WHATEVER THE HELL WE WANT!! DO THE DRUGS WE WANT!! WE ARE OUR OWN MASTERS IN THIS UNIVERSE and WE tell others what is WRONG and RIGHT based on SCIENCE, REASON and LOGIC, not some Christard coming to us to stop using drugs, stop having a healthy sexual experimental sex life and if we like it, playing video games the whole fucking day if that is what WE want to do and not some CUNT GOD!!! REASON WITH YOU MY FRIEND. WE ATHEISTS FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE!!!

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you don't have to join a church to believe in God, user

Of course, Racism and fascism go hand in hand with naturalism.

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Religion has nothing to do with faith in god

Jews control every aspect of your life even your thoughts and you call fedora meme outdated you're not going to grow or change you're an infant

Pride is the worst blue pill, because it stops any of the other blue pills from being corrected

You are only an atheist because you are proud and self obsessed. You have an exaggerated opinion of your own intelligence. A shitty grasp on philosophy, a myopic view of history and a completly insufferable personality.

You are so retarded you can't even draw the straight line between the West's atheistic outlook and nihilistic nonsense like gender not being an objective reality, hay marriage existing and people devoting their lives to consumer products and entertainment media. You post really extremely intelligent things on message boards like 'spirituality is just psychology' and expect to be taken seriously.

There is a reason why most of the atheists on here prefer to pretend to be pagans. It's because atheism is a societal dead end that creates drop kicks like yourself. But don't let me get in the way of enjoying your consumer products you dead inside, soulless shallow embarrassment

Yes but Christianity is the final redpill.
Accept God in your heart and soul and you will be free from doubt, fear and misery.
Godspeed user.

>This nigger thinks philosophy is for subhumans