Why does capitalism hate traditional families so much?
Why does capitalism hate traditional families so much?
Are you suggesting that capitalism only just started when those diverged? Because we've been pushing away from free enterprise and to government fuckery over that entire graph
>Why does capitalism hate traditional families so much?
Capitalism is amoral.
In a free society, it's up to the people to be both moral and observant... If they are not...
Exactly, capital doesn't follow traditions. It follows what works best.
Capital levels traditional power structures to leave you egoless and forces you to construct an identity through consumption (what you wear, what you eat, what music you listen to, etc). This serves it's growth.
>why do jews hate traditional families so much independent of current political system
ftfy brainlet
you can still start a familiy, you just to live like one of the millions of illegals who have 10 kids, but live like 5 families to a shack in the ghetto with no internet and eat beans every night. mass immigration is fun, right
What did Lenin mean by this?
If you want to create a society with values and traditions it is vital go opt for a new system, only loosely inspired by capitalism.
to, not go
this translated in english means that the goyim are cattle and deserve to die
They do this. They attempt to get us to defend the current crypto-socialist centrally planned economic system as "free market capitalism" because it is doing everything they claim happens under a free market.
Most critics of capitalism can't (or won't) properly define capitalism because it means they can't apply the term for anything they don't like
I love how our current economic system with a central bank owned by foreign royalty, heavy regulation by unelected government officials, taxes which distort behavior, and laws that protect big business from competition is called "capitalism."
>Most critics of capitalism won't define capitalism the way I define capitalism