Russian Liberal vs. Racist American

We live in a time where the liberal pussy is a Russian and the anti-muslim racist is a 14yr old white american girl

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Soph is too pure for this world

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That's cute, you guys think Ben Shapiro's daughter is 'Russian' and not Ashkenazi Jewish? Adorable!

I wonder what Russians think about this faggot. He loves Muslims and Bosnia a lot apparently

Some russian user yesterday said he'd glass him if he ever saw him on the street

All liberals we have here in Russia live in mental houses, because ppl suppose they're insane.

Literally who is that?
Anyway, Russian liberals are way worse than Western liberals

I always found her really obnoxious

Racism ftw!!!

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>Literally who is that?
That's actually hilarious not even Russians know who this tampon is even though he flies his flag every option he can get. He's some Youtube zoomer that talks about Russian culture or something

I'm not from his city but if I was I would have fucked him up really bad. His accent drives me crazy. Speaks like a retard.

I just like how all the Left-winged people have lost every argument and are now going after a 14 y/o girl

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If you don't like Islam you're literally arguing for liberalism. Faggots here don't like it because it represents the male authority figure they never had growing up.

I've never heard of him until yesterday. 600000+ subs is a lot for someone who is barely capable of mumbling buzzword into the mic.

Racism is natural. Racism is good. There was a reason people didn't mix into one giant brown bowl before. All this time we were separated and still you can see people clinging to their kin. Racism is mine by the birthright. I don't hate niggers, kikes and muzzies but they have to go back.

She conceded too much in the debate. Lt. Corbis is not a NAWALT. It's a travesty that she has been made to represent the so called Alt Right.

get out of my country MORE-HAM-MUD
>dont make us do it again faggot

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NFKRZ is based
Also what the fuck is a kid doing on the internet trying to stir political shit, she needs to and study lmao

*to go home and study

Why are peophiles spamming this little girl?

He's already gotten beaten up

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Let me guess how it goes.

14 year old whore: I don't like Islam coz they rapey and violent and blow up and other neocon talking points I got from infowars

Russian "liberal" No you're just a dumb cunt

get flushed poolord


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I guess he gained much attention earlier when there was all this slav hype.

reported to ASIO

>There was a reason people didn't mix into one giant brown bowl before.
Durr, it is because we didn't have planes, trains, and automobiles, you dumbass.

Fuck niggers though

Did you watch the video in OP. He's an actual SJW faggot that denounces right wing politics and defends jews and muslims.

That's his menstrual blood.. he's fine

>gets fucked up
>posts on insta

>implying people had no form of travel before modern vehicles

Humans did mix tho and then the non-mutts would kill the miscenegated offspring..

Well guess what, it actually takes guts to think that in Russia. He's the equivalent of a western "racist".

He's admitted before that he's only a liberal by Russian standards and that by American standards he would be conservative
I've watched a lot of his videos lately and he's basically a young Russian Sargon

Its not brave to be a retarded jew , kill yourself you dumb loser.

Yes it takes guts being a homo in Russia. This is how it should be


Keep moving those goalposts ahmed.

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>600,000 subs
The Youtube (((Algorithm))) has been promoting him really hard recently.
Ive seen him in my recommendations a few times recently even though i dont watch any political shit on youtube at all.

Some noviop mutt makes money on russians, how typical. Sometimes I wonder if there are any russians.
Nah, it's not that far of a stretch from the basic soviet/postsoviet patriotism except the faggy stuff.

This is probably why he is in such denial in the video in the OP.
>the great replacement stuff etc. it´s just garbage.
Not only is it not garbage, but there are video with 4½ hours of just people calling for that.
I mean it´s just a guy who don´t want to be honest about anything. And the reason he denies it is because he doesn´t agree with the ones who are saying it. An extremely infantile mind who claims he has 'grown out of stuff'. Translation is someone beat him up and he turned into some sjw moron.

Nigger what are ships?

yikes are all Russians like this

At least the nigger lost some weight.

lmao! this is so hilarious. Let keep this movement going

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lol how the fuck is a grown ass man offended by something a 12-year-old says

Oh I see, so it was normal that my dad bought my mother on the slave market and sold my sister to our 70 year old neighbor for a goat. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

>Women dressing modestly
>Baseless claims of pedophilia
>Baseless claims of bestiality
>Baseless claims of violence
>Pee pee and poo poo

That's literally all you Jews have got. Pathetic.


What a taddle tail faggot this guy is.

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Are we seriously pretending Soph isn't Jewish?

>>Baseless claims of pedophilia
Apart from the whole raping a 9 year old thing and thighing, right?
>>Baseless claims of violence
this is retarded desu, most muslims support isis and that's ignoring all the calls to violence in the Quran

Last time i saw anything from him he was upset at pewdiepie for encouraging nazis.

he looks chechen, he's probably not ethnic russian

>I don't like Islam coz they rapey and violent and blow up and other neocon talking points I got from infowars
this is some spectacular bait

Nearly 40% of Muslim world’s population unable read or write

Inbreeding in Islam: Over 70% Of Muslims Are The Product of Incest

Muslim countries have highest rates of suicide, murder, rape and mental health problems

Pakistan ranks second in the global ranking of countries with the highest number of out-of-school children with the figure estimated to be about 25 million

Muslims country are literally the worst country in the world to live in.

t.not a skinhead just not an idoit

You know what the only thing worse than an opinionated cunt is? A 14 year old opinionated cunt.

Like most attention seeking political cunts her YouTube "career" will be over in 6 months when she runs out of other peoples opinions to regurgitate.

She has been around for ages.


He is based. He can fuck my bitch anytime.

>implying islam isn't all of that and worse

>Women dressing modestly
Throwing your women in trashbags with eye slits isn't dressing "modestly"
>Baseless claims of pedophilia
You don't even know about your own prophet
>Baseless claims of bestiality
Kek ask any Iraq or Afghan Veteran they've seen their fair share of goats and little kids being raped over there
>Baseless claims of violence
Yeah alright this is bait I'm done with you. It's a good thing your parents are cousins or else you would actually have some self awareness and a fucking brain

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He's right.

Look at the destiny debate, she could barely string words together, when Ralph or whoever wasn't speaking for her in desperation, she could only utter libertarian shtick.

If this shit isn't grooming I don't know what is.

If you actually knew anything about the world you would understand that most Islamic societies are safe, orderly and moral.

You will notice that all the anti Muslim propaganda here is centered about Arabs and the Middle East. Why is that when most of the world's Muslims live in Asia? It's because Anti-Islam shit comes from Jews who want you to hate the enemies of Israel. You people are so easily manipulated its sad.

i remember him back in 2014 with the mlg videos
what a retard hope he gets shanked

It actually takes balls to be a liberal or antifa in Russia
With 1million Neonazis, there is a really high chance you get beaten or worse

the middle east is Asia you fucking mong

Did Destiny actually debate a 14 year old?

As it should be

Goatfucker confirmed.

yes, at some point he was debating her about child porn

Instead of learning about Islam from Jewish owned and financed propaganda websites why don't you do a bit a travelling and go see for yourself?

> 1million Neonazis
He told you?

I think the main problem with our liberals is that they are not even liberals. They are Jews.

>be White
>make money
>share a house with friends who are similar to you politically
>save up money
>bring more Whites similar to you in the area and have them do the same
>get even more money
>Whites around Europe and America catch on and copy
>bypasses leftist globalist government and is completely legal
>higher chance of finding decent work through shared information between Whites
>more money from sharing and splitting the bills and food
>literally Nation building but on a housing scale

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>With 1million Neonazis, there is a really high chance you get beaten or worse
They've been all jailed a long time ago. In the streets of Russia you see lots of ethnic people.

I've watched a really good documentary about 10 years ago
Top tier shit

keeeeek. I cant tell if people are trolling or not at this point.

I'm sick of faggots proclaiming some moral high ground by being 'anti-racist."
If we are going to entertain the legitimacy of the word "racist," then we have to understand its definition, and from that you should know that any judgement or perception made on the basis of race is racism. To that effect, everyone is racist. The only stupid people in this world are those who claim to not be racist to stroke their gay egos, and they're still subliminaly racist because it's an inescapable fact of life.
Name one brown country you'd love to live in, Russian faggot.


Also the 1million was clearly a hyperbole

We have technology!!! But our morals.. What about our morals?

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>fascists radicalized ltcorbis
>ltcorbis radicalized me

Okay so you're literally retarded.


Well we live with them now, they are the worst of humanity, apart from niggers and jews.

he is a leftist alcoholic retard and cuck, what did you expect?

>Name one brown country you'd love to live in, Russian faggot.
Are you aware that Jow Forums has a whole general dedicated to a brown country, right?

>I wonder what Russians think about this faggot. He loves Muslims and Bosnia a lot apparently
First of all he's not Russian. He's churka from muslim republic of Russian Federation. Dagestan or something like that. And secondly, his parents are muslims.

She’s been making videos since she was a fetus. She’s not going anywhere.

That video was posted on April 2018?
It's too late to talk about it now.

I think Leninism was close to swj.
Read Lenin, he writes about bad Russians who humiliate national minorities. And the Soviet policy was aimed at the development of national minorities.
In the Russian Empire, everyone did not care about the Kazakhs or Uzbeks, but the Soviet government began to “enlighten” them at the expense of the Russians.

Dude are you ok with a name like that?

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We don't have other russians for you.

Imagine being that delusional. Being liberal is metagame here

No, he isn't a churka, and is Russian. I don't know where he lives but he is ethnically Russian.

that was long in the past faggot don t tease us

>Well guess what, it actually takes guts to think that in Russia.
Are you aware that to speak against Islam or Jews in Russia is a no-no? We're not some white supremacist state.

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Which year you're living in? 2005?