I came across this on Jow Forums a couple of days ago. I watched a few videos on youtube. Pretty mind blowing. It seems that civilizations existed long before modern history and were wiped out with little trace. The 900 ton monolith stones in Baalbek, Lebanon show that they had means and technology to construct massive structures that were not even possible in Roman times. Iam interested in getting more info on this subject and any redpills Jow Forums is willing to throw my way.
The Adam and Eve story and ancient civilizations
Other urls found in this thread:
Old news. The Egyptian priests told Herodotus that periodically the sun would scorch the earth. It has happened before and will happen again.
If you didn't know already, a guy scanned a full version published in 1993 and posted it on archive.org: archive.org
I'm not convinced of his process of cataclysms. Physics and geology fags have to break this down and have debates about it.
I'm not convinced of his takes on Adam and Eve, Noah and Jesus. But his "Jesus speaking Naga on the cross" hypothesis is really interesting. It would be the most interesting story ever, if we could confirm it. Rundown:
>The Bible does not describe Jesus's life from when he's a kid to when he's around 30
>The Bible says that Jesus left his parents to talk with the priests in a temple when he was a little kid, indicating that he was a genius
>In the mid 1800s, members of the British army stationed in Ahoydia, India, prehistorically known as Adjudia, found a Hindu temple where they taught in prehistoric Mayan and told of a story about Jesus coming there as a young man to study and being such a genius that he graduated when he was 25 to 30 years old, despite the fact that it took most students a lifetime. Maybe this is the city (wikipedia says it's a spiritually important city for Hindus): en.wikipedia.org
Pic related shows the Jesus chapter
Rundown continued:
>So Jesus learned Naga studying at that temple, and reverted to that while being in shock on the cross
>The words Jesus spoke on the cross were translated as probably meaning "god, why have you forsaken me". The authors wrote down what it sounded like. In Naga, there is a very similarly sounding sentence meaning "I am fainting, I am fainting. Darkness is overcoming me", which makes more sense for Jesus to be saying
Low energy thread. Get in here, niggers!
Thanks for the link user
This is true. A civilization made it out into space before the cataclysm happened. They promised the next group to rule the world and escape would be the Jews, hence "gods chosen people."
satan made up the story, satan is adam. eve did
not come from adam, but from atum/atom. satan
has the entire world fooled just as the bible has
Explain the pyramids or 900 ton stones in baalbek.
Just because someone wrote it down doesn't make it true.
Thanks user. Downloaded. I love this subject.
Planet X’s 12,000 year elliptical orbit would coincide with a reset of civilizations.
The message of the Bible became much more obvious to me after reading this short book. By building the types of civilizations we build following the teachings of Christ we can survive these cataclysms when they occur. I had a dream about this where what happens is something like the Matrix resetting. Our desire to reach for the stars comes from our genetic history of surviving these monstrous cataclysms and only by building the types of civilizations that can be built following the teachings of Christ can we be afforded enough time and labor to allow some of us to leave the planet.
Does anyone have the dump of the document that was posted a few days ago?
Nevermind, I see it's already been posted
Anyone have the unredacted old version?
The 1993 edition is different and shorter from the original redacted version on the CIA website. Needless to say that version doesn't have all the data.
The 93 version doesn't have all the data*
I am naturally suspicious of that author name though. Need more info.
I don't understand these posters. We have so many useless fucking threads and you wanna bother an interesting, insightful thread because it could be considered vaguely off topic?
It's on the fucking CIA website vault, released by a FOIA request. That IS politically relevant. Every FOIA release is.
>it's accelerating
No one likes you spain
And frankly I come to Jow Forums specifically for these alleged /x/ threads. People who know shit don't bother with /x/ because it's all horny depressed teenagers and loners developing schizophrenic messiah complexes and people who think scribbles and words will summon otherworldly entities.
I have no use whatsoever for 99% of the other threads up on Jow Forums right now. This thread must stay.
>Bait thread on it's 1000th iteration and repliers.
>Shill campaign about X eceleb.
>ScreenCaps of Twitter
>Look at what Reddit is saying about Jow Forums
Alt-History backed up by FOIA docs is absolutely political and 80% of the posters in these types of threads are smarter anons not paid to be here. I'd stop coming here if we delete this stuff.
>Chan Thomas
>Jow Forums
Coincidence overload.
um.. there is nothing found online about the ancient maya speaking a language called Naga. many, many cultures claim a Jesus visit story.
Explain wtf naga is
Jesus visiting northern india is possible. this has been known for years. check out the ahmadiyya muslim community and their views on Jesus
this adam & eve book is almost pure garbage. its meant to fool your average idiot in to thinking they are 'in on' something no one knows. all the while completely misleading the people in a harmful direction.
>glow niggers in full damage control
india is made up of many thousands of tribes and cultures. one of them in the north east is called the 'naga people'. it is not associate with south america, maya, or the mayan people in anyway.
this book is terrible
The cult of the snake, the true enemies of humanity, snakes have been depicted in history and the Bible as enemies, Greek, Roman, Indian, Chinese, sumerian, mythologies have stories of their gods destroying snakes, the Bible starts with a snake bringing misery to humanity, Egyptians worshiped snakes in their final days, the true religion of the Africans is voodoo which is called the worship of the snake, Hebrews got infected by snake cultist once they scrapped from Egypt and they grew inside the tribe, they created the freemason religion and now all their leaders are conformed by worshippers of the snake, THE CULT OF THE SNAKE, remember this, it is clearly not a real snake but it has to do something with it, maybe reptilians, maybe Satan which representation is the snake, but they clearly want to destroy humanity and blacks are humans created to worship those exact beings that will destroy us.
The image says it's ancient Mayan
>yes goy don't bother saving the white race we're all dying soon anyway
keep this doomer shit on /x/
If people believe anything in this book without examining it further, you don't even want them in your movement. But still
You played too much Assassin's Creed
Some relevant verses from the Qur'an:
69:6 And as for 'Aad, they were destroyed by a screaming, violent wind
89:6 Have you considered how your Lord dealt with [the people] of 'Ad,
89:7 Who were very tall like lofty pillars,
89:9 And [with] Thamud, who carved out the rocks in the valley?
And [with] Pharaoh, owner of the stakes? -
If you have read the Mars Exploration CIA doc you would remember the tall lanky people, I think that was Aad. Remember they were in pyramids seeking shelter from a coming wind, the 1,000 MPH wind (as described in the first verse above)
Also, if you're into ancient civilizations then you know about the global rock cutting civilization that build the ancient sites. Note how Thamud is referred to as the ones who cut rocks, and Pharoah is referred to as "owner of the stakes" and OMITS calling him owner of the pyramids.
Get it? The Qur'an is the only historical doc that precisely rejects Pharoah's ownership/rights over the pyramids and attributes it to a more ancient civilization.
>The Bible was right again
wew, who would know
The world is so interesting, in one hand we have the snake cult that wants to slave humanity and destroy human civilization and on the other hand we have the coming cathaclism that will also destroy civilization, the Bible talks about both, but it also says something this books seems to repeat, scape to the mountains to survive, the Bible says that we should scape to the mountains on the final days, as well as saying that the world will get destroyed in 24 hours, gonna search it for you and write it right here.
This. You can argue all day about the science in the book, but explain why in the hell it was classified in the first place and why was it sanitized now? Why was the name of one of the mountains changed?
What if the CIA is playing 4D chess and "classified" it then leaked the full text so people believe it's true?
Escaping to the mountains/caves wont help you survive the cataclysm but rather is a move for protecting your self when society becomes impossible to live in with rigtheousness due to how evil it has or will become.
Like not being allowed to call a person the proper pronoun, keep you child his born gender, live without usury, etc.
Because they are an intelligence agency. Everything they do is classified, everything they deal with is classified, and every time it gets released its either because it was a hoax or generally not in their interrest anyway after due research done in the time it was classified.
Do you think they would release anything that had any truth to it? I think you can learn a great deal from reading CIA documents, but the things you learn are not gonna be written in any of the documents.
Revelations 18;8
That is why in one day her plagues will come, death and mourning and famine, and she will be completely burned with fire, because Jehova God, who judged her is strong.
yo nice thank you
Look up Graham Hancock
i saw a similar thread on here a few days again, and it sparked my interest.
anyone have any idea whats in my pic? i just googled egyptian hieroglyphs after reading that thread or whatever and shit my pants when i saw pic related. it literally looks like 2 tuning forks with 5 strings attached in a 3:2 ratio (which is a perfect 5th).
>a perfect fifth is the musical interval corresponding to a pair of pitches with a frequency ratio of 3:2
from kikepedia.
also notice there is some sort of horn or deafening node that looks like the top of an axe on both the pictures.
the right picture is from the Picts of northern england. it looks like there is a hammer depicted for whacking the tuning fork, some sort of object on the right, and a cymatic pattern with cones or something below it. the fuck is going on here?
Some hypotheses:
1. The CIA classifies bullshit so it's harder to tell which classified documents are actually worth looking into
2. The CIA wants to confuse people and classified it to make it more believable
3. The CIA thought it would be dangerous to have doomsday prophecies spread among the population
4. Glowniggers are so smart that actually ꝋꜿꜾ ⱽⱺⱹⱷⱶⱵ ⱴ ⱱⱰⱦȶ ȴȣȢȡ.
By the way, what name of what mountain was changed?
I think it works for both, also why mountains? Why not simply say forests? God clearly wants people to go specifically to the mountains.
meant to say protect your soul
>Everything they do is classified, everything they deal with is classified
You're wrong, check their library, you won't only find declassified docs.
Mountains has historically an symbolically been the most separated from society/civilization you can get. Throughout history people referred to the "ones int he mountains" as usually distant/wierd people, and people in the mountains liked to keep away from the mainstream.
>Classified it, looked into it, it was literally nothing, released it
That's a reasonable hypothesis, but why not release the entire thing?
fuck joe rogan but these 2 guys are worth the listen
Flooding. Chan's talking about waves more than 2 miles high
I think it's going to happen. Humanity survived last time, there's no guarantee we'll survive it this time around. That said, the event could also be of a lower intensity than last time.
Doesn't it seem odd that megalithic structures pre-date all known civilization? Given how quickly our technological capabilities have expanded in modern times, it's baffling too think there were civilizations capable of such marvels before the start of "history".
There will be no other flood. Read Genesis.
And supersonic winds that flash-freeze mammoths
I have also some relevant verses with regards to the Greenland iron comt that hit 12,000 years ago and sparked a flood like the flood of Noah and wiped out civilization as mentioned in this video
if anyone's interested.
Mountains give you a strategic position.
the noah story isnt even original
and it doesnt say ther wont be a flood but he WONT KILL THEM ALL in a flood again
My point still stands, if they suspect there is any reality, anything relevant in it, they classify it just in case.
And again, do you seriously believe that, if/when they actually gather useful information, that they would eventually release the information to the public?
My problem with this shit is how did the dinosaurs live and evolve for millions of years with no problem but now we are going to get fuckin wiped out by wind and water crashing over the whole planet every 100k years?
thanks for the link, i'm weary of rogan too but hancock and carlson are great guys.
It is a laser beam in space, look, the earth is right below it.
Revelations 20:9
And they advanced over the breadth of the earth and encircled the camp of the holy ones and the beloved city. But fire came down out of heaven and devoured them.
The world that we see is a snake. It is the dragon of old. Look deeper.
well rogan is just a dumb fuck, its absolutely obvious but he does interview some people that are worth the listen
Because none of what you recited is true.
That the dinosaurs didn't exist or the book is bullshit?
Not entirely sure, I guess that they could cut out pieces that are compromising, somehow. Say a few chapters are found to make perfectly good sense in 400 chapters of nonsense. Releasing a "sanitised" version, being all the nonsense and nothing of the worthwhile information is somehow a PR move.
>look how open and definitely not tinfoil hat secretive we are
Your guess is as good as mine
Beware of the antichrist, who will promise a perfect civilization. He may even come off as a natsoc who knows.
This world will go bye bye.
1I saw an angel come down from heaven, carrying the key to the deep pit and a big chain. 2 He chained the dragon for 1,000 years. It is that old snake, who is also known as the devil and Satan. 3Then the angel threw the dragon into the pit. He locked and sealed it, so 1,000 years would go by before the dragon could fool the nations again. But after that, it would have to be set free for a little while.
Leafbro there are more than 100 known languages in India
No, it never represented the earth, in some myths it represented the force moving the earth, like in the Nordic myths, but it is a representation of how the cult of snake manipulates the earth and make society move as how they want it to move.
Beware of the antichrist, who will promise a perfect civilization. He may even come off as a natsoc who knows.
This world will go bye bye.
In 2015, Jow Forums was around 20% /xpol/ and it was great.
interesting, what do you think about the similarity to tuning forks in the pictures though?
see vid, a lot of the megalithic sites have stones that are (i think high in iron?) and so make this bell like sound that could've been conducive to resonance.
i don't know the mathematics behind calculating resonance of stone, voice, tuning forks, or other musical instruments, but it makes sense that we would use larger stones because higher frequency is hard to reach (which is how you move smaller stone - and they could do it by brute force anyway).
Snake is not evil. Snake is dangerous because it knows what it is doing, and you don't. References: Pantheism.
>do you seriously believe that, if/when they actually gather useful information, that they would eventually release the information to the public?
They have to under the US legislation, no need for paranoid convolutions.
Most of these heiroglyphs and symbols are by wicked people doing sorcery/wizardry and I consider it a waste of time to try and decipher the meanings. Most of it is arbitrary flair as instructed by the devil spirits just to give the appearance of mystery and depth where there really is nothing.
that has nothing to do with this
you dont understand revelation
revelation talks of this happening
read after the sixth seal and the tribulations
and then look at the map in pic related
do you see the 4 winds
thats happenign righ tnow
find the part where the events described in this book happen
and youll see
its right before yeshua returns
He says it happens more often the closer you get to the half-life point of the universe, and we conveniently passed it like 10,000 years ago
The antichrist is already on earth, it is not a person, it is an ideology, the cultural Marxist society we live in is already a pot of degeneracy and destruction, it is full of lies but still the huge majority of the people believe in those lies, we are already and the end of the times and the sons of God are already being persecuted and getting extinct, the whites.
All of this has happened before and it will happen again.
Naga was the language of the Lemurians
What is that?
We don't have to concern ourselves with such trivial matters. We could all be living in a simulation anyways.
Read the Bible. See: Nimrod.
Also, history. Josephus wrote:
>Now it was Nimrod who excited them to such an affront and contempt of God. He was the grandson of Ham, the son of Noah, a bold man, and of great strength of hand. He persuaded them not to ascribe it to God, as if it were through his means they were happy, but to believe that it was their own courage which procured that happiness. He also gradually changed the government into tyranny, seeing no other way of turning men from the fear of God, but to bring them into a constant dependence on his power. He also said he would be revenged on God, if he should have a mind to drown the world again; for that he would build a tower too high for the waters to reach. And that he would avenge himself on God for destroying their forefathers.
>Now the multitude were very ready to follow the determination of Nimrod, and to esteem it a piece of cowardice to submit to God; and they built a tower, neither sparing any pains, nor being in any degree negligent about the work: and, by reason of the multitude of hands employed in it, it grew very high, sooner than any one could expect; but the thickness of it was so great, and it was so strongly built, that thereby its great height seemed, upon the view, to be less than it really was. It was built of burnt brick, cemented together with mortar, made of bitumen, that it might not be liable to admit water. When God saw that they acted so madly, he did not resolve to destroy them utterly, since they were not grown wiser by the destruction of the former sinners; but he caused a tumult among them, by producing in them diverse languages, and causing that, through the multitude of those languages, they should not be able to understand one another. The place wherein they built the tower is now called Babylon, because of the confusion of that language which they readily understood before; for the Hebrews mean by the word Babel, confusion ...
I never read that piece of shit document, most glow niggers don't have specialized knowledge so I wouldn't be surprised if the average agent understands if the doc has any relevance or what the hell it means.
Imho from reading a few paragraphs the whole thing is poorly made BS.
The point I'm trying to make is that I think its pretty reasonable to assume that the CIA would crap all over the rules in the case they obtained information they deemed national security, especially considering that America as an institution and CIA specifically don't really hold the image of being super fucking honest about what they are doing, and I think most will agree that both occasionally do some pretty fucked up shit
Antichrist is definitely a person
“The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) .. mentioned the Dajjal (Anti-christ) and he said: ‘Indeed I warn you of him. There has not been a Prophet except that he warned his people, and Nuh indeed warned his people – but I am to say something about him that no Prophet has said to his people: You should know that he is one-eyed, and Allah is certainly not one-eyed’…. ‘You must know that not one of you will ever see his Lord until he dies.
half-life 3 confirmed
...whatever man. i don't have time for dishonest and dismissive people. you and i both know its most likely a progenitor race that is aryan. i'm just as much for gassing niggers and demons as you are, and being regressive against sound technology is exactly what someone evil wants.
google "ed leedskalnin magnetic flywheel". the hieroglyphs are from beside isis and osiris (which are one of highest figures in egyptian mythology, think of marie and jesus).
How are these round regions representing local minima and maxima of the magnetic field equatable to four winds?